LE 00006972

LE 00006972

Isotype of Psidium aerugineum O. Berg⁣

Field collecting number: 55.
Administrative regions: BR - Brazil. Place of collection: Brasilia.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Psidium aerugineum O. Berg
Type specimen category: Isotypus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: L. Riedel
Record number: 55
Country: Brazil
Locality: Brasilia
Record creation: 2020-12-27, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00006972 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00006973

LE 00006973

Isotype of Psidium alatum O. Berg⁣

Field collecting number: 1139. Collection date: 09.1827.
Administrative regions: BR - Brazil. Place of collection: In campis siccis S. da Chapaga.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Psidium alatum O. Berg
Type specimen category: Isotypus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: L. Riedel
Record number: 1139
Collection date: 09.1827
Country: Brazil
Locality: In campis siccis S. da Chapaga
Record creation: 2020-12-31, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00006973 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00006974

LE 00006974

Isotype of Psidium cupreum O. Berg⁣

Field collecting number: B.2231, C.2269.
Administrative regions: BR - Brazil. Place of collection: Brasilia.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Psidium cupreum O. Berg
Type specimen category: Isotypus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: Sellow
Record number: B.2231, C.2269
Country: Brazil
Locality: Brasilia
Record creation: 2020-12-31, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00006974 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00006975

LE 00006975

Isotype of Psidium elegans var. latifolium O. Berg⁣

Administrative regions: BR - Brazil. Place of collection: Brasilia.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Psidium elegans var. latifolium O. Berg
Type specimen category: Isotypus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: Sellow
Country: Brazil
Locality: Brasilia
Record creation: 2020-12-27, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00006975 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00006976

LE 00006976

Type of Psidium firmum var. subcordatum O. Berg⁣

Administrative regions: BR - Brazil. Place of collection: In subhumidis Batataes.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Psidium firmum var. subcordatum O. Berg
Type specimen category: Typus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: L. Riedel
Collection date: 05.[18]34
Country: Brazil
Locality: In subhumidis Batataes
Record creation: 2020-12-31, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00006976 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00006977

LE 00006977

Type of Psidium firmum var. subcordatum O. Berg⁣

Administrative regions: BR - Brazil. Place of collection: In collib. sissis pr. Pararatu.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Psidium firmum var. subcordatum O. Berg
Type specimen category: Typus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: L. Riedel
Collection date: 09.[18]34
Country: Brazil
Locality: In collib. sissis pr. Pararatu
Record creation: 2020-12-31, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00006977 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00006978

LE 00006978

Holotype of Psidium glaucescens O. Berg⁣

Field collecting number: 1141. Collection date: 09.1824.
Administrative regions: BR - Brazil. Place of collection: In campis siccis S. da Chapaga.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Psidium glaucescens O. Berg
Type specimen category: Holotypus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: L. Riedel
Record number: 1141
Collection date: 09.1824
Country: Brazil
Locality: In campis siccis S. da Chapaga
Record creation: 2020-12-31, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00006978 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00006979

LE 00006979

Holotype of Psidium grandifolium var. albidum O. Berg⁣

Field collecting number: 1379. Collection date: 11.1833.
Administrative regions: BR - Brazil. Place of collection: In campis pr. Pindaminhongabe et Taubaté siccis S. da Chapaga.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Psidium grandifolium var. albidum O. Berg
Type specimen category: Holotypus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: L. Riedel
Record number: 1379
Collection date: 11.1833
Country: Brazil
Locality: In campis pr. Pindaminhongabe et Taubaté siccis S. da Chapaga
Record creation: 2020-12-31, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00006979 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00006980

LE 00006980

Isotype of Psidium grandifolium var. heterophyllum O. Berg⁣

Collection date: 1840.
Administrative regions: BR - Brazil. Place of collection: Minas Geraes.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Psidium grandifolium var. heterophyllum O. Berg
Type specimen category: Isotypus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: Claussen
Collection date: 1840
Country: Brazil
Locality: Minas Geraes
Record creation: 2020-12-31, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00006980 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00006981

LE 00006981

Holotype of Psidium grandifolium var. incanescens O. Berg⁣

Field collecting number: 1379. Collection date: 11.1833.
Administrative regions: BR - Brazil. Place of collection: In campis pr. S. Paulo, Goyaz, Minas.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Psidium grandifolium var. incanescens O. Berg
Type specimen category: Holotypus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: L. Riedel
Record number: 1379
Collection date: 11.1833
Country: Brazil
Locality: In campis pr. S. Paulo, Goyaz, Minas
Record creation: 2020-12-31, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00006981 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00006982

LE 00006982

Syntype of Psidium incanescens var. parvifolium O. Berg⁣

Field collecting number: 529. Collection date: 1845.
Administrative regions: BR - Brazil. Place of collection: Prov. Minas Geraes.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Psidium incanescens var. parvifolium O. Berg
Type specimen category: Syntypus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: Widgren
Record number: 529
Collection date: 1845
Country: Brazil
Locality: Prov. Minas Geraes
Record creation: 2020-12-27, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00006982 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00006983

LE 00006983

Type of Psidium macahense O. Berg⁣

Field collecting number: 340. Collection date: 06.1832.
Administrative regions: BR - Brazil. Place of collection: In campis arenosis Macahé.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Psidium macahense O. Berg
Type specimen category: Typus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: L. Riedel
Record number: 340
Collection date: 06.1832
Country: Brazil
Locality: In campis arenosis Macahé
Record creation: 2020-12-31, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00006983 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00006984

LE 00006984

Type of Psidium macahense O. Berg⁣

Field collecting number: 340. Collection date: 06.1832.
Administrative regions: BR - Brazil. Place of collection: [In campis arenosis] Macahé.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Psidium macahense O. Berg
Type specimen category: Typus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: L. Riedel
Record number: 340
Collection date: 06.1832
Country: Brazil
Locality: [In campis arenosis] Macahé
Record creation: 2020-12-27, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00006984 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00006985

LE 00006985

Type of Psidium macahense O. Berg⁣

Field collecting number: 340. Collection date: 06.1832.
Administrative regions: BR - Brazil. Place of collection: [In campis arenosis] Macahé.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Psidium macahense O. Berg
Type specimen category: Typus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: L. Riedel
Record number: 340
Collection date: 06.1832
Country: Brazil
Locality: [In campis arenosis] Macahé
Record creation: 2020-12-31, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00006985 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00006986

LE 00006986

Syntype of Psidium moritzianum O. Berg⁣

Administrative regions: CO - Colombia.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Psidium moritzianum O. Berg
Type specimen category: Syntypus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: N. Kurften
Country: Colombia
Record creation: 2020-12-31, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00006986 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00006987

LE 00006987

Isotype of Psidium myrtoides O. Berg⁣

Field collecting number: 1069.
Administrative regions: BR - Brazil. Place of collection: Brasilia.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Psidium myrtoides O. Berg
Type specimen category: Isotypus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: Sellow
Record number: 1069
Country: Brazil
Locality: Brasilia
Record creation: 2020-12-31, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00006987 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00006988

LE 00006988

Holotype of Psidium oblongifolium O. Berg⁣

Administrative regions: BR - Brazil. Place of collection: In graminosis humidicaulis Batataes.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Psidium oblongifolium O. Berg
Type specimen category: Holotypus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: L. Riedel
Collection date: 05.[18]34
Country: Brazil
Locality: In graminosis humidicaulis Batataes
Record creation: 2020-12-31, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00006988 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00006989

LE 00006989

Syntype of Psidium ooideum var. grandifolium O. Berg⁣

Field collecting number: 2059.
Administrative regions: BR - Brazil. Place of collection: In campis pr. Ytu.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Psidium ooideum var. grandifolium O. Berg
Type specimen category: Syntypus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: L. Riedel
Record number: 2059
Collection date: 02.[18]34
Country: Brazil
Locality: In campis pr. Ytu
Record creation: 2020-12-31, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00006989 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00006990

LE 00006990

Syntype of Psidium ooideum var. grandifolium O. Berg⁣

Field collecting number: 2059.
Administrative regions: BR - Brazil. Place of collection: In campis pr. Ytu.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Psidium ooideum var. grandifolium O. Berg
Type specimen category: Syntypus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: L. Riedel
Record number: 2059
Collection date: 02.[18]34
Country: Brazil
Locality: In campis pr. Ytu
Record creation: 2020-12-31, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00006990 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00006991

LE 00006991

Syntype of Psidium ooideum var. grandifolium O. Berg⁣

Field collecting number: 2059.
Administrative regions: BR - Brazil. Place of collection: In campis pr. Ytu.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Psidium ooideum var. grandifolium O. Berg
Type specimen category: Syntypus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: L. Riedel
Record number: 2059
Collection date: 02.[18]34
Country: Brazil
Locality: In campis pr. Ytu
Record creation: 2020-12-31, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00006991 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00006992

LE 00006992

Syntype of Psidium ooideum var. grandifolium O. Berg⁣

Administrative regions: BR - Brazil. Place of collection: In campis graminosis subhumidis Batataes.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Psidium ooideum var. grandifolium O. Berg
Type specimen category: Syntypus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: L. Riedel
Collection date: 06.[18]34
Country: Brazil
Locality: In campis graminosis subhumidis Batataes
Record creation: 2020-12-31, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00006992 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00006993

LE 00006993

Syntype of Psidium ooideum var. grandifolium O. Berg⁣

Field collecting number: 2059.
Administrative regions: BR - Brazil. Place of collection: In campis pr. Ytu.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Psidium ooideum var. grandifolium O. Berg
Type specimen category: Syntypus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: L. Riedel
Record number: 2059
Collection date: 02.[18]34
Country: Brazil
Locality: In campis pr. Ytu
Record creation: 2020-12-31, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00006993 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00006994

LE 00006994

Holotype of Psidium ooideum var. intermedium O. Berg⁣

Field collecting number: 2293.
Administrative regions: BR - Brazil. Place of collection: In campis siccis et ad palustrib. pr. Batataes.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Psidium ooideum var. intermedium O. Berg
Type specimen category: Holotypus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: L. Riedel
Record number: 2293
Collection date: 05.[18]34
Country: Brazil
Locality: In campis siccis et ad palustrib. pr. Batataes
Record creation: 2020-12-31, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00006994 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00006995

LE 00006995

Holotype of Psidium paranense O. Berg⁣

Field collecting number: 376. Collection date: 1826.
Administrative regions: BR - Brazil. Place of collection: Brasilia: Tiété.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Psidium paranense O. Berg
Type specimen category: Holotypus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: L. Riedel
Record number: 376
Collection date: [vi].[1826]
Country: Brazil
Locality: Brasilia: Tiété
Record creation: 2020-12-31, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00006995 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00006996

LE 00006996

Isotype of Psidium paranense O. Berg⁣

Field collecting number: 376. Collection date: 06.1826.
Administrative regions: BR - Brazil. Place of collection: In arenosis ripas Tiété.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Psidium paranense O. Berg
Type specimen category: Isotypus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: L. Riedel
Record number: 376
Collection date: 06.1826
Country: Brazil
Locality: In arenosis ripas Tiété
Record creation: 2020-12-31, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00006996 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00006997

LE 00006997

Isotype of Psidium persicifolium O. Berg⁣

Field collecting number: 2916. Collection date: 1839. Place of collection: Du Certam de Bahia la Serra Açarua m. Moricand.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Psidium persicifolium O. Berg
Type specimen category: Isotypus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: Blanchet
Record number: 2916
Collection date: 1839
Country: [Brazil]
Locality: Du Certam de Bahia la Serra Açarua m. Moricand
Record creation: 2020-12-31, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00006997 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00006998

LE 00006998

Type of Psidium pohlianum O. Berg⁣

Place of collection: In campis St. Carlos.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Psidium pohlianum O. Berg
Type specimen category: Typus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: L. Riedel
Collection date: 01.[18]34
Country: [Brazil]
Locality: In campis St. Carlos
Record creation: 2020-12-31, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00006998 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00006999

LE 00006999

Type of Psidium persicifolium O. Berg⁣

Place of collection: In campis St. Carlos.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Psidium persicifolium O. Berg
Type specimen category: Typus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: L. Riedel
Collection date: 01.[18]34
Country: [Brazil]
Locality: In campis St. Carlos
Record creation: 2020-12-31, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00006999 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00007000

LE 00007000

Isotype of Psidium rhombeum O. Berg⁣

Field collecting number: 2815. Collection date: 1839. Place of collection: Du Certam de Bahia la Serra Açarua m. Moricand.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Psidium rhombeum O. Berg
Type specimen category: Isotypus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: Blanchet
Record number: 2815
Collection date: 1839
Country: [Brazil]
Locality: Du Certam de Bahia la Serra Açarua m. Moricand
Record creation: 2020-12-27, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00007000 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00007001

LE 00007001

Holotype of Psidium riedelianum O. Berg⁣

Place of collection: In campis pr. Faguára.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Psidium riedelianum O. Berg
Type specimen category: Holotypus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: L. Riedel
Collection date: 11.[18]34
Country: [Brazil]
Locality: In campis pr. Faguára
Record creation: 2020-12-31, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00007001 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00007002

LE 00007002

Isotype of Psidium robustum O. Berg⁣

Place of collection: Brasilia.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Psidium robustum O. Berg
Type specimen category: Isotypus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: Sellow
Country: [Brazil]
Locality: Brasilia
Record creation: 2020-12-31, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00007002 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00007003

LE 00007003

Isotype of Psidium rubescens O. Berg⁣

Field collecting number: 5255. Place of collection: Brasilia.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Psidium rubescens O. Berg
Type specimen category: Isotypus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: Sellow
Record number: 5255
Country: [Brazil]
Locality: Brasilia
Record creation: 2020-12-31, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00007003 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00007004

LE 00007004

Syntype of Psidium ruizianum O. Berg⁣

Place of collection: Peruvia.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Psidium ruizianum O. Berg
Type specimen category: Syntypus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: Pöppig
Country: [Peru]
Locality: Peruvia
Record creation: 2020-12-27, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00007004 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00007005

LE 00007005

Isotype of Psidium salutare var. laxum O. Berg⁣

Field collecting number: 987.
Administrative regions: VE - Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of).
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Psidium salutare var. laxum O. Berg
Type specimen category: Isotypus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: C.F.E. Otto
Record number: 987
Country: Venezuela
Record creation: 2020-12-27, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00007005 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00007006

LE 00007006

Isotype of Psidium schiedeanum O. Berg⁣

Field collecting number: 512. Place of collection: Prov. Veracruz.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Psidium schiedeanum O. Berg
Type specimen category: Isotypus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: Schiede
Record number: 512
Collection date: 08.[18]28
Country: [Mexico]
Locality: Prov. Veracruz
Record creation: 2020-12-27, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00007006 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00007007

LE 00007007

Isotype of Psidium sericeum O. Berg⁣

Field collecting number: 4817. Place of collection: Brasilia.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Psidium sericeum O. Berg
Type specimen category: Isotypus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: Sellow
Record number: 4817
Country: [Brazil]
Locality: Brasilia
Record creation: 2020-12-31, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00007007 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00007008

LE 00007008

Holotype of Psidium striatulum var. australe O. Berg⁣

Field collecting number: 2394. Place of collection: In saxosis rupibus humidis in undatis. ripas Rio Grande.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Psidium striatulum var. australe O. Berg
Type specimen category: Holotypus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: L. Riedel
Record number: 2394
Collection date: 07.[18]34
Country: [Brazil]
Locality: In saxosis rupibus humidis in undatis. ripas Rio Grande
Record creation: 2020-12-31, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00007008 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00007009

LE 00007009

Holotype of Psidium striatulum var. australe O. Berg⁣

Field collecting number: 2394. Place of collection: In saxosis rupibus humidis in unundatis. ripas Rio Grande.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Psidium striatulum var. australe O. Berg
Type specimen category: Holotypus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: L. Riedel
Record number: 2394
Collection date: 07.[18]34
Country: [Brazil]
Locality: In saxosis rupibus humidis in unundatis. ripas Rio Grande
Record creation: 2020-12-31, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00007009 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00007010

LE 00007010

Holotype of Psidium striatulum var. paranense O. Berg⁣

Field collecting number: 411. Collection date: 08.1826. Place of collection: In saxosis humidis ripas rivi Tiété, Parana et R. Pardo.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Psidium striatulum var. paranense O. Berg
Type specimen category: Holotypus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: L. Riedel
Record number: 411
Collection date: 08.1826
Country: [Brazil]
Locality: In saxosis humidis ripas rivi Tiété, Parana et R. Pardo
Record creation: 2020-12-31, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00007010 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00007011

LE 00007011

Isotype of Psidium striatulum var. paranense O. Berg⁣

Field collecting number: 411. Collection date: 1826. Place of collection: Brasilia: Tiété, Parana et R. Pardo.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Psidium striatulum var. paranense O. Berg
Type specimen category: Isotypus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: L. Riedel
Record number: 411
Collection date: [viii].[1826]
Country: [Brazil]
Locality: Brasilia: Tiété, Parana et R. Pardo
Record creation: 2020-12-31, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00007011 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00007012

LE 00007012

Holotype of Psidium umbrosum O. Berg⁣

Field collecting number: 1528. Collection date: 1828. Place of collection: Brasilia: Santarem.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Psidium umbrosum O. Berg
Type specimen category: Holotypus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: L. Riedel
Record number: 1528
Collection date: [xi].[1828]
Country: [Brazil]
Locality: Brasilia: Santarem
Record creation: 2020-12-31, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00007012 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00007013

LE 00007013

Isotype of Psidium umbrosum O. Berg⁣

Field collecting number: 1528. Collection date: 11.1828. Place of collection: In umbr. siccis pr. Santarem.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Psidium umbrosum O. Berg
Type specimen category: Isotypus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: L. Riedel
Record number: 1528
Collection date: 11.1828
Country: [Brazil]
Locality: In umbr. siccis pr. Santarem
Record creation: 2020-12-27, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00007013 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00007014

LE 00007014

Syntype of Psidium ypanemense O. Berg⁣

Field collecting number: 1670. Place of collection: Brasilia.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Psidium ypanemense O. Berg
Type specimen category: Syntypus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: Sellow
Record number: 1670
Country: [Brazil]
Locality: Brasilia
Record creation: 2020-12-31, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00007014 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00007015

LE 00007015

Isotype of Aulomyrcia acutata O. Berg⁣

Place of collection: Brasilia.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Aulomyrcia acutata O. Berg
Type specimen category: Isotypus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: Sellow
Country: [Brazil]
Locality: Brasilia
Record creation: 2020-12-27, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00007015 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00007016

LE 00007016

Holotype of Aulomyrcia albotomentosa var. subcordata O. Berg⁣

Place of collection: In campis collib. siccis pr. Curvellos.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Aulomyrcia albotomentosa var. subcordata O. Berg
Type specimen category: Holotypus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: L. Riedel
Collection date: 11.[18]34
Country: [Brazil]
Locality: In campis collib. siccis pr. Curvellos
Record creation: 2020-12-27, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00007016 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00007017

LE 00007017

Syntype of Aulomyrcia alloiota var. cuneata O. Berg⁣

Field collecting number: 1231.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Aulomyrcia alloiota var. cuneata O. Berg
Type specimen category: Syntypus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: Martius
Record number: 1231
Country: [Brazil]
Record creation: 2020-12-31, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00007017 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00007018

LE 00007018

Specimen originale of Aulomyrcia alloiota var. ovalis O. Berg⁣

Field collecting number: 576. Collection date: 10.1826. Place of collection: In ripa rivi Pardo.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Aulomyrcia alloiota var. ovalis O. Berg
Type specimen category: Original material
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: L. Riedel
Record number: 576
Collection date: 10.1826
Country: [Brazil]
Locality: In ripa rivi Pardo
Record creation: 2020-12-31, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00007018 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00007019

LE 00007019

Specimen originale of Aulomyrcia alloiota var. ovalis O. Berg⁣

Field collecting number: 576. Collection date: 10.1826. Place of collection: In ripa rivi Pardo.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Aulomyrcia alloiota var. ovalis O. Berg
Type specimen category: Original material
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: L. Riedel
Record number: 576
Collection date: 10.1826
Country: [Brazil]
Locality: In ripa rivi Pardo
Record creation: 2020-12-31, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00007019 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00007020

LE 00007020

Isotype of Aulomyrcia amethystina var. pujchra O. Berg⁣

Field collecting number: 1039.
Administrative regions: BR - Brazil.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Aulomyrcia amethystina var. pujchra O. Berg
Type specimen category: Isotypus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: F. Sellow
Record number: 1039
Country: Brazil
Record creation: 2020-12-27, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00007020 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 00007021

LE 00007021

Isotype of Aulomyrcia angustifolia O. Berg⁣

Field collecting number: 1048.
Administrative regions: BR - Brazil.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Myrtaceae
Taxon: Aulomyrcia angustifolia O. Berg
Type specimen category: Isotypus
Identified by: O. Berg
Collectors: F. Sellow
Record number: 1048
Country: Brazil
Record creation: 2020-12-31, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00007021 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —