United Arab Emirates, Fujairah Emirate, Al Siji, roadside with car small service stations, 0.4 km North-West from Fujairah Dates Farm. 25°16'35.84"N, 56° 0'51.90"E, elevation 212 m. [point 728]: waste place and drainage from labors accommodations. 1 IV 2020, fl., V.V. Byalt, M.V. Korshunov 1643
Habitat / plant community in location of collecting: пустырь и сливная канава для отходов производстваCoordinates (geographic position):25° 16′ 35.84″ N, 56° 0′ 51.9″ E ±100 m, 212 m a.s.l.Record creation: 2023-04-28, Larisa Orlova, PhotoScan D2.Citation: Specimen LE 01194057 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/01194057