LE A0000652

LE A0000652

Type of Monostroma grevillei (Thur.) Wittr. subspecies japonicum K.L.Vinogradova⁣

Collectors: Makienko, Valentina Fedorovna Collection date: 22.05.1968.
Administrative regions: RU - Primorskiy Kray - Khasanskiy Rayon. Place of collection: Poseta bay.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Monostroma grevillei subsp. japonicum K. Vinogr. subsp. nov. Японское море, зал. Посьета, п/о Гамова, мыс Гроты, выбросы, 1968, В. Макиенко
Imported description:
Date collected: 24980
Collected by: Makienko V.F.
Type category: Holotype
Scientific name: Monostroma grevillei (Thur.) Wittr. subspecies japonicum K.L.Vinogradova⁣
Rank: subspecies
Region: RU - Russian Federation
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000652 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000653

LE A0000653

Type of Monostroma grevillei (Thur.) Wittr. subspecies japonicum K.L.Vinogradova⁣

Collectors: Makienko, Valentina Fedorovna Collection date: 22.05.1968.
Administrative regions: RU - Primorskiy Kray - Khasanskiy Rayon. Place of collection: Poseta bay.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Monostroma grevillei subsp. japonicum K. Vinogr. subsp. nov. Японское море, зал. Посьета, п/о Гамова, мыс Гроты, выбросы, 1968, В. Макиенко
Imported description:
Date collected: 24980
Collected by: Makienko V.F.
Type category: Isotype
Scientific name: Monostroma grevillei (Thur.) Wittr. subspecies japonicum K.L.Vinogradova⁣
Rank: subspecies
Region: RU - Russian Federation
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000653 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000654

LE A0000654

Type of Protomonostroma rosulatum K.L.Vinogradova⁣

Collectors: Petrov, U. Collection date: 17.02.1980.
Administrative regions: AQ - Antarctica. Place of collection: King George Island.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Protomonostroma rosulatum Vinogr., Антарктикаб Южно-Шетландские о-ва, о. Кинг-Джордж, вблизи станции Беллинсгаузен, мыс Крестьянка, скала Поморник, 1980, Ю. Петров.
Imported description:
Date collected: 17.02.1980
Collected by: Petrov Yu.E.
Type category: Holotype
Scientific name: Protomonostroma rosulatum K.L.Vinogradova
Region: AQ - Antarctica
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000654 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000655

LE A0000655

Isotype of Protomonostroma rosulatum K.L.Vinogradova⁣

Collectors: Petrov, U. Collection date: 17.02.1980.
Administrative regions: AQ - Antarctica. Place of collection: King George Island.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Protomonostroma rosulatum Vinogr., Антарктикаб Южно-Шетландские о-ва, о. Кинг-Джордж, вблизи станции Беллинсгаузен, мыс Крестьянка, скала Поморник, 1980, Ю. Петров.
Imported description:
Date collected: 17.02.1980
Collected by: Petrov Yu.E.
Type category: Isotype
Scientific name: Protomonostroma rosulatum K.L.Vinogradova
Region: AQ - Antarctica
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000655 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000656

LE A0000656

Type of Gymnogongrus japonicus Suringar forma ahnfeltioides Makienko⁣

Collectors: Makienko, Valentina Fedorovna Collection date: 24.09.1964.
Administrative regions: RU - Primorskiy Kray. Place of collection: Perevonaya bay.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Gymnogongrus japonicus Suringar f. ahnfeltioides Mak., Японское море, Амурский залив, б/ч Перевозная, в пластах анфельции, 1964, В. Макиенко
Imported description:
Date collected: 23644
Collected by: Makienko V.F.
Type category: Holotype
Scientific name: Gymnogongrus japonicus Suringar forma ahnfeltioides Makienko⁣ 
Rank: forma
Region: RU - Russian Federation
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000656 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000657

LE A0000657

Type of Neoabbottiella decipiens Pisareva & Klochkova⁣

Collectors: Sanamyan, N. Collection date: 07.11.2008.
Administrative regions: RU - Kamtchatski Kray. Place of collection: Avachinsky gulf.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Neoabbottiella decipiens Kloczc. et. Pisar. sp. nov. Юго - восточная Камчатка, Авачинский зал., о. Старичков, N 52 46' E 158 36', гл. 15-16 м, грунт валуны, 2008, Н.П.Санамян.
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000657 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000658

LE A0000658

Type of Neoabbottiella valentinae Pisareva & Klochkova⁣

Collectors: Pisareva, N. Collection date: 02.08.2004.
Administrative regions: RU - Kamtchatski Kray. Place of collection: Avachinsky gulf.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Neoabbottiella valentinae Kloczc. et. Pisar. sp. nov. Юго - восточная Камчатка, Авачинский зал., о. Спасения, средний горизонт литоральной зоны, на камнях, 2004, Н.А. Писарева.
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000658 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000659

LE A0000659

Type of Mazzaella cornucopiae (Postels & Ruprecht) Hommersand forma angusta K.L.Vinogradova⁣

Collectors: Petrov, U. Collection date: 04.08.1985.
Administrative regions: RU - Chukotskiy Avtonomnyy Okrug. Place of collection: Chegitun river.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Mazzaella cornucopiae subsp. angusta Vinogr., Чукоткое море, р-н устья р. Чегытун, выбросы, 1985, Петров.
Imported description:
Date collected: 31263
Collected by: Petrov Yu.E.
Type category: Holotype
Scientific name: Mazzaella cornucopiae (Postels & Ruprecht) Hommersand subsp. angusta K.L.Vinogradova
Rank: subspecies
Region: RU - Russian Federation
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000659 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000660

LE A0000660

Phyllophora nervosa ( Candolle) Greville⁣

Collectors: Kalugina, Alexandra Arkhipovna Collection date: 23.09.1964.
Administrative regions: RU - Krasnodarskiy Kray - Krymskiy Rayon. Place of collection: Kartinikskiy gulf.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Phyllophora nervosa Grev. var. nevrosa, f. nevrosa, по лат.[Чёрное море, Каркинитский залив, глубина 10 м, 1964, А.А.Калугина.
Imported description:
Date collected: 23643
Collected by: Kalugina A.A.
Type category: not a type specimen
Scientific name: Phyllophora nervosa Grev. var. nervosa forma nervosa Kalugina
Rank: forma
Region: UA - Ukraine
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000660 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000661

LE A0000661

Type of Phyllophora nervosa ( Candolle) Greville⁣

Collectors: Kalugina, Alexandra Arkhipovna Collection date: 10.04.1967.
Administrative regions: UA - Gorod Sevastopol. Place of collection: Omega bay.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Phyllophora nervosa Grev. var. longiarticulata Kalug., f. longiarticulata Kalug., Чёрное море, Севастопольская бухта, мыс Омега, глю 25 м, на камнях, 1967, А.А.Калугина.
Imported description:
Date collected: 24572
Collected by: Kalugina A.A.
Type category: Holotype
Scientific name: Phyllophora nervosa Grev. var. longiarticulata Kalug. forma longiarticulata Kalugina
Rank: forma
Region: RU - Russian Federation
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000661 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000662

LE A0000662

Type of Phyllophora nervosa ( Candolle) Greville⁣

Collectors: Kalugina, Alexandra Arkhipovna Collection date: 23.04.1964.
Administrative regions: RU - Krasnodarskiy Kray - Krymskiy Rayon. Place of collection: Kartinikskiy gulf.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Phyllophora nervosa Grev. var. nevrosa, f. breviarticulata Kalug. subf. breviarticulata Kalug., по лат. [Чёрное море, Каркинитский залив, глубина 10 м], 1964, А.А.Калугина.
Imported description:
Date collected: 23490
Collected by: Kalugina A.A.
Type category: Holotype
Scientific name: Phyllophora nervosa Grev. var. nervosa forma breviarticulata (subf. breviarticulata) Kalugina
Rank: forma
Region: UA - Ukraine
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000662 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000663

LE A0000663

Type of Phyllophora nervosa ( Candolle) Greville⁣

Collectors: Kalugina, Alexandra Arkhipovna Collection date: 24.04.1964.
Administrative regions: RU - Krasnodarskiy Kray - Krymskiy Rayon. Place of collection: Kartinikskiy gulf.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Phyllophora nervosa Grev. var. nevrosa, f. breviarticulata Kalug. subf. Sphaerica Kalug., Чёрное море, Каркинитский залив, глуб. 3 м, илисто -песчанный грунт, 1964, А.А.Калугина.
Imported description:
Date collected: 23491
Collected by: Kalugina A.A.
Type category: Holotype
Scientific name: Phyllophora nervosa Grev. var. nervosa forma breviarticulata (subf. breviarticulata) Kalugina
Rank: forma
Region: UA - Ukraine
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000663 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000664

LE A0000664

Type of Phyllophora nervosa ( Candolle) Greville⁣

Collectors: Kalugina, Alexandra Arkhipovna Collection date: 14.04.1964.
Administrative regions: RU - Krasnodarskiy Kray - Krymskiy Rayon. Place of collection: Zernov's phyllophoric field.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Phyllophora nervosa Grev. var. longiarticulata Kalug., f. latifolia Kalug. subf. latifolia Kalug., Чёрное море, "Филлофорное поле Зернова", ст. 12, гл. 25 м, песок, 1964, А.А.Калугина.
Imported description:
Date collected: 23481
Collected by: Kalugina A.A.
Type category: Holotype
Scientific name: Phyllophora nervosa Grev. var. longiarticulata Kalug. forma latifolia (subf. intermedia) Kalugina
Rank: forma
Region: UA - Ukraine
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000664 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000665

LE A0000665

Type of Phyllophora nervosa ( Candolle) Greville⁣

Collectors: Kalugina, Alexandra Arkhipovna Collection date: 27.04.1964.
Administrative regions: RU - Krasnodarskiy Kray - Krymskiy Rayon. Place of collection: Zernov's phyllophoric field.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Phyllophora nervosa Grev. var. longiarticulata Kalug., f. latifolia Kalug. subf. intermedia Kalug., Чёрное море, "Филлофорное поле Зернова", ст. 240, гл. 43 м, илисто-песчанный грунт, 1964, А.А.Калугина.
Imported description:
Date collected: 23494
Collected by: Kalugina A.A.
Type category: Holotype
Scientific name: Phyllophora nervosa Grev. var. longiarticulata Kalug. forma latifolia (subf. intermedia) Kalugina
Rank: forma
Region: UA - Ukraine
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000665 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000666

LE A0000666

Type of Phyllophora nervosa ( Candolle) Greville⁣

Collectors: Kalugina, Alexandra Arkhipovna Collection date: 28.04.1964.
Administrative regions: RU - Krasnodarskiy Kray - Krymskiy Rayon. Place of collection: Zernov's phyllophoric field.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Phyllophora nervosa Grev. var. longiarticulata Kalug., f. latifolia Kalug. subf. nana Kalug., Чёрное море, "Филлофорное поле Зернова", ст. 266, гл. 50 м, фазеолиновый ил, 1964, А.А.Калугина.
Imported description:
Date collected: 23495
Collected by: Kalugina A.A.
Type category: Holotype
Scientific name: Phyllophora nervosa Grev. var. longiarticulata Kalug. forma latifolia (subf. intermedia) Kalugina
Rank: forma
Region: UA - Ukraine
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000666 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000667

LE A0000667

Isotype of Pseudolithophyllum parvulum Sheveiko⁣

Collectors: Sheveiko Collection date: 07.08.1974.
Administrative regions: RU - Primorskiy Kray - Khasanskiy Rayon. Place of collection: Severnaya bay.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Pseudolithophyllum parvulum Sheveiko, Японское море, ою Фуругельма, б/х Северная, гл. 4-5 м, 1974, Шевейко.
Imported description:
Date collected: 27248
Collected by: Sheveiko
Type category: Intended but never published
Scientific name: Pseudolithophyllum parvulum Sheveiko
Region: RU - Russian Federation
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000667 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000668

LE A0000668

Type of Rhodomela sibirica A.D.Zinova & Vinogradova⁣

Collectors: Vinogradova, K. Collection date: 13.08.1968.
Administrative regions: RU - Chukotskiy Avtonomnyy Okrug. Place of collection: Сross bay.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Rhodomela sibirica A.Zin. et. Vinogr. sp. nov., Берингово море, залив Креста, рифы севернее мыса Раздельного, нижний горизонт литорали, 1968, К. Виноградова.
Imported description:
Date collected: 25063
Collected by: Vinogradova K.L.
Type category: Holotype
Scientific name: Rhodomela sibirica A.D.Zinova & Vinogradova⁣
Region: RU - Russian Federation
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000668 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000669

LE A0000669

Isotype of Rhodomela sibirica A.D.Zinova & Vinogradova⁣

Collectors: Vinogradova, K. Collection date: 13.08.1968.
Administrative regions: RU - Chukotskiy Avtonomnyy Okrug. Place of collection: Сross bay.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Rhodomela sibirica A.Zin. et. Vinogr. sp. nov., Берингово море, залив Креста, у мыса Раздельного, рифы, разрез 68, нижний горизонт, 1968, К. Виноградова.
Imported description:
Date collected: 25063
Collected by: Vinogradova K.L.
Type category: Isotype
Scientific name: Rhodomela sibirica A.D.Zinova & Vinogradova⁣
Region: RU - Russian Federation
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000669 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000670

LE A0000670

Type of Rhodymenia moniliformis E.Blin. et. A.Zin.⁣

Collectors: Blinova, Ekaterina Ivanovna Collection date: 25.08.1965.
Administrative regions: RU - Kamtchatski Kray - Penzhinskiy Rayon. Place of collection: Penzhinskiy bay.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Rhodymenia moniliformis E.Blin. et. A.Zin., Охотское море, Пенжинская губа, о-в Зубчатый, гл. 0-8 м, 1965, Е. Блинова.
Imported description:
Date collected: 23979
Collected by: Blinova E.I.
Type category: Holotype
Scientific name: Rhodymenia moniliformis E.Blin. et. A.Zin.⁣
Region: RU - Russian Federation
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000670 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000671

LE A0000671

Type of Costularia kurilensis Ju. Petr. et I. Guss.⁣

Collectors: Gussarova, I. Collection date: 06.09.1967.
Administrative regions: RU - Sakhalinskaya Oblast'. Place of collection: Simushir island.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Costularia kurilensis Ju. Petr. et I. Guss., Курильские о-ва, о. Симушир, у входа в бухту Броутон, Глуб. 25-27 м., 1967, И. Гусарова.
Coordinates (geographic position): 47° 10′ N, 152° 14′ 9″ E
Imported description:
Date collected: 24721
Collected by: Gussarova I.
Type category: Holotype
Scientific name: Costularia kurilensis Ju. Petr. et I. Guss.⁣
Region: RU - Russian Federation
Coordinates: 47°10′0″N, 152°14′9″E
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000671 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000672

LE A0000672

Paratype of Feditia simuschirensis Ju. Petr. et I. Guss.⁣

Collectors: Gussarova, I. Collection date: 06.09.1967.
Administrative regions: RU - Sakhalinskaya Oblast'. Place of collection: Simushir island.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Feditia simuschirensis Ju. Petr. et I. Guss., Курильские о-ва, о. Симушир, у входа в бухту Броутон, р. 18, ст. 112, глубина больше, чем 32 м, гр. песок, выходы скал, 1967, И. Гусарова.
Imported description:
Date collected: 24721
Collected by: Gussarova I.
Type category: Paratype
Scientific name: Feditia simuschirensis Ju. Petr. et I. Guss.⁣ 
Region: RU - Russian Federation
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000672 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000673

LE A0000673

Type of Feditia simuschirensis Ju. Petr. et I. Guss.⁣

Collectors: Gussarova, I. Collection date: 11.09.1967.
Administrative regions: RU - Sakhalinskaya Oblast'. Place of collection: Simushir island.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Feditia simuschirensis Ju. Petr. et I. Guss., Курильские о-ва, о. Симушир, у входа в бухту Броутон, Гл. 37 - 40 м, гр. песок, выходы скал, 1967, И. Гусарова.
Imported description:
Date collected: 24726
Collected by: Gussarova I.
Type category: Holotype
Scientific name: Feditia simuschirensis Ju. Petr. et I. Guss.⁣ 
Region: RU - Russian Federation
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000673 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000674

LE A0000674

Type of Laminaria angustata Kjellman in Kjellman & Petersen subsp. sibirica Ju. Petr. et M. Suchov.⁣

Collectors: Petrov, U.; Suchoveeva, M. V. Collection date: 23.10.1969.
Administrative regions: RU - Primorskiy Kray - Lazovskiy Rayon. Place of collection: Petrov island.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Laminaria angustata subsp. sibirica Ju. Petr. et M. Suchov., Японское море, о. Петрова, гл. 0,5 м, на скалах, 1969, Ю. Петров, М. Сухавеева.
Imported description:
Date collected: 25499
Collected by: Petrov Yu.E.; Suchoveeva M.V.
Type category: Holotype
Scientific name: Laminaria angustata Kjellman in Kjellman & Petersen subsp. sibirica Ju. Petr. et M. Suchov.⁣ 
Rank: subspecies
Region: RU - Russian Federation
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000674 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000675

LE A0000675

Type of Laminaria appressirhiza Ju. Pter. et V. Voz.⁣

Collectors: Vozzhinskaya, V. Collection date: 28.08.1964.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Ol'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: Udacha bay.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Laminaria appressirhiza Ju. Pter. et V. Voz., Японское море, зал. Удачи, гр. Скалы, гл. 8 м, 1964, В. Вожинская.
Imported description:
Date collected: 23617
Collected by: Vozzhinskaya V.B.
Type category: Holotype
Scientific name: Laminaria appressirhiza Ju. Pter. et V. Voz.⁣ 
Region: RU - Russian Federation
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000675 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000676

LE A0000676

Type of Laminaria cichorioides Miyabe forma borealis Ju. Petr.⁣

Collectors: Petrov, U. Collection date: 06.09.1966.
Administrative regions: RU - Khabarovskiy Kray. Place of collection: Rekinenskaya bay.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Laminaria cichorioides f. borealis Ju. Petr., Охотское море, Губа Рекиникская, выбросы, 1966, Ю. Петров.
Imported description:
Date collected: 24356
Collected by: Petrov Yu.E.
Type category: Intended but never published
Scientific name: Laminaria cichorioides Miyabe forma borealis Ju. Petr.⁣
Rank: forma
Region: RU - Russian Federation
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000676 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000677

LE A0000677

Type of Laminaria cichorioides Miyabe forma borealis Ju. Petr.⁣

Collectors: Petrov, U. Collection date: 22.08.1968.
Administrative regions: RU - Sakhalinskaya Oblast'. Place of collection: Antonovo.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Laminaria cichorioides f. borealis Ju. Petr., Охотское море, Антоново, выбросы, 1966, Ю. Петров.
Imported description:
Date collected: 25072
Collected by: Petrov Yu.E.
Type category: Intended but never published
Scientific name: Laminaria cichorioides Miyabe forma borealis Ju. Petr.⁣
Rank: forma
Region: RU - Russian Federation
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000677 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000678

LE A0000678

Laminaria cichorioides Miyabe forma borealis Ju. Petr.⁣

Collectors: Petrov, U.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Laminaria cichorioides f. sinuicola Ju. Petr.
Imported description:
Collected by: Petrov Yu.E.
Type category: Invalid published
Scientific name: Laminaria cichorioides forma sinuicola U.Petrov
Rank: forma
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000678 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000679

LE A0000679

Type of Laminaria gurjanovae Zinova⁣

Collectors: Petrov, U. Collection date: 15.08.1969.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Gorod Magadan. Place of collection: Veselaya bay.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Laminaria gurjanovae f. lanciformis Ju. Petr., Магадан, б/х Весёлая, литораль, 1969, Ю. Петров.
Imported description:
Date collected: 25430
Collected by: Petrov Yu.E.
Type category: Invalid published
Scientific name: Laminaria gurjanovae forma lanciformis Ju. Petr.
Rank: forma
Region: RU - Russian Federation
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000679 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000680

LE A0000680

Type of Laminaria inclinatorhiza Ju. Petr. et V. Voz.⁣

Collectors: Vozzhinskaya, V. Collection date: 24.08.1963.
Administrative regions: RU - Kamtchatski Kray. Place of collection: Kavacha bay.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Laminaria inclinatorhiza Ju. Petr. et V. Voz., Охотское море, бухта Кавача, Камчатка, гл. 12 м,камни, 1963, В. Вожинская.
Imported description:
Date collected: 23247
Collected by: Vozzhinskaya V.B.
Type category: Holotype
Scientific name: Laminaria inclinatorhiza Ju. Petr. et V. Voz.⁣
Region: RU - Russian Federation
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000680 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000681

LE A0000681

Type of Laminaria multiplicata Ju. Petr. et M. Suchov.⁣

Collectors: Suchoveeva, M. V. Collection date: 27.06.1974.
Administrative regions: RU - Khabarovskiy Kray - Okhotskiy Rayon. Place of collection: Erineyskaya bay.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Laminaria multiplicata Ju. Petr. et M. Suchov., Ейринейская губа, бухта Большая Молта, глубина 3 м, 1974, М. Суховеева.
Coordinates (geographic position): 59° 21′ N, 145° 48′ E
Imported description:
Date collected: 27207
Collected by: Suchoveeva M.V.
Type category: Holotype
Scientific name: Laminaria multiplicata Ju. Petr. et M. Suchov.⁣ 
Region: RU - Russian Federation
Coordinates: 59°21′N, 145°48′E
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000681 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000682

LE A0000682

Type of Laminaria philippinensis Ju. Petr. et M. Suchov.⁣

Collectors: Avdejev, G. Collection date: 09.10.1970.
Administrative regions: JP - Japan. Place of collection: Philippine Sea, sytrtis Ramapo, 27°16' lat. bor[ealis], 145°15' long. orien[alis], 85 m depth.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Laminaria philippinensis Ju. Petr. et M. Suchov., Филипинское море, с.ш. 27°16' , с. д. 145°15', банка Рамапо, гл. 85 м, 1970, Г.В. Авдеев.
Coordinates (geographic position): 27° 16′ N, 145° 15′ E
Imported description:
Date collected: 25850
Collected by: Avdejev G.V.
Type category: Holotype
Scientific name: Laminaria philippinensis Ju. Petr. et M. Suchov.⁣
Region: JP - Japan
Coordinates: 27°16'N , 145°15'E
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000682 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000683

LE A0000683

Type of Phyllariella ochotensis Ju. Petr. et V.Voz.⁣

Collectors: Vozzhinskaya, V.; Blinova, Ekaterina Ivanovna Collection date: 22.08.1964.
Administrative regions: RU - Kamtchatski Kray - Tigil'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: Ptychy island.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Phyllariella ochotensis Ju. Petr. et V.Voz., Охотское море, Зап. Камчатка, о. Птичий, Ванна в нижнем горизонте литорали, 1964, В. Возжинская, Е. Блинова.
Imported description:
Date collected: 23611
Collected by: Vozzhinskaya V.B.; Blinova E.I.
Type category: Holotype
Scientific name: Phyllariella ochotensis Ju. Petr. et V.Voz.⁣
Region: RU - Russian Federation
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000683 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000684

LE A0000684

Type of Polycerea borealis K.L.Vinogradova⁣

Collectors: Vinogradova, K. Collection date: 30.07.1968.
Administrative regions: RU - Chukotskiy Avtonomnyy Okrug - Chukotskiy Rayon. Place of collection: bay of laurentia.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Polycerea borealis Vinogr., Берингов пролив, зал. Лаврентия, выходы скал за мысом Верховского, на границе литорали и сублиторали, 1968, К. Виноградова.
Imported description:
Date collected: 25049
Collected by: Vinogradova K.L.
Type category: Holotype
Scientific name: Polycerea borealis K.L.Vinogradova
Region: RU - Russian Federation
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000684 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000685

LE A0000685

Paratype of Phyllariella ochotensis Ju. Petr. et V.Voz.⁣

Collectors: Zaks, I. Collection date: 1927.
Administrative regions: RU - Khabarovskiy Kray. Place of collection: Big Shantar island.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Phyllariella ochotensis Ju. Petr. et V.Voz., Охотское море, о. Большой Шантар, зал. Николая, 1927, И. Закс.
Imported description:
Date collected: 1927
Collected by: Zaks I.
Type category: Paratype
Scientific name: Phyllariella ochotensis Ju. Petr. et V.Voz.⁣
Region: RU - Russian Federation
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000685 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000686

LE A0000686

Paratype of Phyllariella ochotensis Ju. Petr. et V.Voz.⁣

Collectors: Zaks, I. Collection date: 1927.
Administrative regions: RU - Khabarovskiy Kray. Place of collection: Big Shantar island.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Phyllariella ochotensis Ju. Petr. et V.Voz., Охотское море, о. Большой Шантар, зал. Николая, 1927, И. Закс.
Imported description:
Date collected: 1927
Collected by: Zaks I.
Type category: Paratype
Scientific name: Phyllariella ochotensis Ju. Petr. et V.Voz.⁣
Region: RU - Russian Federation
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000686 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000687

LE A0000687

Paratype of Phyllariella ochotensis Ju. Petr. et V.Voz.⁣

Collectors: Zaks, I. Collection date: 1927.
Administrative regions: RU - Khabarovskiy Kray. Place of collection: Big Shantar island.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Phyllariella ochotensis Ju. Petr. et V.Voz., Охотское море, о. Большой Шантар, 1927, И. Закс.
Imported description:
Date collected: 1927
Collected by: Zaks I.
Type category: Paratype
Scientific name: Phyllariella ochotensis Ju. Petr. et V.Voz.⁣
Region: RU - Russian Federation
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000687 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000688

LE A0000688

Paratype of Phyllariella ochotensis Ju. Petr. et V.Voz.⁣

Collectors: Zaks, I. Collection date: 1927.
Administrative regions: RU - Khabarovskiy Kray. Place of collection: Big Shantar island.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Phyllariella ochotensis Ju. Petr. et V.Voz., Охотское море, о. Большой Шантар, Якшина губа 1927, И. Закс.
Imported description:
Date collected: 1927
Collected by: Zaks I.
Type category: Paratype
Scientific name: Phyllariella ochotensis Ju. Petr. et V.Voz.⁣
Region: RU - Russian Federation
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000688 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000689

LE A0000689

Paratype of Phyllariella ochotensis Ju. Petr. et V.Voz.⁣

Collectors: Vozzhinskaya, V. Collection date: 29.08.1962.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Severo-Evenskiy Rayon. Place of collection: Gijigina bay.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Phyllariella ochotensis Ju. Petr. et V.Voz., Охотское море, Гижигинская губа, мыс Арегечинского, глуб. 12-15 м., 1962, В. Возжинская.
Imported description:
Date collected: 22887
Collected by: Vozzhinskaya V.B.
Type category: Paratype
Scientific name: Phyllariella ochotensis Ju. Petr. et V.Voz.⁣
Region: RU - Russian Federation
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000689 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000690

LE A0000690

Isotype of Phyllariella ochotensis Ju. Petr. et V.Voz.⁣

Collectors: Petrov, U.; Vozzhinskaya, V. Collection date: 22.08.1964.
Administrative regions: RU - Kamtchatski Kray - Tigil'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: Ptychy island.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Phyllariella ochotensis Ju. Petr. et V.Voz., Охотское море, Западная Камчатка, о. Птичий, ст. 40, ванна, 1964, Петров, Возжинская.
Imported description:
Date collected: 23611
Collected by: Petrov Yu.E.; Vozzhinskaya V.B.
Type category: Paratype
Scientific name: Phyllariella ochotensis Ju. Petr. et V.Voz.⁣
Region: RU - Russian Federation
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000690 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000691

LE A0000691

Isotype of Phyllariella ochotensis Ju. Petr. et V.Voz.⁣

Collectors: Petrov, U.; Vozzhinskaya, V. Collection date: 22.08.1964.
Administrative regions: RU - Kamtchatski Kray - Tigil'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: Ptychy island.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Phyllariella ochotensis Ju. Petr. et V.Voz., Охотское море, Западная Камчатка, о. Птичий, ст. 15, литоральная ванна, 1964, Петров, Возжинская.
Imported description:
Date collected: 23611
Collected by: Petrov Yu.E.; Vozzhinskaya V.B.
Type category: Paratype
Scientific name: Phyllariella ochotensis Ju. Petr. et V.Voz.⁣
Region: RU - Russian Federation
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000691 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000692

LE A0000692

Paratype of Phyllariella ochotensis Ju. Petr. et V.Voz.⁣

Collectors: Vozzhinskaya, V. Collection date: 29.08.1962.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Severo-Evenskiy Rayon. Place of collection: Gijigina bay.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Phyllariella ochotensis Ju. Petr. et V.Voz., Охотское море, Гижигинская губа, мыс Арегечинского, кекуры, гл. 8 м.., 1962, В. Возжинская.
Imported description:
Date collected: 22887
Collected by: Vozzhinskaya V.B.
Type category: Paratype
Scientific name: Phyllariella ochotensis Ju. Petr. et V.Voz.⁣
Region: RU - Russian Federation
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000692 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000693

LE A0000693

Paratype of Phyllariella ochotensis Ju. Petr. et V.Voz.⁣

Collectors: Vozzhinskaya, V. Collection date: 29.08.1962.
Administrative regions: RU - Magadanskaya Oblast' - Severo-Evenskiy Rayon. Place of collection: Gijigina bay.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Phyllariella ochotensis Ju. Petr. et V.Voz., Охотское море, Гижигинская губа, мыс Арегечинского, кекуры, 15 м., 1962, В. Возжинская.
Imported description:
Date collected: 22887
Collected by: Vozzhinskaya V.B.
Type category: Paratype
Scientific name: Phyllariella ochotensis Ju. Petr. et V.Voz.⁣
Region: RU - Russian Federation
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000693 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000694

LE A0000694

Phyllariella ochotensis Ju. Petr. et V.Voz.⁣

Collection date: 1964.
Administrative regions: RU - Russian Federation. Place of collection: Okhotsk Sea, Ptichyi Island, st. 15, littoral bath.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
“Phyllariella ochotensis Ju. Petr. et V. Voz.”, “Phyllaria. э/с “Витязь”. Охотское море, о. Птичий, ст. 15, литоральная ванна с движущейся водой. Спорангиев нет. 22 VIII 1964”
Imported description:
Date collected: 22 VIII 1964
Type category: Paratype
Scientific name: Phyllariella ochotensis Ju. Petr. et V.Voz.⁣
Region: RU - Russian Federation
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000694 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000695

LE A0000695

Paratype of Phyllariella ochotensis Ju. Petr. et V.Voz.⁣

Collectors: Petrov, U. Collection date: 24.08.1965.
Administrative regions: RU - Kamtchatski Kray - Penzhinskiy Rayon. Place of collection: Penzhinskiy bay.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Phyllariella ochotensis Ju. Petr. et V.Voz., Охотское море, Пенжинская губа, кекуры около р. Вавачун, верх. гор. литорали, 1965, Ю.Е. Петров.
Imported description:
Date collected: 23978
Collected by: Petrov Yu.E.
Type category: Specimen authenticum
Scientific name: Phyllariella ochotensis Ju. Petr. et V.Voz.⁣
Region: RU - Russian Federation
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000695 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000696

LE A0000696

Type of Neoabbottiella araneosa Perest.⁣

Collectors: Lukin, V. Collection date: 06.08.1972.
Administrative regions: RU - Sakhalinskaya Oblast' - Severo-Kuril'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: Paramushir island.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Abbottea araneosa Perest., Курильские о-ва, о. Парамушир, ст. 413, у мыса Скального, Глуб. 20 м., 1972, В.И. Лукин.
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000696 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000697

LE A0000697

Isotype of Neoabbottiella araneosa Perest.⁣

Collectors: Lukin, V. Collection date: 06.08.1972.
Administrative regions: RU - Sakhalinskaya Oblast' - Severo-Kuril'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: Paramushir island.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Abbottea araneosa Perest., Курильские о-ва, о. Парамушир, ст. 413, у мыса Скального, Глуб. 20 м., 1972, В.И. Лукин.
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000697 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000698

LE A0000698

Isotype of Neoabbottiella araneosa Perest.⁣

Collectors: Lukin, V. Collection date: 06.08.1972.
Administrative regions: RU - Sakhalinskaya Oblast' - Severo-Kuril'skiy Rayon. Place of collection: Paramushir island.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Abbottea araneosa Perest., Курильские о-ва, о. Парамушир, ст. 413, у мыса Скального, Глуб. 20 м., 1972, В.И. Лукин.
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000698 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000699

LE A0000699

Type of Antithamnionella longicellulata Perestenko⁣

Collection date: 18.06.1957.
Administrative regions: RU - Primorskiy Kray - Khasanskiy Rayon. Place of collection: Sidimi bay.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Antithamnionella longicellulata Perest., Японское море, Залив Петра Великого, бухта Сидими, ст. 19, гл. 5 м., 1957, Л.П. Перестенко.
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000699 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000700

LE A0000700

Type of Antithamnionella longicellulata Perestenko⁣

Collectors: Petrov, U. Collection date: 04.06.1964.
Administrative regions: RU - Primorskiy Kray. Place of collection: Putatina island.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Antithamnionella longicellulata Perest., Японское море, о. Путятин, восточнее мыса Родионова, 1964, Ю. Петров.
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000700 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE A0000701

LE A0000701

Type of Antithamnionella longicellulata Perestenko⁣

Collectors: Petrov, U. Collection date: 04.06.1964.
Administrative regions: RU - Primorskiy Kray. Place of collection: Putatina island.
Groups of specimens: Algae specimens; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Antithamnionella longicellulata Perest., Японское море, о. Путятин, восточнее мыса Родионова, 1964, Ю. Петров.
Record creation: 2021-11-29, Stepan Ivanov, Microtek 1600
Citation: Specimen LE A0000701 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —