Specimens – LE 01055948

LE 01055948

Microtoena insuavis (Hance) Briq.⁣ det. Chen Yaping at 27.12.2022

Additional identifications: Lamiaceae sp.⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 24.11.1998
Collectors: Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; Phan Ke Loc; Nguyen Xuan Tam Field collecting number: CBL590. Collection date: 24.11.1998.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Cao Bang.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; Flora of Vietnam
Original label text:

N. Vietnam, prov. Cao Bang, distr. Ha Lang, municipality Dong Loan, vicinities of Ban Lung and Lung Phuc (N 22°46′ E 106°44′), about 50 km
to E from Cao Bang town. Secondary evergreen forest on alluvial valley among limestone rocks on foothills of remnant limestone ridges at 400
m alt. Terrestrial herb in wet open place at the base of limestone bluffs. Flowers yellow. Not common.
CBL 590 24 Nov. 1998
International Botanical Expedition of the U.S.A. National Geographic Society (grant No 6300-98)
Collectors: Averyanov L., P.K.Loc, N.X.Tam.
Coordinates (geographic position): 22° 46′ N, 106° 44′ E ±1000 m
Record creation: 2019-08-29, Leonid Averyanov, PhotoScan D1. Processing status: work_status_1
Citation: Specimen LE 01055948 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/01055948