LE 01049357

LE 01049357

Paratype of Ophiopogon fruticulosus Aver., N.Tanaka & K.S.Nguyen⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 05.03.2005

Collectors: Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; et al. Field collecting number: HAL6489. Collection date: 05.03.2005.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Ha Giang.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium
Original label text:
FLORA OF VIETNAM Fam. Liliaceae s.l. Convallariaceae Ophiopogon fruticulosus Aver., N.Tanaka et S.K.Nguyen Type Vietnam, Ha Giang Prov., Bac Me Distr., Phieng Luong Municipality, around Phieng Luong village about 4 km to SW of Phieng Luong Municipality headquarter 22º39’29’’N, 105º19’35’’E. Slightly logged primary closed evergreen broad-leaved forest on slopes of remnant mountains composed with solid highly eroded crystalline and partially shale limestone at elev. 1000-1200 m a.s.l. Undershrub 0.5-1.5 m tall on rocky top of ridge. Fruits deep blue. Locally very common. No HAL 6489 5 March 2005. Collectors: L.Averyanov, P.K.Loc, N.T.Vinh, A.Averyanova.
Coordinates (geographic position): 22° 39′ 29″ N, 105° 19′ 35″ E ±1000 m
Record creation: 2019-02-22, Leonid Averyanov, PhotoScan D1
Citation: Specimen LE 01049357 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01049374

LE 01049374

Paratype of Ophiopogon fruticulosus Aver., N.Tanaka & K.S.Nguyen⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 15.07.2014

Collectors: Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich Field collecting number: HAL6489.1. Collection date: 15.07.2014.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Ha Giang.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; L. V. Averyanov photos
Original label text:
FLORA OF VIETNAM Fam. Liliaceae s.l. Convallariaceae Ophiopogon fruticulosus Aver., N.Tanaka et S.K.Nguyen Type Vietnam, Ha Giang Prov., Bac Me Distr., Phieng Luong Municipality, around Phieng Luong village about 4 km to SW of Phieng Luong Municipality headquarter 22º39’29’’N, 105º19’35’’E. Slightly logged primary closed evergreen broad-leaved forest on slopes of remnant mountains composed with solid highly eroded crystalline and partially shale limestone at elev. 1000-1200 m a.s.l. Undershrub 0.5-1.5 m tall on rocky top of ridge. Fruits deep blue. Locally very common. No HAL 6489 5 March 2005. Collectors: L.Averyanov, P.K.Loc, N.T.Vinh, A.Averyanova. Fl. In cult in November – December 2015. Flowers white with light violet tint. Photos. Averyanov L. Collected from cultivated plant grown from seeds. L. Averyanov 15 July 2014.
Coordinates (geographic position): 22° 39′ 29″ N, 105° 19′ 35″ E ±1000 m
Record creation: 2019-04-11, Leonid Averyanov, PhotoScan D1
Citation: Specimen LE 01049374 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01049378

LE 01049378

Holotype of Peliosanthes grandiflora Aver. & N.Tanaka⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 08.2010

Additional identifications: Peliosanthes yunnanensis F.T.Wang & Tang⁣ ⟮prelim. ID⟯ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 09.2010
Collectors: Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich Field collecting number: HAL10767.1. Collection date: 08.2010.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Lai Chau.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; L. V. Averyanov photos; L. V. Averyanov drawings
Original label text:
Liliaceae s.l. (Convallariaceae)
Peliosanthes yunnanensis F.T. Wang et Tang ?

Lai Chau Prov., Phong Tho Distr., Sin Suoi Ho Municipality, Sa Ma Pho village, around point 22°33’21’’N 103°34’29’’E. Secondary evergreen broad-leaved wet closed forest with bamboo on very steep mountain slopes and along ridges composed predominantly with weathered granite at elev. about 1900-2050 m a.s.l. Terrestrial herb on shady rocky slope. Flowers light dull yellowish. Fruits blue, juicy. Locally very common.

HAL 10767 14 Dec. 2006 Photo. Coll.: Nguyen Tien Hiep, L.Averyanov, Phan Ke Loc, Pham Van The, N.T.Vinh.

d-EXSICCATES OF VIETNAMESE FLORA 0089/HAL10767 (HN, LE) © Nguyen Tien Hiep, L.Averyanov, Phan Ke Loc
Fl. et coll. In horto in August 2010 Averyanov L.
Coordinates (geographic position): 22° 33′ 21″ N, 103° 34′ 29″ E ±1000 m
Record creation: 2019-04-11, Leonid Averyanov, PhotoScan D1
Citation: Specimen LE 01049378 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01049382

LE 01049382

Paratype of Peliosanthes grandiflora Aver. & N.Tanaka⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 14.12.2006

Additional identifications: Peliosanthes yunnanensis F.T.Wang & Tang⁣ ⟮prelim. ID⟯ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 09.2010
Collectors: Tien Hiep Nguyen; Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; Phan Ke Loc; The Van Pham; Vinh Tien Nguyen Field collecting number: HAL10767. Collection date: 14.12.2006.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Lai Chau.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; L. V. Averyanov photos; L. V. Averyanov drawings
Original label text:
FLORA OF VIETNAM Liliaceae s.l. (Convallariaceae) Peliosanthes sp.nov. Lai Chau Prov., Phong Tho Distr., Sin Suoi Ho Municipality, Sa Ma Pho village, around point 22°33’21’’N 103°34’29’’E. Secondary evergreen broad-leaved wet closed forest with bamboo on very steep mountain slopes and along ridges composed predominantly with weathered granite at elev. about 1900-2050 m a.s.l. Terrestrial herb on shady rocky slope. Flowers light dull yellowish. Fruits blue, juicy. Locally very common. HAL 10767 14 Dec. 2006 Photo. Coll.: Nguyen Tien Hiep, L.Averyanov, Phan Ke Loc, Pham Van The, N.T.Vinh. d-EXSICCATES OF VIETNAMESE FLORA 0089/HAL10767 (HN, LE) © Nguyen Tien Hiep, L.Averyanov, Phan Ke Loc
Coordinates (geographic position): 22° 33′ 21″ N, 103° 34′ 29″ E ±1000 m
Record creation: 2019-04-11, Leonid Averyanov, PhotoScan D1
Citation: Specimen LE 01049382 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01049390

LE 01049390

Isotype of Peliosanthes retroflexa Aver. & N.Tanaka⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 05.07.2014

Collectors: Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; Phan Ke Loc; Nguyen Quang Hieu; The Van Pham; Vinh Tien Nguyen Field collecting number: HAL12374a. Collection date: 15.06.211.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Quang Binh.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; L. V. Averyanov photos
Original label text:
FLORA OF VIETNAM Liliaceae s.l. (Convallariaceae) Peliosanthes retroflexa Aver. et N.Tanaka Type Quang Binh Prov., Minh Hoa Distr., Dan Hoa Municipality, Giang Man Ridge (Vietnam-Laos border) near Cha Lo Vietnam-Lao border gate around point 17°41’50”N 105°45’54”E. Primary evergreen broad-leaved and coniferous (with Dacrycarpus and Fokienia) wet forest along ridge edge composed with shale and sandstone at elevation about 900-1100 m a.s.l. Terrestrial herb on shady slope. Fruits blue. Common. HAL 12374 8 February 2009 Coll.: L.Averyanov, P.K.Loc, N.T.Vinh, L.T.Son.
Coordinates (geographic position): 17° 41′ 50″ N, 105° 45′ 54″ E ±1000 m
Record creation: 2019-04-11, Leonid Averyanov, PhotoScan D1
Citation: Specimen LE 01049390 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01049418

LE 01049418

Paratype of Peliosanthes grandiflora Aver. & N.Tanaka⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 13.12.2006

Additional identifications: Peliosanthes yunnanensis F.T.Wang & Tang⁣ ⟮prelim. ID⟯ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 10.2010
Collectors: Tien Hiep Nguyen; Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; Phan Ke Loc; The Van Pham; Vinh Tien Nguyen Field collecting number: HAL10767. Collection date: 14.12.2006.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Lai Chau.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; L. V. Averyanov photos; L. V. Averyanov drawings
Original label text:
FLORA OF VIETNAM Liliaceae s.l. (Convallariaceae) Peliosanthes sp.nov. Lai Chau Prov., Phong Tho Distr., Sin Suoi Ho Municipality, Sa Ma Pho village, around point 22°33’21’’N 103°34’29’’E. Secondary evergreen broad-leaved wet closed forest with bamboo on very steep mountain slopes and along ridges composed predominantly with weathered granite at elev. about 1900-2050 m a.s.l. Terrestrial herb on shady rocky slope. Flowers light dull yellowish. Fruits blue, juicy. Locally very common. HAL 10767 14 Dec. 2006 Photo. Coll.: Nguyen Tien Hiep, L.Averyanov, Phan Ke Loc, Pham Van The, N.T.Vinh. d-EXSICCATES OF VIETNAMESE FLORA 0089/HAL10767 (HN, LE) © Nguyen Tien Hiep, L.Averyanov, Phan Ke Loc
Coordinates (geographic position): 22° 33′ 21″ N, 103° 34′ 29″ E ±1000 m
Record creation: 2019-04-11, Leonid Averyanov, PhotoScan D1
Citation: Specimen LE 01049418 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01049430

LE 01049430

Holotype of Peliosanthes retroflexa Aver. & N.Tanaka⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 15.06.2011

Collectors: Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich Field collecting number: HAL12374.1. Collection date: 15.06.2011.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Quang Binh.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; L. V. Averyanov photos; L. V. Averyanov drawings
Original label text:
FLORA OF VIETNAM Liliaceae s.l. (Convallariaceae) Peliosanthes retroflexa Aver. et N.Tanaka Type Quang Binh Prov., Minh Hoa Distr., Dan Hoa Municipality, Giang Man Ridge (Vietnam-Laos border) near Cha Lo Vietnam-Lao border gate around point 17°41’50”N 105°45’54”E. Primary evergreen broad-leaved and coniferous (with Dacrycarpus and Fokienia) wet forest along ridge edge composed with shale and sandstone at elevation about 900-1100 m a.s.l. Terrestrial herb on shady slope. Fruits blue. Common. HAL 12374 8 February 2009 Coll.: L.Averyanov, P.K.Loc, N.T.Vinh, L.T.Son.
Coordinates (geographic position): 17° 41′ 50″ N, 105° 45′ 54″ E ±1000 m
Record creation: 2019-04-11, Leonid Averyanov, PhotoScan D1
Citation: Specimen LE 01049430 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01049452

LE 01049452

Holotype of Peliosanthes argenteostriata Aver. & N. Tanaka⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 20.01.2005

Collectors: Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; Phan Ke Loc; The Van Pham; Averyanova, Anna Leonidovna (Аверьянова, Анна Леонидовна); Vinh Tien Nguyen; N.Q. Vinh; N.T. Binh Field collecting number: HAL5975. Collection date: 20.01.2005.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Quang Binh.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; L. V. Averyanov drawings
Original label text:
FLORA OF VIETNAM NEW Plants of Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park Fam. Liliaceae s.l. Convallariaceae Peliosanthes argenteostriata Aver., sp.nov. Type Vietnam, Quang Binh Prov., Minh Hoa Distr., Thuong Hoa Municipality, about 1-1.5 km to SW of Ban On village (17º40'21''N, 105º58'00''E). Ca Xach mountain (17º39'20''N, 105º57'42''E). Primary closed evergreen broad-leaved gnarled stunted forest along rocky ridge composed with solid marble-like highly eroded crystalline limestone at elevation 600-800 m a.s.l. Terrestrial and lithophytic herb on very steep rocky slope. Leave deep green with broad median whitish stripe. Not rare. No HAL 5975 20 January 2005. Collectors: L.Averyanov, P.K.Loc, P.V.The, A.Averyanova, N.T.Vinh, N.Q.Vinh, N.T.Binh.
Coordinates (geographic position): 17° 40′ 21″ N, 105° 58′ E ±1000 m
Record creation: 2019-04-11, Leonid Averyanov, PhotoScan D1
Citation: Specimen LE 01049452 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01049453

LE 01049453

Holotype of Lilium procumbens Aver. & N.Tanaka⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 27.07.2015

Collectors: Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich Field collecting number: CPC5359a TM 1035. Collection date: 27.07.2015.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Cao Bang.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; L. V. Averyanov photos
Original label text:
Lilium procumbens Aver. et N.Tanaka Holotype

Cao Bang Prov., Nguyen Binh Distr., Ca Thanh Municipality, Ta Pin village, around point 22°43'56.4"N, 105°51'16.4"E. Primary coniferous forest with Pseudotsuga sinensis along highly eroded rocky limestone ridge at elevation about 1400 m a.s.l. Terrestrial and lithophytic climbing vine-like unbranched herb with slender shoots to 2 m long on very steep mossy rocky shady slope. Rare.
3 October 2013 CPC 5359a/TM 1035
L.Averyanov, N.T.Hiep, L.M.Tuan, N.S.Khang, T.Maisak, L.Osinovets

Fl. in cult. 27 July 2013

d-EXSICCATES OF VIETNAMESE FLORA 0234/CPC 5359/TM 1035 © L.Averyanov
Coordinates (geographic position): 22° 43′ 56.4″ N, 105° 51′ 16.4″ E ±1000 m
All photos © L. Averyanov
Record creation: 2019-04-11, Leonid Averyanov, PhotoScan D1
Citation: Specimen LE 01049453 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01049458

LE 01049458

Paratype of Peliosanthes grandiflora Aver. & N.Tanaka⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 09.2010

Additional identifications: Peliosanthes yunnanensis F.T.Wang & Tang⁣ ⟮prelim. ID⟯ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 09.2010
Collectors: Tien Hiep Nguyen; Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; Phan Ke Loc; The Van Pham; Vinh Tien Nguyen Field collecting number: HAL10767. Collection date: 14.12.2006.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Lai Chau.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; L. V. Averyanov photos; L. V. Averyanov drawings
Original label text:
Liliaceae s.l. (Convallariaceae)
Peliosanthes sp.nov.

Lai Chau Prov., Phong Tho Distr., Sin Suoi Ho Municipality, Sa Ma Pho village, around point 22°33’21’’N 103°34’29’’E. Secondary evergreen broad-leaved wet closed forest with bamboo on very steep mountain slopes and along ridges composed predominantly with weathered granite at elev. about 1900-2050 m a.s.l. Terrestrial herb on shady rocky slope. Flowers light dull yellowish. Fruits blue, juicy. Locally very common.

HAL 10767 14 Dec. 2006 Photo. Coll.: Nguyen Tien Hiep, L.Averyanov, Phan Ke Loc, Pham Van The, N.T.Vinh.

d-EXSICCATES OF VIETNAMESE FLORA 0089/HAL10767 (HN, LE) © Nguyen Tien Hiep, L.Averyanov, Phan Ke Loc
Coordinates (geographic position): 22° 33′ 21″ N, 103° 34′ 29″ E ±1000 m
Record creation: 2019-04-11, Leonid Averyanov, PhotoScan D1
Citation: Specimen LE 01049458 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01049853

LE 01049853

Ophiopogon kradungensis M.N.Tamura⁣ det. Noriyuki Tanaka at 25.09.2021

Additional identifications: Ophiopogon reptans Hook.f.⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 06.12.1995
Collectors: Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; et al. Field collecting number: VH2282. Collection date: 06.12.1995.
Administrative regions: VN - Kon Tum.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium
Original label text:
Fam. Liliaceae s.l.
Ophyopogon sp.

S. Vietnam, Prov. Kon Tum, Distr. Dak Gley, about 10-12 km to the SE of Dak Gley town (4-6 km to the E of Dak Tung village). Primary evergreen mountain forest at 1200-1300 m alt. Terrestrial herb up to 0.7 m high. Common at 1100-1300 m alt. Ripe fruits blue. No VH 2282 06.12.1995. International Botanical Expedition of the U.S.A. National Geographic Society (grant No 5094-93). Participants: L. Averyanov, N.T. Ban, A. Budantzev, L. Budantzev, N.T. Hiep, D.D. Huyen, P.K. Loc, G. Yakovlev
Record creation: 2019-02-22, Leonid Averyanov, PhotoScan D1
Citation: Specimen LE 01049853 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01049859

LE 01049859

Ophiopogon sp.⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 03.12.2006

Collectors: Tien Hiep Nguyen; Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; The Van Pham Field collecting number: HAL10320. Collection date: 03.12.2006.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Lai Chau.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056; Flora of Vietnam
Original label text:
Liliaceae s.l. (Convallariaceae).
Ophiopogon sp.

Lai Chau Prov., Tam Duong Distr., Ho Thau Community, Ho Thau village, around point 22°23'49"N 103°36'39"E. Primary closed evergreen broad-leaved forest on steep mountain slopes and along ridges composed with granite and shale at elev. about 1900-2350 m a.s.l. Terrestrial herb on very steep rocky shady slope and along ridge edge. Fruits black. Very common. Common dominant of herbaceous stratum. HAL 10320 3 Dec. 2006. Coll.: Nguyen Tien Hiep, L.Averyanov, Pham Van The.
Coordinates (geographic position): 22° 23′ 49″ N, 103° 36′ 39″ E ±1000 m
Record creation: 2019-02-22, Leonid Averyanov, PhotoScan D1. Processing status: work_status_1
Citation: Specimen LE 01049859 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01049864

LE 01049864

Paratype of Ophiopogon brevicaulis N.Tanaka & Aver.⁣ det. Noriyuki Tanaka at 25.07.2019

Additional identifications: Ophiopogon sp.⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 04.12.2006
Collectors: Tien Hiep Nguyen; Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; The Van Pham Field collecting number: HAL10378. Collection date: 04.12.2006.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Lai Chau.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium
Original label text:
FLORA OF VIETNAM. Liliaceae s.l. (Convallariaceae). Ophiopogon sp. Lai Chau Prov., Tam Duong Distr., Ho Thau Community, Ho Thau village, around point 22°24'21"N 103°36'34"E. Primary closed evergreen broad-leaved forest on steep mountain slopes and along ridges composed with granite and shale at elev. about 2400 m a.s.l. Terrestrial and lithophytic herb on shady very steep rocky slope. Fruits blue. Locally very common. HAL 10378 4 Dec. 2006. Coll.: Nguyen Tien Hiep, L.Averyanov, Pham Van The.
Coordinates (geographic position): 22° 24′ 21″ N, 103° 36′ 34″ E ±1000 m
Record creation: 2019-02-22, Leonid Averyanov, PhotoScan D1
Citation: Specimen LE 01049864 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01049874

LE 01049874

Aspidistra bogneri Tillich⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 13.04.2015

Collectors: Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich Field collecting number: HAL12681aa. Collection date: 05.2009.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Phu Tho.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; L. V. Averyanov photos
Original label text:
FLORA OF VIETNAM Liliaceae s.l. (Convallariaceae) Aspidistra bogneri Tillich Phu Tho Prov., Tan Son Distr., Xuan Son Municipality, Du village, around point 21°06’57”N 104°57’17”E. Primary broad-leaved closed wet forest on very steep rocky slopes and cliffs of low remnant mountains composed with highly eroded solid marble-like limestone at elevation 400-500 m a.s.l. Terrestrial herb on shady slope composed mixed with solid eroded limestone and shale. Leaves dark green to 1.5 m long and 20 cm wide. Flower buds purple. Fruit gray, globular, about 4 cm in diam. Locally very common. HAL 12681aa 16 February 2009 (Living sample only). Coll.: L.Averyanov, P.K.Loc, N.T.Vinh, L.T.Son. Flowered in cult. in April – May 2015. Flowers purple, stigma white. Photos P.Efimov.
Coordinates (geographic position): 21° 6′ 57″ N, 104° 57′ 17″ E ±1000 m
Record creation: 2019-03-16, Leonid Averyanov, PhotoScan D1
Citation: Specimen LE 01049874 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01049893

LE 01049893

Ophiopogon kradungensis M.N.Tamura⁣ det. Noriyuki Tanaka at 25.09.2021

Additional identifications: Ophiopogon reptans Hook.f.⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 14.11.1995
Collectors: Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; et al. Field collecting number: VH1630. Collection date: 14.11.1995.
Administrative regions: VN - Kon Tum.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; L. V. Averyanov photos
Original label text:
Fam. Liliaceae
Ophiopogon sp.

S. Vietnam, Prov. Kon Tum, Distr. Dak Gley, about 12 km to N of Dak Gley town (24 km by road), near Mang Khen village. Primary wet mountain evergreen forest on slope of N exposition at 1100-1200 m alt. Herb up to 1 m high. Very common. No VH 1630 14.11.1995. International Botanical Expedition of the U.S.A. National Geographic Society (grant No 5094-93). Participants: L. Averyanov, N.T. Ban, A. Budantzev, L. Budantzev, N.T. Hiep, D.D. Huyen, P.K. Loc, G. Yakovlev
Record creation: 2019-02-22, Leonid Averyanov, PhotoScan D1
Citation: Specimen LE 01049893 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01049896

LE 01049896

Ophiopogon chingii F.T.Wang & Tang⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 2019

Collectors: Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; et al. Field collecting number: HAL7802. Collection date: 04.05.2005.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Thua Thien-Hue.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium
Original label text:
FLORA OF VIETNAM Fam. Liliaceae s.l. Convallariaceae Ophiopogon sp. Vietnam, Thua Thien – Hue Prov., A Luoi Distr., Huong Nguyen Municipality, in vicinities of Tra Ve forest protection station, around point 16°13'47''N, 107°27'47''E at elevation about 80-120 m a.s.l. Secondary closed evergreen broad-leaved forest on steep hill and mountain slopes composed with shale along stream valley. Terrestrial and lithophytic herb along shady wet rocky stream slopes. Locally very common. No HAL 7802 4 May 2005. Collectors: L.Averyanov, P.K.Loc, T.V.Thao, N.T.Vinh.
Coordinates (geographic position): 16° 13′ 47″ N, 107° 27′ 47″ E ±1000 m
Record creation: 2019-02-22, Leonid Averyanov, PhotoScan D1
Citation: Specimen LE 01049896 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01049899

LE 01049899

Ophiopogon sp.⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 15.03.2005

Collectors: Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; et al. Field collecting number: HAL6764. Collection date: 15.03.2005.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Lang Son.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056; Flora of Vietnam
Original label text:
Fam. Liliaceae s.l. Convallariaceae.
Ophiopogon sp.

Vietnam, Lang Son Prov., Bac Son Distr., Tan Tri Municipality, around Na Mau village, Khau Kieng ridge composed with shale. Deeply degraded remnants of primary and secondary broadleaved evergreen wet forest with bamboo at elevation 800-1100 m a.s.l. Terrestrial herb on shady rocky slope along ridge. Fruits blue. Very common. No HAL 6764 15 March 2005. Collectors: L.Averyanov, N.T.Hiep, P.V.The, A.Averyanova.
Record creation: 2019-02-22, Leonid Averyanov, PhotoScan D1. Processing status: work_status_1
Citation: Specimen LE 01049899 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01049921

LE 01049921

Ophiopogon chingii F.T.Wang & Tang⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 2013

Collectors: Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; et al. Field collecting number: HAL6383. Collection date: 03.02.2005.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Quang Binh.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium
Original label text:
FLORA OF VIETNAM Plants of Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park Fam. Liliaceae s.l. Convallariaceae Ophiopogon sp. Vietnam, Quang Binh Prov., Bo Trach Distr., Son Trach Municipality, around point 17º31'02''N, 106º16'48''E at elev. 200-250 m a.s.l. Secondary closed broad-leaved evergreen forest and scrub on rocky steep slopes of remnant mountains composed with solid highly eroded crystalline gray limestone. Lithophytic herb up to 0.5 m tall on shady rocks along river. Fruits brightly blue. Locally abundant. No HAL 6383 3 February 2005.Collectors: L.Averyanov, P.K.Loc, P.V.The, A.Averyanova, N.T.Vinh, N.Q.Vinh, N.T.Binh.
Coordinates (geographic position): 17° 31′ 2″ N, 106° 16′ 48″ E ±1000 m
Record creation: 2019-02-22, Leonid Averyanov, PhotoScan D1
Citation: Specimen LE 01049921 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01049924

LE 01049924

Ophiopogon kradungensis M.N.Tamura⁣ det. Noriyuki Tanaka at 25.09.2021

Additional identifications: Ophiopogon reptans Hook.f.⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 2013; Ophiopogon chingii F.T.Wang & Tang⁣ det. Arnautov, Nikolai Nikolaevich at 20.08.1997; Ophiopogon sp.⁣ det. Tien Hiep Nguyen at 08.08.1995
Collectors: Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; et al. Field collecting number: VH1262. Collection date: 09.04.1995.
Administrative regions: VN - Kon Tum.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium
Original label text:
Fam. Liliaceae s.l.
Ophiopogon sp.

S. Vietnam, Prov. Kontum. Evergreen primary forest at 1900-2000 m alt. on NW slope of Ngoc Linh mountain system on elevation to Ngoc Gua peak. Herb up to 0.3 m high. Common on 1900-2100 m alt., especially on tops of ridges. No VH 1262 09.04.1995 International Botanical Expedition of the U.S.A. National Geographic Society (grant No 5094-93) Participants: L. Averyanov, N.T. Ban, N. Q. Binh, A. Budantzev, L. Budantzev, N.T. Hiep, D.D. Huyen, P.K. Loc, N.X. Tam, G. Yakovlev
Record creation: 2019-02-22, Leonid Averyanov, PhotoScan D1
Citation: Specimen LE 01049924 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01049939

LE 01049939

Ophiopogon sp.⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 28.03.2005

Collectors: Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; Tien Hiep Nguyen; et al. Field collecting number: HAL7045. Collection date: 28.03.2005.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Thua Thien-Hue.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056; Flora of Vietnam
Original label text:
Fam. Liliaceae s.l. Convallariaceae.
Ophiopogon sp

Vietnam, Thua Thien ° Hue Prov., Nam Dong Distr., Huong Son Municipality, around point 16°10'22"N, 107°36'24"E. Fractionally logged primary closed broad-leaved evergreen lowland forest along La Ma River on very steep hill slopes composed with clayey shale and sandstone at elevation about 300 m a.s.l. Terrestrial herb on very steep slope along rocky stream valley. Not common. No HAL 7045 28 March 2005. Collectors: L.Averyanov, N.T.Hiep, P.K.Loc, P.V.The, A.Averyanova, N.T.Vinh.
Coordinates (geographic position): 16° 10′ 22″ N, 107° 36′ 24″ E ±1000 m
Record creation: 2019-02-22, Leonid Averyanov, PhotoScan D1. Processing status: work_status_1
Citation: Specimen LE 01049939 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01050041

LE 01050041

Disporum cantoniense (Lour.) Merr.⁣ det. Noriyuki Tanaka at 26.01.2019

Collectors: Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; et al. Field collecting number: HAL2147a. Collection date: 08.03.2002.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Lao Cai.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; L. V. Averyanov photos
Original label text:
FLORA OF VIETNAM Fam. Liliaceae Disporum sp. Northern Vietnam, Lao Cai Prov., Van Ban Distr., to the west of Nam Xay village (around point 21°58'09"N, 104°00'55"E). Primary broad-leaved evergreen montane wet forest on granite and quartzite along stream canyon at elev. 1750-1800 m a.s.l. Terrestrial herb up to 0.5 m hg. Fruits black. Common. No HAL 2147a 08 March 2002 Collectors: L.Averyanov, P.K.Loc, D.T.Doan (FFI Project).
Coordinates (geographic position): 21° 58′ 9″ N, 104° 0′ 55″ E ±1000 m
Record creation: 2019-03-31, Leonid Averyanov, PhotoScan D1
Citation: Specimen LE 01050041 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01050051

LE 01050051

Paratype of Aspidistra brachystyla Aver. & Tillich⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 15.03.2007

Collectors: Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; Phan Ke Loc; N.V. Trai; Vinh Tien Nguyen; N.D. Phuong; Averyanova, Anna Leonidovna (Аверьянова, Анна Леонидовна) Field collecting number: HLF6576. Collection date: 15.03.2007.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Nghe An.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium
Original label text:
FLORA OF VIETNAM Liliaceae s.l. (Convallariaceae) Aspidistra brachystyla Aver. et Tillich paratype Vietnam, Nghe An Prov., Tuong Duong Distr., Tam Quang Municipality, Tung Huong village, along Khe Mat stream around point 19º03’26’’N 104º37’22’’E at elevation about 200 m a.s.l. Lowland closed secondary evergreen forest on steep slopes along rocky stream valley composed with stratified solid shale and sandstone. Terrestrial herb along steep rocky shady stream slopes. Flowers dull yellow. Occasional. Very rare in flowers. HLF 6576 15 March 2007. Coll. Averyanov L., P.K.Loc, N.V.Trai, N.T.Vinh, N.D.Phuong, Averyanova A. Grant from Henry Luce Foundation.
Coordinates (geographic position): 19° 3′ 26″ N, 104° 37′ 22″ E ±1000 m
Record creation: 2019-04-06, Leonid Averyanov, PhotoScan D1
Citation: Specimen LE 01050051 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01050082

LE 01050082

Aspidistra sp.⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 14.11.1995

Collectors: Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; et al. Field collecting number: VH1614. Collection date: 14.11.1995.
Administrative regions: VN - Kon Tum.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium
Original label text:
FLORA OF VIETNAM. Fam. Liliaceae s.l. Aspidistra sp. S. Vietnam, Prov. Kon Tum, Distr. Dak Gley, about 12 km to N of Dak Gley town (24 km by road), near Mang Khen village. Primary wet mountain evergreen forest at 1100-1200 m alt. Very common in shadow places. No VH 1614  14.11.1995. International Botanical Expedition of the U.S.A. National Geographic Society (grant No 5094-93). . Participants: L. Averyanov, N.T. Ban, A. Budantzev, L. Budantzev, N.T. Hiep, D.D. Huyen, P.K. Loc, G. Yakovlev
Record creation: 2019-04-06, Leonid Averyanov, PhotoScan D1
Citation: Specimen LE 01050082 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01050166

LE 01050166

Aspidistra sp.⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 06.12.1995

Collectors: Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; et al. Field collecting number: VH2322. Collection date: 06.12.1995.
Administrative regions: VN - Kon Tum.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; L. V. Averyanov photos
Original label text:
FLORA OF VIETNAM Fam. Liliaceae Aspidistra typica Baill. S. Vietnam, Prov. Kon Tum, Distr. Dak Gley, about 10-12 km to the SE of Dak Gley town (4-6 km to the E of Dak Tung village). Primary evergreen very wet mountain forest on slopes of deep stream canyon at 1300-1400 m alt. Terrestrial herb with leaves up to 0.7 m lg. Very common. Roots and rhizomes are used as a tonic drag. No VH 2322 06.12.1995 International Botanical Expedition of the U.S.A. National Geographic Society (grant No 5094-93) Participants: L. Averyanov, N.T. Ban, A. Budantzev, L. Budantzev, N.T. Hiep, D.D. Huyen, P.K. Loc, G. Yakovlev
Record creation: 2019-04-06, Leonid Averyanov, PhotoScan D1
Citation: Specimen LE 01050166 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01050232

LE 01050232

Tupistra fungilliformis F.T.Wang & S.Yun Liang⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 2013

Collectors: Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; et al. Field collecting number: HAL8577. Collection date: 13.12.2005.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Ha Giang.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; L. V. Averyanov photos
Original label text:
Liliaceae s.l. (Convallariaceae)
Tupistra fungilliformis F.T.Wang et S.Yun Liang

Vietnam, Ha Giang Prov., Meo Vac Distr, Pa Vi Municipality, vicinities of Pa Vi Thuong village around point 23°11′05″N, 105°24′04″E at elevation about 1450 m a.s.l.

Highly degraded remnants of coniferous forest with Pseudotsuga sinensis on very steep rocky slopes and along tops of rocky remnant ridges composed with highly eroded marble-like limestone.

Lithophytic herb on very steep rocky mossy slope. Flowers black-violet, stigma white, fruits green with dirty-violet tint. Not common.

HAL 8577 13 Dec 2005. Photo.

Collectors: L.Averyanov, P.K.Loc, T.V.Thao, P.V.The, N.S.Khang.
Coordinates (geographic position): 23° 11′ 5″ N, 105° 24′ 4″ E ±1000 m
Record creation: 2019-03-31, Leonid Averyanov, PhotoScan D1
Citation: Specimen LE 01050232 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01050238

LE 01050238

Tupistra khangii Aver., N.Tanaka & Vislobokov⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 2014

Collectors: Tien Hiep Nguyen; Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; The Van Pham Field collecting number: HAL9403. Collection date: 31.10.2006.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Son La.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; L. V. Averyanov photos
Original label text:
FLORA OF VIETNAM Liliaceae s.l. (Convallariaceae) Tupistra khangii Aver. et al. Son La Prov., Moc Chau Distr., Chieng Hac Municipality, around point 20º51’50’’N 104º31’17’’E. Broad-leaved evergreen dry forest on steep slopes and on tops of ridge composed with rocky crystalline solid marble-like highly eroded limestone at elev. 1200-1300 m a.s.l. Lithophytic herb on mossy rocks in shady places. Flowers white. Locally very common. HAL 9403 31 Oct. 2006 Photo. Coll.: Nguyen Tien Hiep, L.Averyanov, Pham Van The.
Coordinates (geographic position): 20° 51′ 50″ N, 104° 31′ 17″ E ±1000 m
Record creation: 2019-03-31, Leonid Averyanov, PhotoScan D1
Citation: Specimen LE 01050238 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01050242

LE 01050242

Peliosanthes sp.⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 14.03.2005

Collectors: Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; et al. Field collecting number: HAL6718. Collection date: 14.03.2005.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Lang Son.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; L. V. Averyanov photos
Original label text:
FLORA OF VIETNAM. Fam. Liliaceae s.l. Convallariaceae. Peliosanthes teta. Vietnam, Lang Son Prov., Bac Son Distr., Tan Tri Municipality, around Na Mau village. Highly degraded primary and secondary broad-leaved evergreen forest on very steep slopes and along tops of ridge composed with solid highly eroded crystalline gray marble-like limestone at elevation about 500-600 m a.s.l. Terrestrial herb on shady rocky slope. Flowers green to deep violet. Very common. No HAL 6718 14 March 2005. . Collectors: L.Averyanov, N.T.Hiep, P.V.The, A.Averyanova.
Record creation: 2019-03-16, Leonid Averyanov, PhotoScan D1
Citation: Specimen LE 01050242 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01050243

LE 01050243

Peliosanthes weberi (L.Rodr.) N.Tanaka⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 04.2012

Collectors: Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich Field collecting number: HAL11614a. Collection date: 04.2012.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Quang Binh.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; L. V. Averyanov photos
Original label text:
FLORA OF VIETNAM Liliaceae s.l. Peliosanthes weberi (L.Rodr.) N.Tanaka Vietnam, Quang Binh Prov., Minh Hoa Distr., Dan Hoa municipality, Bai Dinh village, around point 17?45’29’’N 105?46’14’’E. Primary and secondary broad-leaved forest along rocky limestone river canyon at elevation about 150 m a.s.l. Terrestrial and lithophytic herb on shady places. Leaves dark uniform green, flowers light greenish. Occasional. HAL 11614a 17 April 2008 Coll.: L.Averyanov, P.K.Loc, N.T.Vinh, N.S.Khang Flowered under cultivation in April 2012. Flowers green to green-violet, odorless. L.Averyanov. d-EXSICCATES OF VIETNAMESE FLORA 0193/HAL 11614a (LE) © Nguyen Tien Hiep, L.Averyanov, Phan Ke Loc
Coordinates (geographic position): 17° 45′ 29″ N, 105° 46′ 14″ E ±1000 m
Record creation: 2019-03-16, Leonid Averyanov, PhotoScan D1
Citation: Specimen LE 01050243 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01050295

LE 01050295

Peliosanthes macrostegia Hance⁣ det. Unknown

Additional identifications: Peliosanthes sp.⁣ det. Tillich, Hans-Juergen at 08.2006
Collectors: Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; et al. Field collecting number: VY 884. Collection date: 23.03.1995.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Quang Nam.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium
Original label text:
FLORA OF VIETNAM Fam. Liliaceae s.l. Aspidistra sp. S. Vietnam, Prov. Quangnam-Danang. Evergreen close primary forest on SE slope of Ngoc Linh mountain system at 1600-1700 m alt., near the boundary of Kontum and Quangnam-Danang provinces. Herb up to 0.4 m high. No VH 884 23.03.1995 International Botanical Expedition of the U.S.A. National Geographic Society (grant No 5094-93) Participants: L. Averyanov, N.T. Ban, N. Q. Binh, A. Budantzev, L. Budantzev, N.T. Hiep, D.D. Huyen, P.K. Loc, N.X. Tam, G. Yakovlev
Record creation: 2019-03-16, Leonid Averyanov, PhotoScan D1
Citation: Specimen LE 01050295 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01050340

LE 01050340

Tupistra wattii Hook.f.⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 19.05.2004

Collectors: Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; et al. Field collecting number: HAL4635. Collection date: 19.05.2004.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Bac Kan.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium
Original label text:
FLORA OF VIETNAM. Fam. Liliaceae s.l. (Convallariaceae). Tupistra wattii. N.Vietnam, Bac Kan Prov., Cho Don Distr., Ban Thi Municipality,. village Phia Khao, around point 22°15'35"N, 105°31'17"E at elevation. 800-900 m a.s.l. Remnants of primary broad-leaved evergreen closed wet forest on very. steep slopes and cliffs of rocky ridges and mesae composed with solid. marble-like stratified limestone. Terrestrial creeping herb on steep slope. Flowers yellowish. Very. common. No HAL 4635 19 May 2004. . Collectors: L.Averyanov, N.T.Hiep, P.V.The, N.T.Vinh.
Coordinates (geographic position): 22° 15′ 35″ N, 105° 31′ 17″ E ±1000 m
Record creation: 2019-03-31, Leonid Averyanov, PhotoScan D1
Citation: Specimen LE 01050340 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01054606

LE 01054606

Holotype of Aspidistra campanulata Tillich⁣ det. Tillich, Hans-Juergen at 2007

Collectors: Phan Ke Loc; Nguyen Xuan Tam; Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich Field collecting number: HAL211. Collection date: 22.04.2001.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Tuyen Quang.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov photos
Original label text:
FLORA OF VIETNAM Fam. Liliaceae s.l. (Convallariaceae) Colonia sp. ? N. Vietnam, Tuyen Quang prov., Na Hang distr., Xuan Tam municipality, near Ban Cai village (22º29'18''N, 105º19'47''E). Primary broad-leaved evergreen dry forest on very steep slopes of highly eroded remnant limestone ridge at elev. 450-500 m a.s.l. Terrestrial herb on very steep rocky slope. Flowers white, with very pleasant fragrance. Very common. No HAL 211 22 March 2001 Collectors: P.K.Loc, N.X.Tam, L. Averyanov. Aspidistra campanulata Tillich Tillich 2017
Coordinates (geographic position): 22° 29′ 18″ N, 105° 19′ 47″ E ±1000 m
Record creation: 2019-05-18, Аверьянов Леонид Владимирович
Citation: Specimen LE 01054606 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01055474

LE 01055474

Paratype of Aspidistra nikolaii Aver. & Tillich⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 28.03.2005

Collectors: Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; et al. Field collecting number: HAL7010. Collection date: 28.03.2005.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Thua Thien-Hue.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov photos
Original label text:
FLORA OF VIETNAM Fam. Liliaceae s.l. Convallariaceae Aspidistra nikolai Aver. & Tillich Vietnam, Thua Thien – Hue Prov., Nam Dong Distr., Huong Son Municipality, around point 16°10'22''N, 107°36'24''E. Fractionally logged primary closed broad-leaved evergreen lowland forest along La Ma River on very steep hill slopes composed with clayey shale and sandstone at elevation about 300 m a.s.l. Terrestrial and lithophytic herb on shady rocky stream slope. Flowers black, stigma light violet, anthers light yellow. Very common. Occasional co-dominant of herb forest stratum. No HAL 7010 28 March 2005. Photo. Collectors: L.Averyanov, N.T.Hiep, P.K.Loc, P.V.The, A.Averyanova,
Coordinates (geographic position): 16° 10′ 22″ N, 107° 36′ 24″ E ±1000 m
Record creation: 2019-06-02, Аверьянов Леонид Владимирович
Citation: Specimen LE 01055474 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01055870

LE 01055870

Aletris spicata (Thunberg) Franchet⁣ det. Khang Sinh Nguyen at 13.05.2017

Collectors: Khang Sinh Nguyen Field collecting number: NSK 894. Collection date: 13.05.2017.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Ha Giang.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium
Original label text:
FLORA OF VIETNAM Liliaceae Aletris spicata (Thunberg) Franchet Ha Giang province, Quan Ba district, Cao Ma Po commune, Vang Cha Phin village, around point 23°05′27.8′′N, 104°48′28.1′′E, at elevation of 1850 m a. s. l. Secondary evergreen broad-leaved forest on silicate mountain. Perennial herb about 30-40 cm tall, flower orange. NSK 894, May 13, 2017. Collector: Nguyen Sinh Khang.
Coordinates (geographic position): 23° 5′ 27.8″ N, 104° 48′ 28.1″ E ±1000 m
Record creation: 2019-06-28, Leonid Averyanov, PhotoScan D1
Citation: Specimen LE 01055870 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01058005

LE 01058005

Epitype of Aspidistra stellata Aver. & Tillich⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 22.03.2001

Collectors: Phan Ke Loc; Nguyen Xuan Tam; Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich Field collecting number: HAL184. Collection date: 22.03.2001.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Tuyen Quang.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov photos
Original label text:
FLORA OF VIETNAM Fam. Liliaceae s.l. (Convallariaceae) Aspidistra stellata sp.nov. N. Vietnam, Tuyen Quang prov., Na Hang distr., Xuan Tam municipality, near Ban Cai village (22º29'18''N, 105º19'47''E). Primary broad-leaved evergreen dry forest on very steep slopes of highly eroded remnant limestone ridge at elev. 450-550 m a.s.l. Terrestrial herb on steep shady slope. Leaves with yellowish-green spots. Flowers: tepals deep brown-purple, stigma white. Very common. No HAL 184 22 March 2001 Collectors: P.K.Loc, N.X.Tam, L. Averyanov.
Coordinates (geographic position): 22° 29′ 18″ N, 105° 19′ 47″ E ±1000 m
Record creation: 2019-06-03, Аверьянов Леонид Владимирович
Citation: Specimen LE 01058005 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01058032

LE 01058032

Epitype of Peliosanthes grandiflora Aver. & N.Tanaka⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich, Noriyuki Tanaka at 23.04.2010

Collectors: Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich Field collecting number: HAL10767.1. Collection date: 23.04.2010.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Lai Chau.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov photos
Original label text:
FLORA OF VIETNAM Liliaceae s.l. (Convallariaceae) Peliosanthes sp.nov. Lai Chau Prov., Phong Tho Distr., Sin Suoi Ho Municipality, Sa Ma Pho village, around point 22°33’21’’N 103°34’29’’E. Secondary evergreen broad-leaved wet closed forest with bamboo on very steep mountain slopes and along ridges composed predominantly with weathered granite at elev. about 1900-2050 m a.s.l. Terrestrial herb on shady rocky slope. Flowers light dull yellowish. Fruits blue, juicy. Locally very common. HAL 10767 14 Dec. 2006 Photo. Coll.: Nguyen Tien Hiep, L.Averyanov, Phan Ke Loc, Pham Van The, N.T.Vinh. Flowered in garden in 23.04 2010. Photos. L. Averyanov
Coordinates (geographic position): 22° 33′ 21″ N, 103° 34′ 29″ E ±1000 m
Record creation: 2019-06-05, Аверьянов Леонид Владимирович
Citation: Specimen LE 01058032 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01058036

LE 01058036

Paratype of Peliosanthes nivea Aver. & N.Tanaka⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich, Noriyuki Tanaka at 31.03.2006

Collectors: Tien Hiep Nguyen; Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; Phan Ke Loc; et al. Field collecting number: HLF5940. Collection date: 31.03.2006.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Quang Tri.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov photos
Original label text:
Liliaceae s.l. (Convallariaceae)
Peliosanthes yannanensis F.T.Wang et Tang var. nivea Aver. Paratype

Vietnam, Quang Tri Prov., Huong Hoa Distr., Huong Viet Municipality, to N of Sa Mui pass, around point 16º51’14’’N 106º34’13’’E at elevation 550-650 m a.s.l. Remnants of primary broad-leaved evergreen lowland forest on rocky remnant highly eroded solid marble-like limestone hills and low mountains with very steep slopes and vertical cliffs. Terrestrial herb in very dark shady wet place. Flowers dark violet, sepals outside white. Occasional. HLF 5940 31 March 2006. Coll. N.T.Hiep, L.Averyanov, P.K.Loc, P.V.The, N.S.Khang, P.H.Duc, L.T.Son, S.Bounphanmy, T.K.Ratana, O.Sonliya, T.Q.Dang, N.V.Hien, H.T.N.Trang, L.T.Chau. Grant from Henry Luce Foundation.
Coordinates (geographic position): 16° 51′ 14″ N, 106° 34′ 13″ E ±1000 m
Record creation: 2019-06-06, Аверьянов Леонид Владимирович
Citation: Specimen LE 01058036 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01058049

LE 01058049

Polygonatum kingianum Collett & Hemsl.⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 07.03.2001

Collectors: Phan Ke Loc; Nguyen Xuan Tam; Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich Field collecting number: DKH7404. Collection date: 07.03.2001.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Son La.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov photos
Original label text:
FLORA OF VIETNAM Fam. Liliaceae s.l. (Convallariaceae) Polygonatum kingianum ? N. Vietnam, Son La prov., Moc Chau distr., Van Ho municipality, near Hua Tat village (20ø46'13''N, 104ø46'12''E). Primary broad-leaved evergreen closed wet forest along remnant limestone highly eroded ridge at elev. 1100-1300 m a.s.l. Lithophytic herb up to 1.5 m hg. Flowers red-scarlet, tips of tepals green. Rare. No DKH 7404 7 March 2001 Collectors: P.K.Loc, N.X.Tam, L. Averyanov.
Coordinates (geographic position): 20° 46′ 13″ N, 104° 46′ 12″ E ±1000 m
Record creation: 2019-06-06, Аверьянов Леонид Владимирович
Citation: Specimen LE 01058049 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01058053

LE 01058053

Rohdea wattii (C.B.Clarke) Yamashita & M.N.Tamura⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 2013

Collectors: Tien Hiep Nguyen; Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; Vinh Tien Nguyen; D.T. Doan Field collecting number: HAL868. Collection date: 10.04.2001.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Hoa Binh.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov photos
Original label text:
FLORA OF VIETNAM Fam. Liliaceae s.l. (Convallariaceae) Rohdea wattii (C.B.Clarke) Yamashita & M.N.Tamura N. Vietnam, Hoa Binh prov., Mai Chau distr., Hang Kia municipality, near Hang Kia village, (20º44'21''N, 104º53'57''E). Primary wet broad-leaved evergreen closed forest on of highly eroded remnant karst limestone ridge at elev. 1100-1200 m a.s.l. Terrestrial herb on steep rocky open slope. Flowers dull orange. Rare. No HAL 868 10 April 2001 Collectors: N.T.Hiep, L.Averyanov, N.T.Vinh, D.T.Doan.
Coordinates (geographic position): 20° 44′ 21″ N, 104° 53′ 57″ E ±1000 m
Record creation: 2019-06-06, Аверьянов Леонид Владимирович
Citation: Specimen LE 01058053 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01058061

LE 01058061

Tupistra fungilliformis F.T.Wang & S.Yun Liang⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 12.11.2006

Collectors: Tien Hiep Nguyen; Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; The Van Pham Field collecting number: HAL9729. Collection date: 12.11.2006.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Son La.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov photos
Original label text:
FLORA OF VIETNAM Liliaceae s.l. (Convallariaceae) Tupistra fungilliformis F.T.Wang et S.Yun Liang Son La Prov., Thuan Chau Distr., Co Ma Municipality, Hua Ty village, Copia nature reserve, around point 21º20’07’’N 103º35’07’’E. Remnants of broad-leaved (former coniferous with Fokienia hodginsii) primary and secondary forest on steep slopes and on tops of ridge composed with clay shale at elev. 1500-1600 m a.s.l. Humus epiphyte on tall tree. Flowers dirty purple-violet, fruits dark dirty green. Not common. HAL 9729 12 Nov. 2006 Photo. Coll.: Nguyen Tien Hiep, L.Averyanov, Pham Van The.
Coordinates (geographic position): 21° 20′ 7″ N, 103° 35′ 7″ E ±1000 m
Record creation: 2019-06-07, Аверьянов Леонид Владимирович
Citation: Specimen LE 01058061 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01076973

LE 01076973

Peliosanthes weberi (L.Rodr.) N.Tanaka⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 10.11.2020

Collectors: Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; Maisak, Tatiana Viktorovna Field collecting number: HAL11614a.1. Collection date: 10.11.2020.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Quang Binh.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium
Original label text:
Liliaceae s.l.
Peliosanthes weberi (L.Rodr.) N.Tanaka

Vietnam, Quang Binh Prov., Minh Hoa Distr., Dan Hoa municipality, Bai Dinh village, around point 17?45’29’’N 105?46’14’’E.

Primary and secondary broad-leaved forest along rocky limestone river canyon at elevation about 150 m a.s.l.

Terrestrial and lithophytic herb on shady places. Leaves dark uniform green, flowers light greenish. Occasional.

HAL 11614a 17 April 2008
Coll.: L.Averyanov, P.K.Loc, N.T.Vinh, N.S.Khang

Flowered under cultivation in April 2012. Flowers green to green-violet, odorless. L.Averyanov.

© Nguyen Tien Hiep, L.Averyanov, Phan Ke Loc
Coordinates (geographic position): 17° 45′ 29″ N, 105° 46′ 14″ E ±1000 m
Record creation: 2020-12-01, Leonid Averyanov, PhotoScan D2
Citation: Specimen LE 01076973 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01077404

LE 01077404

Lilium poilanei Gagnep.⁣ ⟮prelim. ID⟯ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 23.09.2016

Collectors: Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; et al. Field collecting number: CPC7978. Collection date: 23.09.2016.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Son La.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Lilium poilanei Gagnep.?

Son La Prov., Moc Chau Distr., Chieng Son comm., Pha Luong village, Pha Luong Mountain (elevation from Pha Luong village at 930 m to Mt. peak at 1860 m a.s.l.).

Open secondary scrub after fire on flat sandy Pha Luong summit composed with eroded red-brown sandstone at elevation 1800-1850 m a.s.l. around point 20°40′23.0N 104°37′52.0E.

Terrestrial and lithophytic herb to 1 m tall in open rocky place. Common.

23 September 2016 CPC 7978
Coll.: L.Averyanov, N.T.Hiep, N.S.Khang, C.Q.Ngan, T.V.Maisak, N.T.Son.
Coordinates (geographic position): 20° 40′ 23″ N, 104° 37′ 52″ E ±1000 m
Record creation: 2021-11-24, Tatiana Maisak, PhotoScan D2. Processing status: work_status_1
Citation: Specimen LE 01077404 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01077406

LE 01077406

Lilium poilanei Gagnep.⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 02.10.2016

Collectors: Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; et al. Field collecting number: CPC8216. Collection date: 02.10.2016.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Son La.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Lilium poilanei Gagnep.

Son La Prov., Van Ho Distr., Van Ho comm., Hua Tat village, around point 20°46′21.7N 104°47′47.5E.

Remnants of primary evergreen broad-leaved and mixed forest (with Pinus wangii) on very steep rocky slopes and on mountain tops composed with highly eroded karstic light gray marble-like limestone at elevation 1300-1350 m a.s.l.

Terrestrial herb to 1 m tall among exposed rocks on mountain top. Locally common.

2 October 2016 CPC 8216
Coll.: L.Averyanov, N.T.Hiep, N.S.Khang, C.Q.Ngan, T.V.Maisak, N.T.Son.
Coordinates (geographic position): 20° 46′ 21.7″ N, 104° 47′ 47.5″ E ±1000 m
Record creation: 2021-11-24, Tatiana Maisak, PhotoScan D2. Processing status: work_status_1
Citation: Specimen LE 01077406 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01077857

LE 01077857

Petrosavia sakuraii (Makino) Steenis⁣ det. Remizova M., Sokolov D.D. at 2016

Additional identifications: Petrosavia sinii (K.Krause) Gagnep.⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 10.09.2000
Collectors: D.K. Harder; et al. Field collecting number: DKH5409. Collection date: 10.09.2000.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Ha Giang.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium
Original label text:

det. P.J.M.Maas (WAG), 2008

Ha Giang. Vi Xuyen district, Cao Bo municipality, Tam Ve village. Closed mossy (cloud) primary broadleaved montane forest. Collected mostly from top down to ca. 1800 m. 22°46'30"N 104°49'01"E 1900 m Rare at 1900 m alt; saprophyte, pale yellow, 0.2 m tall.
10 September 2000
D.K. Harder, N.V. Du, N.Q. Hieu & P.K.
Loc 5409
Supported by National Science Foundation
and National Geographic Society
Record creation: 2021-12-09, Leonid Averyanov, PhotoScan D2. Processing status: work_status_1
Citation: Specimen LE 01077857 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01122650

LE 01122650

Epitype of Peliosanthes grandiflora Aver. & N.Tanaka⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 08.2010

Collectors: Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich Field collecting number: HAL10767.1. Collection date: 08.2010.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Lai Chau.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov drawings; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Liliaceae s.l. (Convallariaceae)
Peliosanthes yunnanensis F.T. Wang et Tang ?

Lai Chau Prov., Phong Tho Distr., Sin Suoi Ho Municipality, Sa Ma Pho village, around point 22°33’21’’N 103°34’29’’E. Secondary evergreen broad-leaved wet closed forest with bamboo on very steep mountain slopes and along ridges composed predominantly with weathered granite at elev. about 1900-2050 m a.s.l. Terrestrial herb on shady rocky slope. Flowers light dull yellowish. Fruits blue, juicy. Locally very common.

HAL 10767 14 Dec. 2006 Photo. Coll.: Nguyen Tien Hiep, L.Averyanov, Phan Ke Loc, Pham Van The, N.T.Vinh.

d-EXSICCATES OF VIETNAMESE FLORA 0089/HAL10767 (HN, LE) © Nguyen Tien Hiep, L.Averyanov, Phan Ke Loc
Fl. et coll. In horto in August 2010 Averyanov L.
Coordinates (geographic position): 22° 33′ 21″ N, 103° 34′ 29″ E ±1000 m
All drawings © - L. Averyanov
Record creation: 2021-11-12, Leonid Averyanov, PhotoScan D2
Citation: Specimen LE 01122650 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01122696

LE 01122696

Epitype of Peliosanthes argenteostriata Aver. & N.Tanaka⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich, Noriyuki Tanaka at 20.01.2005

Collectors: Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; Phan Ke Loc; The Van Pham; Averyanova, Anna Leonidovna (Аверьянова, Анна Леонидовна); Vinh Tien Nguyen; N.Q. Vinh; N.T. Binh Field collecting number: HAL5975. Collection date: 20.01.2005.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Quang Binh.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov drawings; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Plants of Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park
Fam. Liliaceae s.l. Convallariaceae
Peliosanthes argenteostriata Aver., sp.nov. Type

Vietnam, Quang Binh Prov., Minh Hoa Distr., Thuong Hoa Municipality, about 1-1.5 km to SW of Ban On village (17º40'21''N, 105º58'00''E). Ca Xach mountain (17º39'20''N, 105º57'42''E). Primary closed evergreen broad-leaved gnarled stunted forest along rocky ridge composed with solid marble-like highly eroded crystalline limestone at elevation 600-800 m a.s.l. Terrestrial and lithophytic herb on very steep rocky slope. Leave deep green with broad median whitish stripe. Not rare. No HAL 5975 20 January 2005. Collectors: L.Averyanov, P.K.Loc, P.V.The, A.Averyanova, N.T.Vinh, N.Q.Vinh, N.T.Binh.
Coordinates (geographic position): 17° 40′ 21″ N, 105° 58′ E ±1000 m
All drawings © - L. Averyanov
Record creation: 2021-11-12, Leonid Averyanov, PhotoScan D2
Citation: Specimen LE 01122696 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01122764

LE 01122764

Epitype of Lilium procumbens Aver. & N.Tanaka⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich, Noriyuki Tanaka at 27.07.2015

Collectors: Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich Field collecting number: CPC5359a TM 1035. Collection date: 27.07.2015.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Cao Bang.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov photos; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Lilium procumbens Aver. et N.Tanaka Epitype

Cao Bang Prov., Nguyen Binh Distr., Ca Thanh Municipality, Ta Pin village, around point 22°43'56.4"N, 105°51'16.4"E. Primary coniferous forest with Pseudotsuga sinensis along highly eroded rocky limestone ridge at elevation about 1400 m a.s.l. Terrestrial and lithophytic climbing vine-like unbranched herb with slender shoots to 2 m long on very steep mossy rocky shady slope. Rare.
3 October 2013 CPC 5359a/TM 1035
L.Averyanov, N.T.Hiep, L.M.Tuan, N.S.Khang, T.Maisak, L.Osinovets

Fl. in cult. 27 July 2013

d-EXSICCATES OF VIETNAMESE FLORA 0234/CPC 5359/TM 1035 © L.Averyanov
Coordinates (geographic position): 22° 43′ 56.4″ N, 105° 51′ 16.4″ E ±1000 m
All photos © L. Averyanov
Record creation: 2021-11-12, Leonid Averyanov, PhotoScan D2
Citation: Specimen LE 01122764 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01122765

LE 01122765

Epitype of Lilium procumbens Aver. & N.Tanaka⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich, Noriyuki Tanaka at 27.07.2015

Collectors: Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich Field collecting number: CPC5359a TM 1035. Collection date: 27.07.2015.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Cao Bang.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov photos; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Lilium procumbens Aver. et N.Tanaka Epitype

Cao Bang Prov., Nguyen Binh Distr., Ca Thanh Municipality, Ta Pin village, around point 22°43'56.4"N, 105°51'16.4"E. Primary coniferous forest with Pseudotsuga sinensis along highly eroded rocky limestone ridge at elevation about 1400 m a.s.l. Terrestrial and lithophytic climbing vine-like unbranched herb with slender shoots to 2 m long on very steep mossy rocky shady slope. Rare.
3 October 2013 CPC 5359a/TM 1035
L.Averyanov, N.T.Hiep, L.M.Tuan, N.S.Khang, T.Maisak, L.Osinovets

Fl. in cult. 27 July 2013

d-EXSICCATES OF VIETNAMESE FLORA 0234/CPC 5359/TM 1035 © L.Averyanov
Coordinates (geographic position): 22° 43′ 56.4″ N, 105° 51′ 16.4″ E ±1000 m
All photos © L. Averyanov
Record creation: 2021-11-12, Leonid Averyanov, PhotoScan D2
Citation: Specimen LE 01122765 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01169609

LE 01169609

Lycianthes biflora (Lour.) Bitter⁣ ⟮prelim. ID⟯ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 02.11.2022

Collectors: Nguyen Huu Cuong Field collecting number: CLL555. Collection date: 2019.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Thanh Hoa.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056; Flora of Vietnam
Original label text:
Lycianthes biflora (Lour.) Bitter⁣.?

Thanh Hoa Prov.
Nguyen Huu Cuong.
CLL555, 2019
Det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 02.11.2022.
Record creation: 2023-04-03, Galina Savich, PhotoScan D2.. Processing status: work_status_1
Citation: Specimen LE 01169609 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01169624

LE 01169624

Paris polyphylla Sm.⁣ det. Doan Thi Nga at 27.10.2022

Collectors: Nguyen Huu Cuong Field collecting number: CLL489.
Administrative regions: VN - Vietnam.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056; Flora of Vietnam
Original label text:
Paris polyphylla Sm.⁣

Nguyen Huu Cuong.
Det. Doan Thi Nga at 27.10.2022.
Record creation: 2023-04-03, Galina Savich, PhotoScan D2.. Processing status: work_status_1
Citation: Specimen LE 01169624 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01253972

LE 01253972

Lilium eupetes J.M.H.Shaw.⁣ ⟮prelim. ID⟯ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 08.11.2023

Collectors: Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; Nguyen Van Canh; Truong Ba Vuong; Maisak, Tatiana Viktorovna Field collecting number: AL2521. Collection date: 08.11.2023.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Lam GJong.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056; Flora of Vietnam
Original label text:
Lilium eupetes J.M.H.Shaw?

Lam Dong Province, Lac Duong District, Bidoup Nui Ba National Par, southern slopes of Bidoup Mountain about 5 km to the south from Bidoup peak around point 12º04.076’N 108º38.927E. Primary broad-leaved evergreen forest on steep granite slopes at elevation about 2000 m a.s.l. Epiphyte on tall mossy trees. Rare.
08 November 2023, L. Averyanov, Nguyen Van Canh, Truong Ba Vuong, T. Maisak, AL2521 (BD 028).
Record creation: 2024-02-16, Galina Savich, PhotoScan D2.. Processing status: work_status_1
Citation: Specimen LE 01253972 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —