Specimens – LE 01284962

LE 01284962

Isotype of Calandrinia saxifraga Barn.⁣ det. Byalt, Vyacheslav Vyacheslavovich at 02.2006

Additional identifications: Calandrinia saxifraga Barn.⁣ det. Gay, Claude
Collectors: Gay, Claude Field collecting number: 505.
Administrative regions: CL - Chile. Place of collection: Chile, [Prov. Coquimbo].
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056; Типовые образцы Общего сектора; Herb. Mus. Paris.
Original label text:
Calandrinia saxifraga Barn. Gay, Fl. Chil. II, 506. Ameriq merid, N 505, Chile. M. Cl. Gay [Herb. Mus. Pari.] [Ex Herbario Muse. Parisiensis]
Coordinates (geographic position): 29° 54′ 23.41″ S, 71° 14′ 46.3″ W ±10000 m
Record creation: 2024-06-08, Larisa Orlova, PhotoScan D2.
Citation: Specimen LE 01284962 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/01284962