Specimens – LE 01284481

LE 01284481

Syntype of Salix x danubialis Borb.⁣ det. Byalt, Vyacheslav Vyacheslavovich at 20.11.2004

Additional identifications: Salix x danubialis Borb.⁣ det. Borbás, Vincze (Vincent, Vince) von at 1899
Collectors: Borbás, Vincze (Vincent, Vince) von Collection date: 21.07.1898.
Administrative regions: HU - Hungary. Place of collection: Flora Hungarica centr.: Insula Csepel; inter parentes in arena-submobili ad pag. Csepele.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056; Ex Herbario Horti Botanici Jurjevensis; Dr. C. Baenitz, Herbarium Europaeum.
Original label text:
Salix danubialis Borb. in Kert. 1899, pg. 12 + S. caprea x rosmarinifolia. Flora Hungarica centr.: Insula Csepel; inter parentes in arena-submobili ad pag. Csepele. 3./5. 99. 21./7. 98. leg. V.v. Borbás [Ex Herbario Horti Botanici Jurjevensis] [Dr. C. Baenitz, Herbarium Europaeum]
Record creation: 2024-11-23, Larisa Orlova, PhotoScan D2.
Citation: Specimen LE 01284481 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/01284481