LE 01170751

LE 01170751

Psychotria cambodiana Pit.⁣ det. Nguyen Quoc Bao at 27.11.2022

Collectors: Nguyen Quoc Bao; et al. Field collecting number: QB002. Collection date: 27.11.2022.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Lam GJong.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; Flora of Vietnam
Original label text:
Psychotria cambodiana Pierre et Pit.

Lam Dong Province, Dam Rong District, Da Tong Commune, Da Nhinh 2 Hamlet. Shrubs. Stem pubescent or tomentose. Leaves simple, opposite, elliptic or lanceolate, tomentose in both sides, acute at the base, acuminate at apex, stipules bilobed. Inflorescence cymes, flower white, small. Fruit subcircular, red when ripe.
27.11.2022, Nguyen Quoc Bao, Truong Ba Vuong, Nguyen Van Canh, L. Averyanov, T. Maisak et al., QB02.
Det.: Nguyen Quoc Bao. Photo by Truong Ba Vuong.
All photos © - Truong Ba Vuong
Record creation: 2022-12-30, Galina Savich, PhotoScan D2.. Processing status: work_status_1
Citation: Specimen LE 01170751 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01170752

LE 01170752

Psychotria cambodiana Pit.⁣ det. Nguyen Quoc Bao at 27.11.2022

Collectors: Nguyen Quoc Bao; et al. Field collecting number: QB002. Collection date: 27.11.2022.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Lam GJong.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; Flora of Vietnam
Original label text:
Psychotria cambodiana Pierre et Pit.

Lam Dong Province, Dam Rong District, Da Tong Commune, Da Nhinh 2 Hamlet. Shrubs. Stem pubescent or tomentose. Leaves simple, opposite, elliptic or lanceolate, tomentose in both sides, acute at the base, acuminate at apex, stipules bilobed. Inflorescence cymes, flower white, small. Fruit subcircular, red when ripe.
27.11.2022, Nguyen Quoc Bao, Truong Ba Vuong, Nguyen Van Canh, L. Averyanov, T. Maisak et al., QB02.
Det.: Nguyen Quoc Bao. Photo by Truong Ba Vuong.
All photos © - Truong Ba Vuong
Record creation: 2022-12-30, Galina Savich, PhotoScan D2.. Processing status: work_status_1
Citation: Specimen LE 01170752 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01170753

LE 01170753

Lasianthus chrysoneurus (Korth.) Miq.⁣ det. Nguyen Quoc Bao at 27.11.2022

Collectors: Nguyen Quoc Bao; et al. Field collecting number: QB004. Collection date: 27.11.2022.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Lam GJong.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; Flora of Vietnam
Original label text:
Lasianthus chrysoneurus (Korthals) Miquel.

Lam Dong Province, Dam Rong District, Da Tong Commune, Da Nhinh 2 Hamlet. Shrubs. Leaves: leaf blade membranous, elliptic-oblong to elliptic-lanceolate, glabrous adaxially, appressed pubescent to puberulent abaxially, base cuneate to acute, apex acuminate. Inflorescences glomerulate to subcapitate, sessile; bracts persistent, outer bracts ovate, inner bracts lanceolate. Fruit subglobose to subobvate.
27.11.2022, Nguyen Quoc Bao, Truong Ba Vuong, Nguyen Van Canh, L. Averyanov, T. Maisak et al. QB04.
Det.: Nguyen Quoc Bao. Photo by Truong Ba Vuong.
All photos © - Truong Ba Vuong
Record creation: 2022-12-30, Galina Savich, PhotoScan D2.. Processing status: work_status_1
Citation: Specimen LE 01170753 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01170754

LE 01170754

Psychotria adenophylla Wall.⁣ det. Nguyen Quoc Bao at 27.11.2022

Collectors: Nguyen Quoc Bao; et al. Field collecting number: QB001. Collection date: 27.11.2022.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Lam GJong.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; Flora of Vietnam
Original label text:
Psychotria adenophylla Wall.

Lam Dong Province, Dam Rong District, Da Tong Commune, Da Nhinh 2 Hamlet. Shrubs. Leaves simple, opposite decussate, elliptic to oblong-lanceolate, acute at base, obtusely. Inflorescence paniculate cymes. Fruits ca. 0.6-1 cm, black, globose-ellipsoid.
27.11.2022, Nguyen Quoc Bao, Truong Ba Vuong, Nguyen Van Canh, L. Averyanov, T. Maisak et al., QB01.
Det:. & photo by Nguyen Quoc Bao.
All photos © - Nguyen Quoc Bao
Record creation: 2022-12-30, Galina Savich, PhotoScan D2.. Processing status: work_status_1
Citation: Specimen LE 01170754 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01170755

LE 01170755

Lasianthus sp.⁣ det. Nguyen Quoc Bao at 27.11.2022

Collectors: Nguyen Quoc Bao; et al. Field collecting number: QB005. Collection date: 27.11.2022.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Lam GJong.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; Flora of Vietnam
Original label text:
Lasianthus sp.

Lam Dong Province, Dam Rong District, Da Tong Commune, Da Nhinh 2 Hamlet. Shrubs, glabrous. Leaves elliptic, acute at base, acuminate at apex, glabrous, stipules triangular, glabrous. Inflorescence axillary, flower small, white; calyx 4, corolla 4.
27.11.2022, Nguyen Quoc Bao, Truong Ba Vuong, Nguyen Van Canh, L. Averyanov, T. Maisak et al., QB05.
All photos © - Nguyen Quoc Bao
Record creation: 2022-12-30, Galina Savich, PhotoScan D2.. Processing status: work_status_1
Citation: Specimen LE 01170755 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01170756

LE 01170756

Lasianthus chrysoneurus (Korth.) Miq.⁣ det. Nguyen Quoc Bao at 27.11.2022

Collectors: Nguyen Quoc Bao; et al. Field collecting number: QB004. Collection date: 27.11.2022.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Lam GJong.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; Flora of Vietnam
Original label text:
Lasianthus chrysoneurus (Korthals) Miquel.

Lam Dong Province, Dam Rong District, Da Tong Commune, Da Nhinh 2 Hamlet. Shrubs. Leaves: leaf blade membranous, elliptic-oblong to elliptic-lanceolate, glabrous adaxially, appressed pubescent to puberulent abaxially, base cuneate to acute, apex acuminate. Inflorescences glomerulate to subcapitate, sessile; bracts persistent, outer bracts ovate, inner bracts lanceolate. Fruit subglobose to subobvate.
27.11.2022, Nguyen Quoc Bao, Truong Ba Vuong, Nguyen Van Canh, L. Averyanov, T. Maisak et al. QB04.
Det.: Nguyen Quoc Bao. Photo by Truong Ba Vuong.
All photos © - Truong Ba Vuong
Record creation: 2022-12-30, Galina Savich, PhotoScan D2.. Processing status: work_status_1
Citation: Specimen LE 01170756 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01170757

LE 01170757

Lasianthus sp.⁣ det. Nguyen Quoc Bao at 27.11.2022

Collectors: Nguyen Quoc Bao; et al. Field collecting number: QB005. Collection date: 27.11.2022.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Lam GJong.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; Flora of Vietnam
Original label text:
Lasianthus sp.

Lam Dong Province, Dam Rong District, Da Tong Commune, Da Nhinh 2 Hamlet. Shrubs, glabrous. Leaves elliptic, acute at base, acuminate at apex, glabrous, stipules triangular, glabrous. Inflorescence axillary, flower small, white; calyx 4, corolla 4.
27.11.2022, Nguyen Quoc Bao, Truong Ba Vuong, Nguyen Van Canh, L. Averyanov, T. Maisak et al., QB05.
All photos © - Nguyen Quoc Bao
Record creation: 2022-12-30, Galina Savich, PhotoScan D2.. Processing status: work_status_1
Citation: Specimen LE 01170757 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01182264

LE 01182264

Luculia pinceana Hook.⁣ det. Tran Ngoc Ninh at 04.1973

Collectors: Takhtajan, Armen Leonovich. Field collecting number: Takhtajan 0589. Collection date: 29.10.1960.
Administrative regions: VN - Vietnam.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Luculia pinceana Hook.

29 X 1960 Takhtajan, Armen Leonovich 0589
Record creation: 2022-04-19, Tatiana Maisak, PhotoScan D2. Processing status: work_status_1
Citation: Specimen LE 01182264 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01253792

LE 01253792

Paratype of Ridsdalea backanensis C.H.Nguyen & Aver.⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich, Cuong Huu Nguyen at 20.10.2023

Collectors: Cuong Huu Nguyen; Chu Ngoc Quan; Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; Ly Van Nguyen; Maisak, Tatiana Viktorovna Field collecting number: AL2331. Collection date: 20.10.2023.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Bac Kan.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; Flora of Vietnam
Original label text:
Ridsdalea backanensis C.H.Nguyen & Aver.

Bac Kan Province, Ba Be District, Ba Be National Park. Dry evergreen broad-leaved secondary forest on steep rocky slopes composed by white crystalline marble-like highly eroded limestone near Dau Dang Waterfall of Nang River around point 22º27’09’’N 105º34’16’E at elev. of about 150 m a.s.l. Tree about 8 m tall on shady steep rocky slope. Fruits broadly ellipsoid, dirty green to almost black. Locally common.
20 October 2023, Nguyen Huu Cuong, Chu Ngoc Quan, L. Averyanov, Nguyen Van Ly, T. Maisak, AL2331.
Record creation: 2024-01-19, Tatiana Maisak, PhotoScan D2.. Processing status: work_status_1
Citation: Specimen LE 01253792 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01253793

LE 01253793

Paratype of Ridsdalea backanensis C.H.Nguyen & Aver.⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich, Cuong Huu Nguyen at 20.10.2023

Collectors: Cuong Huu Nguyen; Chu Ngoc Quan; Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; Ly Van Nguyen; Maisak, Tatiana Viktorovna Field collecting number: AL2331. Collection date: 20.10.2023.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Bac Kan.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; Flora of Vietnam
Original label text:
Ridsdalea backanensis C.H.Nguyen & Aver.

Bac Kan Province, Ba Be District, Ba Be National Park. Dry evergreen broad-leaved secondary forest on steep rocky slopes composed by white crystalline marble-like highly eroded limestone near Dau Dang Waterfall of Nang River around point 22º27’09’’N 105º34’16’E at elev. of about 150 m a.s.l. Tree about 8 m tall on shady steep rocky slope. Fruits broadly ellipsoid, dirty green to almost black. Locally common.
20 October 2023, Nguyen Huu Cuong, Chu Ngoc Quan, L. Averyanov, Nguyen Van Ly, T. Maisak, AL2331.
Record creation: 2024-01-19, Tatiana Maisak, PhotoScan D2.. Processing status: work_status_1
Citation: Specimen LE 01253793 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01253794

LE 01253794

Paratype of Ridsdalea backanensis C.H.Nguyen & Aver.⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich, Cuong Huu Nguyen at 29.10.2023

Collectors: Cuong Huu Nguyen; Chu Ngoc Quan; Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; Ly Van Nguyen; Maisak, Tatiana Viktorovna Field collecting number: AL2369. Collection date: 29.10.2023.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Bac Kan.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; Flora of Vietnam
Original label text:
Ridsdalea backanensis C.H. Nguyen & Aver.

Bac Kan Province, Ba Be District, Ba Be National Park. Dry evergreen broad-leaved secondary forest on very steep rocky slopes composed by white crystalline marble-like highly eroded limestone along lake shore on point 22º24’58’’N 105º36’48’E at elev. of about 250 m a.s.l. Tree about 10 m tall on very steep rocky slope. Not common.
29 October 2023, Nguyen Huu Cuong, Chu Ngoc Quan, L. Averyanov, Nguyen Van Ly, T. Maisak, AL2369.
Record creation: 2024-01-19, Tatiana Maisak, PhotoScan D2.. Processing status: work_status_1
Citation: Specimen LE 01253794 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01253795

LE 01253795

Paratype of Ridsdalea backanensis C.H.Nguyen & Aver.⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich, Cuong Huu Nguyen at 29.10.2023

Collectors: Cuong Huu Nguyen; Chu Ngoc Quan; Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; Ly Van Nguyen; Maisak, Tatiana Viktorovna Field collecting number: AL2369. Collection date: 29.10.2023.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Bac Kan.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; Flora of Vietnam
Original label text:
Ridsdalea backanensis C.H. Nguyen & Aver.

Bac Kan Province, Ba Be District, Ba Be National Park. Dry evergreen broad-leaved secondary forest on very steep rocky slopes composed by white crystalline marble-like highly eroded limestone along lake shore on point 22º24’58’’N 105º36’48’E at elev. of about 250 m a.s.l. Tree about 10 m tall on very steep rocky slope. Not common.
29 October 2023, Nguyen Huu Cuong, Chu Ngoc Quan, L. Averyanov, Nguyen Van Ly, T. Maisak, AL2369.
Record creation: 2024-01-19, Tatiana Maisak, PhotoScan D2.. Processing status: work_status_1
Citation: Specimen LE 01253795 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01253796

LE 01253796

Paratype of Ridsdalea backanensis C.H.Nguyen & Aver.⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich, Cuong Huu Nguyen at 20.10.2023

Collectors: Cuong Huu Nguyen; Chu Ngoc Quan; Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; Ly Van Nguyen Field collecting number: AL2330. Collection date: 20.10.2023.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Bac Kan.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; Flora of Vietnam
Original label text:
Ridsdalea backanensis C.H.Nguyen & Aver.

Bac Kan Province, Ba Be District, Ba Be National Park. Dry evergreen broad-leaved secondary forest on steep rocky slopes composed by white crystalline marble-like highly eroded limestone near Dau Dang Waterfall of Nang River around point 22º27’09’’N 105º34’16’E at elev. of about 150 m a.s.l. Tree about 5 m tall on shady steep rocky slope. Young flower buds green. Locally common.
20 October 2023, Nguyen Huu Cuong, Chu Ngoc Quan, L. Averyanov, Nguyen Van Ly, T. Maisak, AL2330.
Record creation: 2024-01-19, Tatiana Maisak, PhotoScan D2.. Processing status: work_status_1
Citation: Specimen LE 01253796 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01254117

LE 01254117

Mycetia sp.⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 29.10.2023

Collectors: Nguyen Huu Cuong; Chu Ngoc Quan; Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; Ly Van Nguyen; Maisak, Tatiana Viktorovna Field collecting number: AL2368. Collection date: 29.10.2023.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Bac Kan.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056; Flora of Vietnam
Original label text:
Mycetia sp.

Bac Kan Province, Ba Be District, Ba Be National Park. Dry evergreen broad-leaved secondary forest on very steep rocky slopes composed by white crystalline marble-like highly eroded limestone along lake shore on point 22º24’58’’N 105º36’48’E at elev. of about 250 m a.s.l. Undershrub to 1.5 m tall on steep shady slope. Flowers yellow. Not rare.
29 October 2023, Nguyen Huu Cuong, Chu Ngoc Quan, L. Averyanov, Nguyen Van Ly, T. Maisak, AL2368.
Record creation: 2024-02-16, Galina Savich, PhotoScan D2.. Processing status: work_status_1
Citation: Specimen LE 01254117 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01254118

LE 01254118

Ophiorrhiza sp.⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 30.10.2023

Collectors: Nguyen Huu Cuong; Chu Ngoc Quan; Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; Ly Van Nguyen; Maisak, Tatiana Viktorovna Field collecting number: AL2377. Collection date: 30.10.2023.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Bac Kan.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056; Flora of Vietnam
Original label text:
Ophiorrhiza sp.

Bac Kan Province, Ba Be District, Ba Be National Park. Primary and old secondary evergreen broad-leaved forest on very steep rocky slopes composed by white crystalline marble-like highly eroded limestone around point 22º27’26’’N 105º36’12’E at elev. of 600-800 m a.s.l. Terrestrial and lithophytic herb to 0.4 m tall on exposed wet rocks. Flower buds white, leaves dirty violet below. Not common.
30 October 2023, Nguyen Huu Cuong, Chu Ngoc Quan, L. Averyanov, Nguyen Van Ly, T. Maisak, AL2377.
Record creation: 2024-02-16, Galina Savich, PhotoScan D2.. Processing status: work_status_1
Citation: Specimen LE 01254118 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01254119

LE 01254119

Randia sp.⁣ ⟮prelim. ID⟯ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 20.10.2023

Collectors: Nguyen Huu Cuong; Chu Ngoc Quan; Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; Ly Van Nguyen; Maisak, Tatiana Viktorovna Field collecting number: AL2341. Collection date: 20.10.2023.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Bac Kan.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056; Flora of Vietnam
Original label text:
Randia sp.?

Bac Kan Province, Ba Be District, Ba Be National Park. Dry evergreen broad-leaved secondary forest on cliffs composed by white crystalline marble-like highly eroded limestone along lake shore on point 22º25’46’’N 105º36’58’E at elev. of about 170 m a.s.l. Shrub to 3 m tall in open wet place in alluvial valley between limestone hills. Fruits green. Not common.
20 October 2023, Nguyen Huu Cuong, Chu Ngoc Quan, L. Averyanov, Nguyen Van Ly, T. Maisak, AL2341.
Record creation: 2024-02-16, Galina Savich, PhotoScan D2.. Processing status: work_status_1
Citation: Specimen LE 01254119 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01254120

LE 01254120

Geophila repens (L.) I.M.Johnst.⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 18.10.2023

Collectors: Nguyen Huu Cuong; Chu Ngoc Quan; Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; Ly Van Nguyen; Maisak, Tatiana Viktorovna Field collecting number: AL2306. Collection date: 18.10.2023.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Bac Kan.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056; Flora of Vietnam
Original label text:
Geophila repens (L.) I.M.Johnst.

Bac Kan Province, Ba Be District, Nam Mau Commune, Nam Dai Village. Dry evergreen broad-leaved forest on steep rocky slopes composed by white to gray crystalline marble-like limestone around point 22º25’20’’N 105º35’03’E at elev. of about 650 m a.s.l. Terrestrial creeping herb in wet shady place. Fruits red. Not rare.
18 October 2023. Nguyen Huu Cuong, Chu Ngoc Quan, L. Averyanov, Nguyen Van Ly, T. Maisak, AL2306.
Record creation: 2024-02-16, Galina Savich, PhotoScan D2.. Processing status: work_status_1
Citation: Specimen LE 01254120 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01254121

LE 01254121

sp. sp.⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 13.11.2023

Collectors: Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; Nguyen Van Canh; Maisak, Tatiana Viktorovna Field collecting number: AL2658. Collection date: 13.11.2023.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Lam GJong.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056; Flora of Vietnam
Original label text:

Lam Dong Province, Di Linh District, Brah Yang Mountain, primary and old secondary evergreen broad-leaved and mixed forest (with Pinus khasya) on granite around point 11º27.669ʹ N 108º03.543ʹ E at elevation of 1100-1200 m a.s.l.
Erect lithophytic herb on shady mossy boulders along stream. Not common.
13 November 2023, L. Averyanov, Nguyen Van Canh, T. Maisak, AL2658.
Record creation: 2024-02-16, Galina Savich, PhotoScan D2.. Processing status: work_status_1
Citation: Specimen LE 01254121 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01254122

LE 01254122

Argostemma sp.⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 22.11.2023

Collectors: Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; Nguyen Van Canh; Maisak, Tatiana Viktorovna Field collecting number: AL2765. Collection date: 22.11.2023.
Administrative regions: VN - Kon Tum.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056; Flora of Vietnam
Original label text:
Argostemma sp.

Kon Tum Province, Kon Plong District, Kon Chu Rang Nature Reserve near Mang Den Town. around point 14º602000 N 108º298525 E. Primary evergreen mixed and coniferous forest on granite with Dacrycarpus and Dacrydium at elevation about 1200 m a.s.l. Creeping terrestrial herb in shady place. Locally common.
22 November 2023, L. Averyanov, Nguyen Van Canh, T. Maisak, AL2765.
Record creation: 2024-02-16, Galina Savich, PhotoScan D2.. Processing status: work_status_1
Citation: Specimen LE 01254122 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01254123

LE 01254123

Argostemma sp.⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 22.11.2023

Collectors: Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; Nguyen Van Canh; Maisak, Tatiana Viktorovna Field collecting number: AL2766. Collection date: 22.11.2023.
Administrative regions: VN - Kon Tum.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056; Flora of Vietnam
Original label text:
Argostemma sp.

Kon Tum Province, Kon Plong District, Kon Chu Rang Nature Reserve near Mang Den Town. around point 14º602000 N 108º298525 E. Primary evergreen mixed and coniferous forest on granite with Dacrycarpus and Dacrydium at elevation about 1200 m a.s.l. Creeping terrestrial herb in shady place. Locally common.
22 November 2023, L. Averyanov, Nguyen Van Canh, T. Maisak, AL2766.
Record creation: 2024-02-16, Galina Savich, PhotoScan D2.. Processing status: work_status_1
Citation: Specimen LE 01254123 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01254124

LE 01254124

Psychotria sp.⁣ ⟮prelim. ID⟯ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 18.10.2023

Collectors: Nguyen Huu Cuong; Chu Ngoc Quan; Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; Ly Van Nguyen; Maisak, Tatiana Viktorovna Field collecting number: AL2284. Collection date: 18.10.2023.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Bac Kan.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056; Flora of Vietnam
Original label text:
Psychotria sp.?

Bac Kan Province, Ba Be District, Nam Mau Commune, Nam Dai Village. Dry evergreen broad-leaved forest on steep rocky slopes composed by white to gray crystalline marble-like limestone around point 22º25’20’’N 105º35’03’E at elev. of about 650 m a.s.l. Shrub to 2.5 m tall on steep rocky slope on shady humid valley between limestone hills. Not common.
18 October 2023. Nguyen Huu Cuong, Chu Ngoc Quan, L. Averyanov, Nguyen Van Ly, T. Maisak, AL2284.
Record creation: 2024-02-16, Galina Savich, PhotoScan D2.. Processing status: work_status_1
Citation: Specimen LE 01254124 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01254125

LE 01254125

Psychotria sp.⁣ ⟮prelim. ID⟯ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 18.10.2023

Collectors: Nguyen Huu Cuong; Chu Ngoc Quan; Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; Ly Van Nguyen; Maisak, Tatiana Viktorovna Field collecting number: AL2289. Collection date: 18.10.2023.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Bac Kan.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056; Flora of Vietnam
Original label text:
Psychotria sp.

Bac Kan Province, Ba Be District, Nam Mau Commune, Nam Dai Village. Dry evergreen broad-leaved forest on steep rocky slopes composed by white to gray crystalline marble-like limestone around point 22º25’20’’N 105º35’03’E at elev. of about 650 m a.s.l. Shrub to 2.5 m tall on open rocky place. Common.
18 October 2023. Nguyen Huu Cuong, Chu Ngoc Quan, L. Averyanov, Nguyen Van Ly, T. Maisak, AL2289.
Record creation: 2024-02-16, Galina Savich, PhotoScan D2.. Processing status: work_status_1
Citation: Specimen LE 01254125 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01254126

LE 01254126

Mycetia sp.⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 18.10.2023

Collectors: Nguyen Huu Cuong; Chu Ngoc Quan; Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; Ly Van Nguyen; Maisak, Tatiana Viktorovna Field collecting number: AL2290. Collection date: 18.10.2023.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Bac Kan.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056; Flora of Vietnam
Original label text:
Mycetia sp.

Bac Kan Province, Ba Be District, Nam Mau Commune, Nam Dai Village. Dry evergreen broad-leaved forest on steep rocky slopes composed by white to gray crystalline marble-like limestone around point 22º25’20’’N 105º35’03’E at elev. of about 650 m a.s.l. Erect herb to 1.5 m tall on open rocky wet place. Flowers yellow. Not common.
18 October 2023. Nguyen Huu Cuong, Chu Ngoc Quan, L. Averyanov, Nguyen Van Ly, T. Maisak, AL2290.
Record creation: 2024-02-16, Galina Savich, PhotoScan D2.. Processing status: work_status_1
Citation: Specimen LE 01254126 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01254128

LE 01254128

Ixora sp.⁣ ⟮prelim. ID⟯ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 18.10.2023

Collectors: Nguyen Huu Cuong; Chu Ngoc Quan; Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; Ly Van Nguyen; Maisak, Tatiana Viktorovna Field collecting number: AL2293. Collection date: 18.10.2023.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Bac Kan.
Groups of specimens: Образцы общего сектора; L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056; Flora of Vietnam
Original label text:
Ixora sp.?

Bac Kan Province, Ba Be District, Nam Mau Commune, Nam Dai Village. Dry evergreen broad-leaved forest on steep rocky slopes composed by white to gray crystalline marble-like limestone around point 22º25’20’’N 105º35’03’E at elev. of about 650 m a.s.l. Shrub to 2.5 m tall on steep rocky slope. Not common.
18 October 2023. Nguyen Huu Cuong, Chu Ngoc Quan, L. Averyanov, Nguyen Van Ly, T. Maisak, AL2293.
Record creation: 2024-02-16, Galina Savich, PhotoScan D2.. Processing status: work_status_1
Citation: Specimen LE 01254128 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01254358

LE 01254358

Type of Uncaria baviensis Tran⁣ ⟨not published name⟩ at 26.08.1961

Collectors: Tran Field collecting number: N3882. Collection date: 26.08.1961.
Administrative regions: VN - Thanh Pho Ha Noi.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056; Flora of Vietnam
Original label text:
Uncaria baviensis Tran

Hanoi Municipality.
N 3882, 26.08.1961
Record creation: 2024-03-07, Galina Savich, PhotoScan D2.. Processing status: work_status_1
Citation: Specimen LE 01254358 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01254359

LE 01254359

Type of Uncaria sapaensis Tran⁣ ⟨not published name⟩ det. Tran at 26.06.1962

Collectors: Unknown Field collecting number: N6965. Collection date: 26.06.1962.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Lao Cai.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056; Flora of Vietnam
Original label text:
Uncaria sapaensis Tran

Lao Cai Prov.
N 6965, 26.06.1962
Record creation: 2024-03-07, Galina Savich, PhotoScan D2.. Processing status: work_status_1
Citation: Specimen LE 01254359 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01255084

LE 01255084

Argostemma sp.⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 13.05.2024

Collectors: Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; Nguyen Van Canh; Maisak, Tatiana Viktorovna Field collecting number: AL3217. Collection date: 13.05.2024.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Lam GJong; VN - Tinh Khanh Hoa.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov photos; Flora of Vietnam
Original label text:
Argostemma sp.

Border of Lam Dong and Khanh Hoa provinces, Khan Le Pass, primary mixed montane forest with Pinus krempfii, Dacrydium and Dacrycarpus on shale at elevation of about 1600 m a.s.l. Lithophytic herb on shady wet stream rocks. Flowers white, anthers yellow. Locally common.
13 May 2024, L. Averyanov, Nguyen Van Canh, T. Maisak, AL3217.
All photos © L. Averyanov
Record creation: 2024-06-21, Аверьянов Леонид Владимирович. Processing status: work_status_1
Citation: Specimen LE 01255084 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01276063

LE 01276063

Lasianthus sp.⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 29.09.2016

Collectors: Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; et al. Field collecting number: CPC8119. Collection date: 29.09.2016.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Son La.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056; Flora of Vietnam
Original label text:
Lasianthus sp.

Son La Prov., Moc Chau Distr., Chieng Son comm., about 1 km to NE from Chieng Son village, around point 20°46’02.0N 104°37’03.1E. Remnants of primary broad-leaved evergreen forest on tops of hills composed with karstic highly eroded yellow-white limestone at elevation 1100-1050 m a.s.l. Shrub or small treelet 2-2.5 m tall in shady place. Flowers white. Not common.
29 September 2016 CPC 8119
Coll.: L.Averyanov, N.T.Hiep, N.S.Khang, C.Q.Ngan, T.V.Maisak, N.T.Son.
Record creation: 2024-05-24, Galina Savich, PhotoScan D2.. Processing status: work_status_1
Citation: Specimen LE 01276063 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01276064

LE 01276064

Randia sp.⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 01.05.2011

Collectors: Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; et al. Field collecting number: CPC2629. Collection date: 01.05.2011.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Quang Binh.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056; Flora of Vietnam
Original label text:
Randia sp.

Quang Binh Prov., Tuyen Hoa Distr., Lam Hoa municipality, Hung village, around point 17°55’41”N 105°49’43”E.
Secondary shrubs along small river on flat alluvial valley between remnant limestone hills composed with highly eroded marble-like crystalline limestone at elev. About 100 m a.s.l. Shrub to 3 m tall. Flowers white, later yellowish. Common.
CPC 2629 1 May 2011
Coll.: L.Averyanov, P.K.Loc, N.Q.Hieu, P.V.The, N.T.Vinh.
Record creation: 2024-05-24, Galina Savich, PhotoScan D2.. Processing status: work_status_1
Citation: Specimen LE 01276064 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01276065

LE 01276065

Mussaenda sp.⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 01.05.2011

Collectors: Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; et al. Field collecting number: CPC2630. Collection date: 01.05.2011.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Quang Binh.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056; Flora of Vietnam
Original label text:
Mussaenda sp.

Quang Binh Prov., Tuyen Hoa Distr., Lam Hoa municipality, Hung village, around point 17°55’41”N 105°49’43”E.
Secondary shrubs along small river on flat alluvial valley between remnant limestone hills composed with highly eroded marble-like crystalline limestone at elev. About 100 m a.s.l. Scandent shrub to 3 m tall. Flowers yellow, inflorescence bracts white. Very common.
CPC 2630 1 May 2011
Coll.: L.Averyanov, P.K.Loc, N.Q.Hieu, P.V.The, N.T.Vinh.
Record creation: 2024-05-24, Galina Savich, PhotoScan D2.. Processing status: work_status_1
Citation: Specimen LE 01276065 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01276066

LE 01276066

Hedyotis sp.⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 02.05.2011

Collectors: Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; et al. Field collecting number: CPC2657. Collection date: 02.05.2011.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Quang Binh.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056; Flora of Vietnam
Original label text:
Hedyotis sp.

Quang Binh Prov., Tuyen Hoa Distr., Lam Hoa municipality, near Ca Tang bridge crossing Gianh River, around point 17°57’31”N 105°48’43”E. Secondary broadleaved evergreen forest along river valley composed with stratified soft shale limestone at elev. about 60 m a.s.l. Terrestrial and lithophytic herb in open wet places. Flowers white. Occasional.
CPC 2657 2 May 2011
Coll.: L.Averyanov, P.K.Loc, N.Q.Hieu, P.V.The, N.T.Vinh.
Record creation: 2024-05-24, Galina Savich, PhotoScan D2.. Processing status: work_status_1
Citation: Specimen LE 01276066 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01276067

LE 01276067

Aidia sp.⁣ det. Phan Ke Loc at 11.05.2004

Collectors: Phan Ke Loc; Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; et al. Field collecting number: HAL5301. Collection date: 11.05.2004.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Ha Tinh.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056; Flora of Vietnam
Original label text:
Fam. Rubiaceae
Aidia sp.

N.Vietnam, Ha Tinh Prov., Huong Son Distr., Son Hong Municipality, around point 18є34'06''N, 105є11'40''E. Primary broad-leaved dry closed evergreen forest on very steep mt slopes of Khe Sinh stream canyon and along ridge composed with shale at elev. 600-1100 m a.s.l. near Laotian border. Shrub about 4 m tall. Fruits green. Not common.
No HAL 5301 11 May 2004
Collectors: P.K.Loc, L.Averyanov, P.V.The, N.T.Vinh.
Record creation: 2024-05-24, Galina Savich, PhotoScan D2.. Processing status: work_status_1
Citation: Specimen LE 01276067 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01276068

LE 01276068

Gardenia sp.⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 10.06.2004

Collectors: Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; et al. Field collecting number: HAL5529. Collection date: 10.06.2004.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Cao Bang.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056; Flora of Vietnam
Original label text:
Fam. Rubiaceae
Gardenia sp.

N.Vietnam, Cao Bang Prov., Trung Khanh Distr., Ngoc Khe Municipality, Pac Nga village, around point 22є54'59''N, 106є31'44''E, at elevation 700-750 m a.s.l. Secondary wet closed evergreen forest on steep rocky slopes of rocky ridges and mesae composed with light gray solid marble-like highly eroded crystalline limestone. Treelet 4-6 m tall on lower part of slope and in rocky valley. Flowers white, later yellowish, light fragrant. Occasional.
No HAL 5529 10 June 2004
Collectors: L.Averyanov, P.K.Loc, P.V.The, N.T.Vinh.
Record creation: 2024-05-24, Galina Savich, PhotoScan D2.. Processing status: work_status_1
Citation: Specimen LE 01276068 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01276069

LE 01276069

Randia sp.⁣ det. N. Tap at 20.03.2006

Collectors: N. Tap; N. V. Trai Field collecting number: HLF6014. Collection date: 20.03.2006.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Quang Tri.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov herbarium; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056; Flora of Vietnam
Original label text:
Randia sp.

Quang Tri Prov.
N. Tap, N. V. Trai
HLF 6014, 20.03.2006
Record creation: 2024-05-24, Galina Savich, PhotoScan D2.. Processing status: work_status_1
Citation: Specimen LE 01276069 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —