Specimens – LE 01046181

LE 01046181

Specimen originale of Statice tatarica L. var. angustifolia M.Bieb.⁣ det. Grebenjuk, Аlexey Viktorovich at 01.2012

Additional identifications: Statice graminifolia Aiton⁣ ⟨determ. Besser/Fischer?⟩ det. Unknown; Goniolimon besserianum Nyman (pro subsp. G. tataricum)⁣ det. Klokov, Michail Vasilijevich; Goniolimon besserianum (Schult.) Kusn.⁣ det. Linczevski, Igor Alexandrovich at 03.1952; Isotype of Statice besseriana Schult. (nom. inval.)⁣ det. Tzvelev, Nikolai Nikolaievich at 06.1992; Isolectotype of Statice besseriana Schult. (nom. inval.)⁣ ⟨ined.⟩ det. Fedoronchuk, Mykola Mykhaylovych, Krytzka, Ljubov Ivanivna at 20.01.2001; Goniolimon besserianum (Schult. ex Reichenb.) Janka⁣ det. Grebenjuk, Аlexey Viktorovich at 01.2012
Collectors: Besser, Wilibald Swibert Joseph Gottlib von Field collecting number: s.n.. Place of collection: Podolia australis.
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Восточной Европы; Типовые образцы сектора Восточной Европы; Herb. Fischer
Object features: signed "a"
Original label text:
Herb. Fischer.
Statice graminifolia
[signed 'a' - Tzvelev, AVG]
e Pod[ol]. austr.
Record creation: 2024-02-14, Alexey V. Grebenjuk
Citation: Specimen LE 01046181 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/01046181