Specimens – LE 01049862

LE 01049862

Ophiopogon pingbienensis F.T.Wang & L.K.Dai⁣ det. Noriyuki Tanaka at 24.07.2019

Additional identifications: Ophiopogon sp.⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 08.10.2013
Collectors: Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; et al. Field collecting number: CPC5473. Collection date: 08.10.2013.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Cao Bang.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium
Original label text:
FLORA OF VIETNAM. Convallariaceae. Ophiopogon sp. Cao Bang Prov., Thong Nong Distr., Yen Son Municipality, Nhieu Lung village, around point 22°46'07.9"N, 105°53'59.4"E. Primary fractionaly logged coniferous forest with Pseudotsuga sinensis along highly eroded rocky limestone ridge at elevation 1150-1250 m a.s.l. Terrestrial and lithophytic rosulate herb on shady very steep slope and on cliff shelves. Leaves very dark green to almost black. Locally common. 8 October 2013 CPC 5473. L.Averyanov, N.T.Hiep, L.M.Tuan, N.S.Khang, T.Maisak, L.Osinovets. 3 living plants
Coordinates (geographic position): 22° 46′ 7.9″ N, 105° 53′ 59.4″ E ±1000 m
Record creation: 2019-02-22, Leonid Averyanov, PhotoScan D1
Citation: Specimen LE 01049862 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/01049862