Specimens – LE 00018514

LE 00018514

Syntype of Astragalus wiedemannianus Fisch.⁣ det. Zarre, Shahin at 1834

Additional identifications: Astragalus wiedemannianus Fisch.⁣⁣
Collectors: Wiedemann, Ferdinand (Johannes) Field collecting number: 3. Collection date: 1834.
Administrative regions: TR - Ankara. Place of collection: [Turkey] Prope Angora in monte trachytico Kusjun-Kaze (monte Stella.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектора; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Astragalus Wiedemannianus Fisch.⁣ Prope Angora in monte trachytico Kusjun-Kaze (monte Stella), legit Dr. Wiedemann. 1834, N 3
Coordinates (geographic position): 39° 52′ 36.45″ N, 32° 42′ 50.02″ E ±5000 m
Record creation: 2024-09-30, Larisa Orlova, PhotoScan D2.
Citation: Specimen LE 00018514 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00018514