Specimens – LE 01056083

LE 01056083

Additional identifications: Lonicera caerulea var. altaica (Pall.) Sweet⁣ det. Vaga A. at 1933; Lonicera baltica Pojark.⁣ det. Pojarkova, Antonina Ivanovna at 1956
Collectors: Vaga A. Collection date: 29.05.1933.
Administrative regions: RU - Pskovskaya Oblast' - Pechorskiy Rayon. Place of collection: between the stations of Liivamäe and Vilo.
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Восточной Европы
Life form: Shrub
Original label text:
[1]EESTI TAIMED - ESTONIAN PLANTS. Tartu Ülikooli Botaanikamuuseum - Botanical Museum of the University of Tartu. 89. Lonicera coerulea L. var. altaica Sweet. - Taevassinine kuslapuu, portsmari. [L. altaica Pallas p. p.; L. Pallasii Ledebour.] Mandri lubjarikkamail aladel, eriti lääneosas niisketel puisniitudel, sega- ja lodumetsades. Estonia sarmatica, Petseri-Irboska raudtee ääres, Liivamäe ja Vilo peatuskoha vahel. On the mainland, in districts with calcareous subsoil, especially in moist woody meadows, mixed woods and marshy woods. Estonia sarmatica, along the Petseri-Irboska railway line, between the stations of Liivamäe and Vilo. 29.05.1933. Leg. A. Vaga. [2, надпись карандашом на листе] Псковская область! Н. Миняев.
Record creation: 2019-05-19, Alexey Byalt, PhotoScan D1
Citation: Specimen LE 01056083 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/01056083