Additional identifications:Hesperis crenulata DC.; Malcolmia crenulata Vassilcz. det. Grossheim, Alexander Alfonsovich at 09.1948; Maresia meyeri (Boiss.) F. Dvorak det. Dorofeev, Vladimir Ivanovich at 22.07.1992; Strigosella meyri (Boiss.) V.I.Dorof. det. Dorofeev, Vladimir Ivanovich at 27.07.1992; Isolectotype of Malcolmia meyeri Boiss. det. Dorofeev, Vladimir Ivanovich at 24.01.2002; Wilckia meyeri (Boiss.) Woronow det. Busch, Nicolai Adolfowitsch (Nikolaj Adolfovich)Collectors:Hohenacker, Rudolf FriedrichField collecting number: 2393. Groups of specimens:Типовые образцы сектора Кавказа; Образцы сектора КавказаOriginal label text:
Juni [1834-1835]. Sandige Stellen in Swant.
Record creation: 2020-07-11, Denis Melnikov, PhotoScan D1Citation: Specimen LE 01079064 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —