Specimens – LE 01047663

LE 01047663

Specimen authenticum of Statice speciosa L. β. [var.] lepidota Regel⁣ ⟨locality not cited⟩ det. Grebenjuk, Аlexey Viktorovich at 02.2023

Additional identifications: Goniolimon orthocladum Rupr.⁣ det. Linczevski, Igor Alexandrovich at 03.1952; Syntype of Statice speciosa L. β. [var.] lepidota Regel⁣ det. Byalt, Vyacheslav Vyacheslavovich at 08.11.2016
Collectors: Fetissow, A. Field collecting number: s.n.. Collection date: 03.06.1878.
Administrative regions: KZ - Kazakhstan. Place of collection: Alatau Transiliensis.
Expedition: A. Fetissow. Iter Turkestanicum (1877 -1882)
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Средней Азии; Типовые образцы сектора Средней Азии; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056; Herbarium horti Petropolitani
Original label text:
Herbarium horti Petropolitani.
Statice speciosa L. β. lepidota Rgl. [C. Winkler manuscr.]
Karagatly suedl. v. ... 3/VI [1878] Fetissow [Schmalh. manuscr.]
Transil. Alatau) [A. Regel manuscr.]
Statice speciosa L. β. [var.] lepidota Regel
1880, Acta Horti Petropolitani, 6 (2): 387 (in adnot.), 389.
Ind. loc.: «In valle fluvii Ili, ad lacum Sairam, in montibus thianschanicis (A. Regel, Fetisow)».
NB: Образец не является синтипом // This specimen is not a syntype (teste Alexey V. Grebenjuk)
Record creation: 2023-02-20, Alexey Grebenjuk, PhotoScan D2.
Citation: Specimen LE 01047663 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/01047663