LE 01010383

LE 01010383

Neotype of Teucrium nuchense K. Koch⁣

Additional identifications: Teucrium chamaedrys L.⁣ det. Popov (Popoff), Nikolay (Nikolai) Petrovich
Collectors: Alexeenko, Fyodor Nikitich Field collecting number: 11005. Collection date: 14.08.1900.
Administrative regions: AZ - Shaki Rayon.
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Кавказа; Типовые образцы сектора Кавказа
Original label text:
Flora Caucasi
Gubernia Elisabetpol, District Nucha. Prope pagum Daschagil Super.
In schistosis apricis. 3900'
Record creation: 2020-10-01, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01010383 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01010384

LE 01010384

Lectotype of Teucrium chamaedrys var. pubescens N.P.Popov⁣ det. Melnikov, Denis Germanovich at 20.02.2014

Additional identifications: Teucrium chamaedrys var. pubescens N.P.Popov⁣ det. Popov (Popoff), Nikolay (Nikolai) Petrovich; Teucrium chamaedrys L.⁣ det. Fedtschenko, Olga Alexandrowna, Fedtschenko, Boris Alexjewitsch at 1893
Collectors: Fedtschenko, Olga Alexandrowna; Fedtschenko, Boris Alexjewitsch Collection date: 05.07.1893.
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Восточной Европы; Типовые образцы сектора Восточной Европы
Original label text:
Крым. Айданиль.
Record creation: 2019-04-15, Мельников Денис Германович
Citation: Specimen LE 01010384 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01052972

LE 01052972

Teucrium botrys L.⁣ det. Melnikov, Denis Germanovich at 28.08.2020

Groups of specimens: Herbarium of Abraham Ens
Chamaedrys 097
Record creation: 2020-08-06, Andrey Sytin, PhotoScan D2
Citation: Specimen LE 01052972 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01052983

LE 01052983

Teucrium chamaedrys L.⁣ ⟮s. l.⟯ det. Melnikov, Denis Germanovich at 28.08.2020

Groups of specimens: Herbarium of Abraham Ens
Chamaedrys 097
Record creation: 2020-08-06, Andrey Sytin, PhotoScan D2
Citation: Specimen LE 01052983 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01107946

LE 01107946

Teucrium chamaedrys L.⁣ det. Krylova I. L., Novoseltseva I. at 23.06.1956

Collectors: Krylova I. L.; Novoseltseva I. Collection date: 23.06.1956.
Administrative regions: UA - Republic of Crimea - Chernomorskiy rayon. Топоним: Тарханкут.
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Восточной Европы; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Крымский филиал Академии наук УССР
Крым. Тарханкут. Выгон на щебенистой почве к югу от села Меловое.
Coordinates (geographic position): 45° 20′ 55.85″ N, 32° 36′ 37.13″ E ±500 m
Record creation: 2021-03-20, Denis Melnikov, PhotoScan D2
Citation: Specimen LE 01107946 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01240802

LE 01240802

Holotype of Teucrium chamaedrys var. multinodum Bordz.⁣ det. Bordzilowski, Eugen Iwanowitsch at 1906

Additional identifications: Teucrium multinodum (Bordz.) Juz.⁣ det. Juzepczuk, Sergei Vasilievich at 12.1952; Teucrium chamaedrys L.⁣ det. Popov (Popoff), Nikolay (Nikolai) Petrovich
Collectors: Bordzilowski, Eugen Iwanowitsch Collection date: 08.06.1906.
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Кавказа; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056; Типовые образцы сектора Кавказа; Plantae Caucasicae.
Original label text:
Transcaucasia.Abchasia. District Suchum. In herbidis ad marginem silvae prope monasterium N. Athonense.

Caulis floriferi sterilibus multo numerosioribus, quam in f. typica et invarietatibus nunc notis [in specim. nostrio 13-14]; foliis saltem inferioribus et intermediis a basi subcordata v. truncata subito cuneatim in petiolum brevem attenuatis [nec basi sensim cuneatis].
Ob pubescentiam densiusculam patentem subcinerascens. Folia praeterinfima et floralia (saltem in specim nostris) internodiis breviora. Labium subtus praesertim ad basim longe albo-barbatum.

Record creation: 2023-11-17, Denis Melnikov, PhotoScan D2.
Citation: Specimen LE 01240802 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01240803

LE 01240803

Teucrium multinodum (Bordz.) Juz.⁣ det. Juzepczuk, Sergei Vasilievich at 12.1952

Additional identifications: Teucrium chamaedrys L.⁣ det. Juzepczuk, Sergei Vasilievich at 1919
Collectors: Savich (Savicz), Vsevolod Pavlovich Field collecting number: 31. Collection date: 1912.
Administrative regions: GE - Abkhazia.
Expedition: А. А. Еленкин и В. П. Савич. Черноморское побережье Кавказа-1912 ()
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Кавказа; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056; Типовые образцы сектора Кавказа
Original label text:
Черноморское побережье Кавказа. г. Гагры. Обрывы.
Record creation: 2023-11-17, Denis Melnikov, PhotoScan D2.
Citation: Specimen LE 01240803 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 12408012

LE 12408012

Holotype of Teucrium × alexeenkoanum Juz.⁣ det. Melnikov, Denis Germanovich at 24.02.2014

Additional identifications: Type of Teucrium × alexeenkoanum Juz.⁣ det. Juzepczuk, Sergei Vasilievich at 12.1952; Teucrium chamaedrys var. pubescens N.P.Popov⁣ det. Popov (Popoff), Nikolay (Nikolai) Petrovich; Syntype of Teucrium chamaedrys var. pubescens N.P.Popov⁣ det. Melnikov, Denis Germanovich at 11.02.2014
Collectors: Alexeenko, Fyodor Nikitich Field collecting number: 10037. Collection date: 24.07.1900.
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Кавказа; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056; Типовые образцы сектора Кавказа
Original label text:
Flora Caucasi.
Gubernia Baku, District Kuba. Ad flumen Ata-czai. Prope "Chaltanskaja Kazma", in herbidis. 600'
Record creation: 2023-11-17, Denis Melnikov, PhotoScan D2.
Citation: Specimen LE 12408012 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —