Specimens – LE 00013530

LE 00013530

Isotype of Rubus parviflorus f. parbifarius Fassett⁣

Field collecting number: 2397. Collection date: 04.08.1938.
Administrative regions: US - United States of America. Place of collection: Plants of California, trickets on N. slope of Strawberry Creek Canyon, 0.7 mi. above its mouth, 1100 ft. alt., Berkeley, Alameda County..
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора
[Imported description]
Family: Rosaceae
Taxon: Rubus parviflorus f. parbifarius Fassett
Type specimen category: Isotype
Collectors: L. Constance
Record number: 2397
Collection date: 04.08.1938
Country: USA
Locality: Plants of California, trickets on N. slope of Strawberry Creek Canyon, 0.7 mi. above its mouth, 1100 ft. alt., Berkeley, Alameda County.
Altitude: 1100 ft.
Record creation: 2020-12-31, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grant
Citation: Specimen LE 00013530 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00013530