Field collecting number: 1264. Collection date: 09.1859. Place of collection: Plantae Cubenses Wrightianae, in Cuba Orientali.Groups of specimens:Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектораComment:
[Imported description] Family: Rubiaceae Taxon: Schradera cephalophora Griseb. Type specimen category: Isotypus Identified by: Griseb. Collectors: C. Wright Record number: 1264 Collection date: 09.1859 Country: Cuba Locality: Plantae Cubenses Wrightianae, in Cuba Orientali
Record creation: 2020-12-31, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00005139 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —