Label text: Amur, Odshal, in schlammigen Gebüschen, in vislam manus Komarovii: Амур у с. Оджал, болотистые кустарные заросли.
Record creation: 2022-03-15, Marina Yarichina, PhotoScan D2Citation: Specimen LE 01041027 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
Label text: Amur, in schlammigen Gebüschen, in vislam
Record creation: 2022-03-15, Marina Yarichina, PhotoScan D2Citation: Specimen LE 01041028 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
Ranunculus baranovianus Schegol. et A.V. Grebenjuk det. Schegoleva, Grebenjuk, Аlexey Viktorovich at 04.2023
Additional identifications:Ranunculus polyrhizos Stephan ex Willd. det. Regel, Eduard August vonCollectors:Mussa, Mahmoud RuzinCollection date: 09.06.1880. Expedition:A. Regel. Iter Turkestanicum (1876 -1885)Groups of specimens:Образцы сектора Средней Азии; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056Object features: Pass KumDaban im Taschkentes Alatau... 9-21 VI 1880 leg. MussaRecord creation: 2023-04-28, Alexey Grebenjuk, PhotoScan D2. Part 2.Citation: Specimen LE 01044776 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —