[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Clerodendrum ovatum R. Br. Type specimen category: Isolectotype Collectors: R. Brown Collection date: 1802 Country: Australia Locality: Iter Australiense
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016579 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016579
[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Clerodendrum galeatum Balf. f. Type specimen category: Isotype Collectors: B. Balfour Record number: 441 Collection date: 02.1880 Country: Jemen Locality: Socotra
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016580 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016580
[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Clerodendrum glabrum E. Mey. Type specimen category: Isotype Collectors: Drege Country: South Africa Locality: Cap. b. sp.
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016581 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016581
[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Clerodendrum glabrum var. angustifolia E. Mey. Type specimen category: Isotype Collectors: Herb. Fischer Country: South Africa Locality: [Cap. b. sp., Drege]
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016582 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016582
[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Clerodendrum driffithianum C.B. Clarke Type specimen category: Isotype Collectors: Herb. Griffith. Record number: 6054 Country: Malaysia Locality: Birma and Malay Peninsula
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016583 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016583
[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Clerodendrum holstii Gürke Type specimen category: Isotype Collectors: C. Holst Record number: 3208 Collection date: 07.1893 Country: Usambara Locality: Flora von Usambara, Dŭga - Wasserlaŭf
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016584 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016584
[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Clerodendrum holtzei F. Muell. Type specimen category: Syntype Collectors: P. Darwin Record number: 109 Country: Australia Locality: Cr. Maunie Holtze, Austral Pt.
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016585 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016585
[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Clerodendrum huegelii Hort. ex Regel Type specimen category: Type Collectors: Regel Record number: 60.5 Locality: Ex horto bot. Petropolitano.
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016586 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016586
[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Clerodendrum longicolle G. Mey. Type specimen category: Syntype? Collectors: Herb. Mertens Collection date: 1815 Country: Dutch Guiana Locality: Essequebo d. Oltarbein
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016587 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016587
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016588 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016588
[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Clerodendrum involucratum Vatke Type specimen category: Isotype Collectors: J.M. Hildebrandt Record number: 3438 Collection date: 05.1880 Country: Madagascar Locality: Flora von W. Madagascar, Statio pr. Marovoay
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016589 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016589
[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Clerodendrum kaempferi Fisch. ex C. Morren Type specimen category: Type Record number: 61.8 Locality: Ex horto bot. Petropolitano.
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016590 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016590
[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Clerodendrum violaceum Gürke Type specimen category: Isotype Collectors: G. Zenker Record number: 1428 Collection date: 1897 Country: Cameroon Locality: Flora von Kamerun, Yaúnde, Urwaldgebiet
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016591 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016591
[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Clerodendrum klemmei Elmer Type specimen category: Isotype Collectors: A.D.E. Elmer Record number: 8679 Collection date: 03.1907 Country: Philippines Locality: Philippine plants, Baguio, Province of Benguet, island Luzon
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016592 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016592
[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Clerodendrum macrostachyum Turcz. Type specimen category: Isotype Collectors: Lobt. Record number: 361 Country: Indonesia Locality: Java
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016593 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016593
Isotype of Clerodendrum myricoides (Hochst.) R. Br. ex Vatke
Field collecting number: 330. Collection date: 03.10.1837. Place of collection: Schimperi iter Abyssinicum. In regione media et inferiori montis Scholoda.Groups of specimens:Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектораComment:
[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Clerodendrum myricoides R. Br. Type specimen category: Isotype Record number: 330 Collection date: 03.10.1837 Country: Abyssinia Locality: Schimperi iter Abyssinicum. In regione media et inferiori montis Scholoda
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016594 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016594
[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Clerodendrum neumayeri Vatke Type specimen category: Isotype Collectors: J.M. Hildebrandt Record number: 1522 Collection date: 04.1875 Locality: Statio Somali-Yand Meid Altitude: 1000-1800 m
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016595 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016595
[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Clerodendrum penduliflorum Wall. Type specimen category: Isotype Collectors: N. Wallich Record number: 1795 Locality: Janag W. Gumeg
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016596 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016596
Specimen originale of Clerodendrum philippinense Elmer
Field collecting number: 22379. Collection date: 05.1927. Administrative regions:PH - Philippines. Place of collection: Plants of the Philippine island, Camp Stotsenburg (Mt. Pinatubo), Pampanga Province, Luzon.Groups of specimens:Образцы общего сектораComment:
[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Clerodendrum philippinense Elmer Type specimen category: Original material Collectors: A.D.E. Elmer Record number: 22379 Collection date: 05.1927 Country: Philippines Locality: Plants of the Philippine island, Camp Stotsenburg (Mt. Pinatubo), Pampanga Province, Luzon
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016597 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016597
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016598 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016598
Field collecting number: 10223. Collection date: 03.1908. Administrative regions:PH - Philippines. Place of collection: Philippine islands plants, Dumaguete (Cuernos mts.), province of Negros oriental, island of Negros.Groups of specimens:Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектораComment:
[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Clerodendrum preslii Elmer Type specimen category: Isotype Collectors: A.D.E. Elmer Record number: 10223 Collection date: 03.1908 Country: Philippines Locality: Philippine islands plants, Dumaguete (Cuernos mts.), province of Negros oriental, island of Negros
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016599 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016599
[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Clerodendrum toxicarium Baker Type specimen category: Syntype Collectors: Dr. Kirk Collection date: 1863 Country: Malawi Locality: River Shire, lat. 16º S.
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016600 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016600
Specimen originale of Clerodendrum triphyllum H. Pearson
Field collecting number: 1363. Administrative regions:ZA - South Africa. Place of collection: Caput Bonae Spei.Groups of specimens:Образцы общего сектораComment:
[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Clerodendrum triphyllum H. Pearson Type specimen category: Original material Collectors: Zeyher Record number: 1363 Country: South Africa Locality: Caput Bonae Spei
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016601 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016601
Specimen originale of Clerodendrum triphyllum H. Pearson
Field collecting number: 1362. Administrative regions:ZA - South Africa. Place of collection: Caput Bonae Spei.Groups of specimens:Образцы общего сектораComment:
[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Clerodendrum triphyllum H. Pearson Type specimen category: Original material Collectors: Zeyher Record number: 1362 Country: South Africa Locality: Caput Bonae Spei
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016602 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016602
[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Clerodendrum velutinum Wall. Type specimen category: Isotype Collectors: N. Wallich Record number: 1797 Collection date: 1822 Country: Singapour Locality: Singapour
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016603 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016603
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016604 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016604
Field collecting number: 11149. Collection date: 06.1909. Administrative regions:PH - Philippines. Place of collection: Philippine islands plants, Todaya (mt. Apo), district of Davao, Island of Mindanao.Groups of specimens:Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектораComment:
[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Clerodendrum williamsii Elmer Type specimen category: Isotype Collectors: A.D.E. Elmer Record number: 11149 Collection date: 06.1909 Country: Philippines Locality: Philippine islands plants, Todaya (mt. Apo), district of Davao, Island of Mindanao
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016605 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016605
[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Clerodendrum zambesiacum Baker Type specimen category: Syntype Collectors: J. Buchanan Record number: 332 Collection date: 1891 Country: Malawi Locality: Nyassa-land
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016606 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016606
[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Clerodendrum zambesiacum Baker Type specimen category: Syntype Collectors: J. Buchanan Record number: 332 Collection date: 1891 Country: Malawi Locality: Nyassa-land
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016607 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016607
[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Clerodendrum zenkeri Gürke Type specimen category: Isotype Collectors: G. Zenker Record number: 1075 Collection date: 1896 Country: Cameroon Locality: Flora von Kamerun, Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016608 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016608
Isotype of Teucrium cyprium subsp. kyreniae P.H. Davis
Field collecting number: 1921. Collection date: 04.08.1940. Place of collection: Flora of Cyprus, N. side of Yaylâ nr. Halifka distr. Kyrenia, saxatile in N. facing cliffs of Trypanian limestone, woody at base.Groups of specimens:Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектораComment:
[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Teucrium cyprium subsp. kyreniae P.H. Davis Type specimen category: Isotype Collectors: P.H. Davis Record number: 1921 Collection date: 04.08.1940 Country: Creta Locality: Flora of Cyprus, N. side of Yaylâ nr. Halifka distr. Kyrenia, saxatile in N. facing cliffs of Trypanian limestone, woody at base Altitude: 609-762 m
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016609 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016609
Collection date: 09.07.1910. Administrative regions:AM - Armenia. Place of collection: Plantae Caucasicae, Transcaucasia, Armenia Rossica, Provincia Kars, prope p. Karaurghan.Groups of specimens:Образцы общего сектораComment:
[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Teucrium litvinovii Juz. Type specimen category: Original material Collectors: T. Roop. Collection date: 09.07.1910 Country: Armenia Locality: Plantae Caucasicae, Transcaucasia, Armenia Rossica, Provincia Kars, prope p. Karaurghan
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016610 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016610
Isotype of Teucrium montbretii subsp. pampylicum P.H. Davis
Field collecting number: 14217. Collection date: 19.08.1947. Administrative regions:TR - Turkey. Place of collection: Flora of Turkey, Antalya, lufa rocks to west of harbour.Groups of specimens:Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектораComment:
[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Teucrium montbretii subsp. pampylicum P.H. Davis Type specimen category: Isotype Collectors: P.H. Davis Record number: 14217 Collection date: 19.08.1947 Country: Turkey Locality: Flora of Turkey, Antalya, lufa rocks to west of harbour
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016611 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016611
[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Stenogyne sherfii O. Deg. Type specimen category: Isotype Collectors: O. Degener et Ordonez Record number: 12999 Collection date: 28.04.1940 Country: USA Locality: Peahinaia Trail, Kawailoa, Oahu. Sower forest among Dicranopteria
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016612 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016612
[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Phyllostegia chamissonis Benth. Type specimen category: Original material Collectors: Cham. Country: USA Locality: O'Wahu
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016613 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016613
[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Phyllostegia chamissonis Benth. Type specimen category: Original material Collectors: Cham. Country: USA Locality: O'Wahu
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016614 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016614
[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Phyllostegia mollis Benth. Type specimen category: Type Collectors: Cham. Country: USA Locality: O'Wahu
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016615 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016615
Field collecting number: 274. Collection date: 01.06.1907. Place of collection: Prov. Batum, distr. Artwin. In lapidosis inter frutices supra p. Swetibar prope Artwin..Groups of specimens:Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектораComment:
[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Scutellaria woronowii Juz. Type specimen category: Isotype Collectors: G. Woronow Record number: 274 Collection date: 01.06.1907 Country: Georgya Locality: Prov. Batum, distr. Artwin. In lapidosis inter frutices supra p. Swetibar prope Artwin.
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016616 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016616
Isotype of Tapeinanthus persicus Boiss. ex Hohen.
Field collecting number: 18. Collection date: 15.04.1843. Place of collection: Pl. Pers. bor., in l. arenosis prope urbem Teheran.Groups of specimens:Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектораComment:
[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Tapeinanthus persicus Boiss. ex Hohen. Type specimen category: Isotype Collectors: Th. Kotschy Record number: 18 Collection date: 15.04.1843 Country: Iran Locality: Pl. Pers. bor., in l. arenosis prope urbem Teheran
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016617 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016617
[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Marrubium crassidens Boiss. Type specimen category: Isotype Collectors: Th. Kotschy Record number: 324 a Collection date: 25.07.1841 Country: Syria Locality: Pl. alepp. kurd. moss., in m. Gara Kurdist
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016618 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016618
Isotype of Marrubium bourgaei subsp. caricum P.H. Davis
Field collecting number: 13402. Collection date: 16.07.1947. Administrative regions:TR - Turkey. Place of collection: Flora of Turkey, Vil. Denizli (Caria) Boz Dag, scree.Groups of specimens:Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектораComment:
[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Marrubium bourgaei subsp. caricum P.H. Davis Type specimen category: Isotype Collectors: P.H. Davis Record number: 13402 Collection date: 16.07.1947 Country: Turkey Locality: Flora of Turkey, Vil. Denizli (Caria) Boz Dag, scree Altitude: 2133 m
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016619 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016619
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016620 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016620
Administrative regions:RO - Romania. Place of collection: Fl. Transsilvanica. Prope pag. Esehtelke.Groups of specimens:Образцы общего сектораComment:
[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Marrubium praecox Janka Type specimen category: Original material Collectors: V. Janka Collection date: 12.08.[18]76 Country: Romania Locality: Fl. Transsilvanica. Prope pag. Esehtelke
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016621 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016621
Collection date: 05.08.1875. Administrative regions:RO - Romania. Place of collection: In herbium collium prope pag. Esehtelke Transsilvanica centralis..Groups of specimens:Образцы общего сектораComment:
[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Marrubium praecox Janka Type specimen category: Original material Collectors: V. Janka Collection date: 05.08.1875 Country: Romania Locality: In herbium collium prope pag. Esehtelke Transsilvanica centralis.
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016622 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016622
[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Marrubium procerum Bunge Type specimen category: Isotype Collectors: Herbar. Bungeanum Collection date: 06.1858 Country: Iran Locality: Iter persicum. Regio montana et alpina inter Nischapur et Mechhed
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016623 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016623
[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Lachnostachys verbascifolia F. Muell. Type specimen category: Isolectotype Collectors: J. Drummond Record number: 237 Country: Australia Locality: Australia, ad fl. Cygnorum
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016624 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016624
Specimen originale of Agastache glaucifolia A. Heller
Field collecting number: 5792. Collection date: 28.06.1902. Administrative regions:US - United States of America. Place of collection: Plants of Calyfornia, Sonoma County, between Knight's Valley and Mark West Springs.Groups of specimens:Образцы общего сектораComment:
[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Agastache glaucifolia A. Heller Type specimen category: Original material Collectors: A.A. Heller Record number: 5792 Collection date: 28.06.1902 Country: USA Locality: Plants of Calyfornia, Sonoma County, between Knight's Valley and Mark West Springs
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016625 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016625
Specimen authenticum of Lophanthus rugosus Fisch. & C.A. Mey.
Additional identifications:Agastache rugosa (Fisch. & C.A. Mey.) Kuntze ⟮ID by scan⟯ det. Melnikov, Denis Germanovich at 16.01.2025Collection date: 1834. Administrative regions:CN - China. Place of collection: Cult. in hb. Petropolit. China.Groups of specimens:Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектораComment:
[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Lophanthus rugosus Fisch. et C.A. Mey. Type specimen category: Syntype Collection date: 1834 Country: China Locality: Cult. in hb. Petropolit. China
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016626 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016626
[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Lophanthus rugosus Fisch. et C.A. Mey. Type specimen category: Syntype Country: China Locality: [Cult. in hb. Petropolit. China]
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016627 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016627
Additional identifications:Agastache rugosa (Fisch. & C.A. Mey.) Kuntze det. Pojarkova, Antonina Ivanovna at 1961; Lophanthus rugosus Fisch. & C.A. Mey. det. Meyer, Carl Anton von at 1834Collection date: 1834. Administrative regions:CN - China. Place of collection: Cult. in hb. Petropolit. China.Groups of specimens:Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектораOriginal label text:
China cult.
Cult. in horto bot. Imp. Petropol.
[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Lophanthus rugosus Fisch. et C.A. Mey. Type specimen category: Lectotype Collection date: 1834 Country: China Locality: Cult. in hb. Petropolit. China
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016628 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016628