LE 01008402

LE 01008402

Artemisia gmelinii Weber ex Stechm.⁣

Collectors: Komarov, Vladimir Leontjevich Collection date: 30.08.1897.
Administrative regions: KP - Korea (Democratic People's Republic of). Place of collection: in rupibus ad ostium fluvii Cza-schin-gan, fl. Jalu influent..
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia gmelinii Weber ex Stechm
Type specimen category: General specimen
Collectors: V. L. Komarov
Collection date: 1897.08.30
Country: North Korea

translation from Russian to Latin
Record creation: 2020-08-10, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01008402 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01008403

LE 01008403

Artemisia gmelinii Weber ex Stechm.⁣

Collectors: Komarov, Vladimir Leontjevich Collection date: 27.07.1897.
Administrative regions: KP - Korea (Democratic People's Republic of). Place of collection: in rupibus in valle fl. Osinnia, fl. Jalu superior infl..
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia gmelinii Weber ex Stechm
Type specimen category: General specimen
Collectors: V. L. Komarov
Collection date: 1897.07.27
Country: North Korea

translation from Russian to Latin
Record creation: 2020-08-10, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01008403 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01008404

LE 01008404

Artemisia gmelinii Weber ex Stechm.⁣

Collectors: Schmidt, P. Field collecting number: 364. Collection date: 1900.
Administrative regions: KR - Korea (Republic of). Place of collection: [sine loco].
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia gmelinii Weber ex Stechm
Type specimen category: General specimen
Collectors: P. Schmidt
Record number: 364
Collection date: 1900
Country: Korea
Record creation: 2020-08-10, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01008404 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01008405

LE 01008405

Artemisia nakaii Pamp.⁣

Collectors: Schmidt, P. Field collecting number: 49. Collection date: 1900.
Administrative regions: KR - Korea (Republic of). Place of collection: [sine loco].
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia nakaii Pamp.
Type specimen category: General specimen
Collectors: P. Schmidt
Record number: 49
Collection date: 1900
Country: Korea
Record creation: 2020-08-10, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01008405 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01008406

LE 01008406

Artemisia palustris L.⁣

Field collecting number: 142. Collection date: 22.08.1958.
Administrative regions: KP - Korea (Democratic People's Republic of). Place of collection: Yonsa.
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia palustris L.
Type specimen category: General specimen
Collectors: Chae Kyu Zen
Record number: 142
Collection date: 1958.08.22
Country: North Korea
State/Province: Hampuk
Record creation: 2020-08-10, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01008406 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01008407

LE 01008407

Artemisia capillaris Thunb.⁣

Field collecting number: 195. Collection date: 10.1907.
Administrative regions: KR - Korea (Republic of). Place of collection: in littore Quelpaert.
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia capillaris Thunb.
Type specimen category: General specimen
Collectors: E. Taquet
Record number: 195
Collection date: 1907.10
Country: Korea
Record creation: 2020-08-10, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01008407 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01008408

LE 01008408

Artemisia annua L.⁣

Field collecting number: 196. Collection date: 10.1907.
Administrative regions: KR - Korea (Republic of). Place of collection: in muris You-Yeng, Quelpaert.
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia annua L.
Type specimen category: General specimen
Collectors: E. Taquet
Record number: 196
Collection date: 1907.10
Country: Korea
Record creation: 2020-08-10, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01008408 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01008409

LE 01008409

Artemisia sieversiana Willd.⁣

Collectors: Komarov, Vladimir Leontjevich Collection date: 31.07.1897.
Administrative regions: KP - Korea (Democratic People's Republic of). Place of collection: in ripa fl. Che-czchen-gan, ad ostium fl. To-in-muri, solum arenosum.
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia sieversiana Ehrh. ex Willd.
Type specimen category: General specimen
Collectors: V. L. Komarov
Collection date: 1897.07.31
Country: North Korea

translation from Russian to Latin
Record creation: 2020-08-10, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01008409 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01008410

LE 01008410

Artemisia sylvatica Maxim.⁣

Collectors: Komarov, Vladimir Leontjevich Collection date: 08.08.1897.
Administrative regions: KP - Korea (Democratic People's Republic of). Place of collection: In valle fl. Onkol-muri fl. Czan-dschingan infl., fl. Jalu-dsian influentis.
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia sylvatica Maxim.
Type specimen category: General specimen
Collectors: V. L. Komarov
Collection date: 1897.08.08
Country: North Korea

translation from Russian to Latin
Record creation: 2020-08-10, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01008410 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01008411

LE 01008411

Artemisia stolonifera (Maxim.) Kom.⁣

Collectors: Komarov, Vladimir Leontjevich Collection date: 25.07.1897.
Administrative regions: KP - Korea (Democratic People's Republic of). Place of collection: in sylvis prope trajectum Zatan-ien, bass. fl. Jalu superior.
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia stolonifera (Maxim.) Kom.
Type specimen category: General specimen
Collectors: V. L. Komarov
Collection date: 1897.07.25
Country: North Korea

translation from Russian to Latin
Record creation: 2020-08-10, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01008411 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01008412

LE 01008412

Artemisia stolonifera (Maxim.) Kom.⁣

Collectors: Schmidt, P. Field collecting number: 523. Collection date: 1900.
Administrative regions: KR - Korea (Republic of). Place of collection: [sine loco].
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia stolonifera (Maxim.) Kom.
Type specimen category: General specimen
Collectors: P. Schmidt
Record number: 523
Collection date: 1900
Country: Korea
Record creation: 2020-08-10, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01008412 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01008413

LE 01008413

Artemisia stolonifera (Maxim.) Kom.⁣

Collectors: Komarov, Vladimir Leontjevich Collection date: 13.08.1897.
Administrative regions: KP - Korea (Democratic People's Republic of). Place of collection: in ripa fl. Jalu, via ab ostium fl. Czan-dschin-gan ad opp. Chudschu-ubi.
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia stolonifera (Maxim.) Kom.
Type specimen category: General specimen
Collectors: V. L. Komarov
Collection date: 1897.08.13
Country: North Korea

translation from Russian to Latin, specimen from China (Mandchuria) is mounted on the same sheet
Record creation: 2020-08-10, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01008413 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01008414

LE 01008414

Artemisia umbrosa (Turcz. ex Besser) Turcz. ex Verlot⁣

Collectors: Komarov, Vladimir Leontjevich Collection date: 28.08.1897.
Administrative regions: KP - Korea (Democratic People's Republic of). Place of collection: In valle ad ostium fluv. Cza-schin-gan, in pratis arenosis.
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia umbrosa Turcz. ex DC.
Type specimen category: General specimen
Collectors: V. L. Komarov
Collection date: 1897.08.28
Country: North Korea

translation from Russian to Latin
Record creation: 2020-08-10, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01008414 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01010257

LE 01010257

Syntype of Artemisia hololeuca M. Bieb. ex Besser⁣

Groups of specimens: Типовые образцы сектора Восточной Европы; Образцы сектора Восточной Европы
Original label text:
Ded.[.....] 1837. Incretaceis ad fl. Ox[?] Kol & Donez
Record creation: 2019-04-14, Мельников Денис Германович
Citation: Specimen LE 01010257 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01010301

LE 01010301

Artemisia hololeuca M. Bieb. ex Besser⁣

Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Восточной Европы
Record creation: 2019-04-14, Мельников Денис Германович
Citation: Specimen LE 01010301 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01017223

LE 01017223

Syntype of Artemisia achilleoides Turcz.⁣

Collectors: Bunge, Alexander Andrejewitsch von Field collecting number: [sine num.]. Collection date: 1831.
Administrative regions: MN - Mongolia. Place of collection: Monghol..
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии; Типовые образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia achilleoides Turcz.
Type specimen category: syntype
Original paper: 1832, Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou, 5 : 195
Collectors: Bunge
Record number: [sine num.]
Collection date: [1831]
Country: Mongolia
State/Province: Mongolia
Record creation: 2020-08-03, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01017223 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01017224

LE 01017224

Syntype of Artemisia achilleoides Turcz.⁣

Field collecting number: [sine num.]. Collection date: 1831.
Administrative regions: MN - Mongolia. Place of collection: in montosis lapidosis Mongolia Chinensis.
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии; Типовые образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia achilleoides Turcz.
Type specimen category: syntype
Original paper: 1832, Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou, 5 : 195
Collectors: [sine coll.]
Record number: [sine num.]
Collection date: 1831
Country: Mongolia
State/Province: Mongolia
Record creation: 2020-08-03, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01017224 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01017225

LE 01017225

Artemisia achilleoides Turcz.⁣

Field collecting number: [sine num.]. Collection date: 1841.
Administrative regions: MN - Mongolia. Place of collection: Mongolia Chinensis.
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia achilleoides Turcz.
Type specimen category: General specimen
Collectors: Kirilow
Record number: [sine num.]
Collection date: 1841
Country: Mongolia
State/Province: Mongolia
Record creation: 2020-08-03, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01017225 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01017226

LE 01017226

Syntype of Artemisia achilleoides Turcz.⁣

Field collecting number: [sine num.]. Collection date: 1831.
Administrative regions: MN - Mongolia. Place of collection: in montosis lapidosis Mongolia Chinensis.
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии; Типовые образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia achilleoides Turcz.
Type specimen category: syntype
Original paper: 1832, Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou, 5 : 195
Collectors: [sine coll.]
Record number: [sine num.]
Collection date: 1831
Country: Mongolia
State/Province: Mongolia
Record creation: 2020-08-03, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01017226 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01017227

LE 01017227

Syntype of Artemisia achilleoides Turcz.⁣

Field collecting number: 233.
Administrative regions: MN - Mongolia. Place of collection: около станции Ходото.
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии; Типовые образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia achilleoides Turcz.
Type specimen category: syntype
Original paper: 1832, Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou, 5 : 195
Collectors: Ladyjenski
Record number: 233
Collection date: 10.08.
Country: Mongolia
State/Province: Mongolia
Record creation: 2020-08-03, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01017227 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01017228

LE 01017228

Syntype of Artemisia achilleoides Turcz.⁣

Field collecting number: 203.
Administrative regions: MN - Mongolia. Place of collection: около станции Могойту, по горам.
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии; Типовые образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia achilleoides Turcz.
Type specimen category: syntype
Original paper: 1832, Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou, 5 : 195
Collectors: Ladyjenski
Record number: 203
Collection date: 10.08.
Country: Mongolia
State/Province: Mongolia
Record creation: 2020-08-03, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01017228 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01017239

LE 01017239

Syntype of Artemisia trifida Turcz.⁣

Field collecting number: [sine num.]. Collection date: 1831.
Administrative regions: CN - China. Place of collection: In montosis lapidosis Mongoliae chinensis..
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии; Типовые образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia trifida Turcz.
Type specimen category: syntype
Original paper: 1832, Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscou, 5 : 196
Collectors: [I. Kuznetzov]
Record number: [sine num.]
Collection date: 1831
Country: China
State/Province: Inner Mongolia
Record creation: 2020-08-03, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01017239 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01017254

LE 01017254

Holotype of Artemisia monostashya Bunge ex Maxim.⁣

Collectors: Bunge, Alexander Andrejewitsch von Field collecting number: [sine num.]. Collection date: 1831.
Administrative regions: MN - Mongolia. Place of collection: Monghol..
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии; Типовые образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia monostashya Bunge ex Maxim.
Type specimen category: holotype
Original paper: 1872, Bull. Acad. Sci. Pétersb. 17 : 429
Collectors: A. Bunge
Record number: [sine num.]
Collection date: [1831]
Country: Mongolia
Record creation: 2020-08-03, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01017254 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01017255

LE 01017255

Syntype of Artemisia nanschanica Krasch.⁣

Field collecting number: [sine num.]. Collection date: 14.06.1884.
Administrative regions: CN - China. Place of collection: ad fl. Latronum, 13500 ped. alt..
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии; Типовые образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia nanschanica Krasch.
Type specimen category: syntype
Original paper: 1922, Not. Syst. (Petrop.), 3, 5–7 : 19
Collectors: N.M. Przewalski
Record number: [sine num.]
Collection date: 14.06.1884
Country: China
State/Province: Xizang
Record creation: 2020-08-03, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01017255 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01017256

LE 01017256

Syntype of Artemisia nanschanica Krasch.⁣

Field collecting number: 244. Collection date: 24.06.1884.
Administrative regions: CN - China. Place of collection: in montibus ad fl. Tala-tschü, in rupibus parce, 13500 ped alt..
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии; Типовые образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia nanschanica Krasch.
Type specimen category: syntype
Original paper: 1922, Not. Syst. (Petrop.), 3, 5–7 : 19
Collectors: N.M. Przewalski
Record number: 244
Collection date: 24.06.1884
Country: China
State/Province: Xizang
Record creation: 2020-08-03, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01017256 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01017257

LE 01017257

Syntype of Artemisia nanschanica Krasch.⁣

Field collecting number: 143. Collection date: 27.06.1900.
Administrative regions: CN - China. Place of collection: озеро Русское, северо-западный берег, на глинисто-каменистых обрывах..
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии; Типовые образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia nanschanica Krasch.
Type specimen category: syntype
Original paper: 1922, Not. Syst. (Petrop.), 3, 5–7 : 19
Collectors: V.F. Ladygin
Record number: 143
Collection date: 27.06.1900
Country: China
State/Province: Xizang
Record creation: 2020-08-03, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01017257 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01017258

LE 01017258

Syntype of Artemisia nanschanica Krasch.⁣

Field collecting number: 274. Collection date: 26.06.1884.
Administrative regions: CN - China. Place of collection: ad fl. By-tschü 13000 ped. in pratis frequens.
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии; Типовые образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia nanschanica Krasch.
Type specimen category: syntype
Original paper: 1922, Not. Syst. (Petrop.), 3, 5–7 : 19
Collectors: N.M. Przewalski
Record number: 274
Collection date: 26.06.1884
Country: China
State/Province: Xizang
Record creation: 2020-08-03, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01017258 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01017259

LE 01017259

Lectotype of Artemisia nanschanica Krasch.⁣

Field collecting number: 343. Collection date: 11.06.1879.
Administrative regions: CN - China. Place of collection: alpes Nan-shan.
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии; Типовые образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia nanschanica Krasch.
Type specimen category: lectotype
Original paper: 1922, Not. Syst. (Petrop.), 3, 5–7 : 19
Collectors: N.M. Przewalski
Record number: 343
Collection date: 11.06.1879
Country: China
State/Province: Qinghai
Record creation: 2020-08-03, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01017259 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01017260

LE 01017260

Syntype of Artemisia nanschanica Krasch.⁣

Field collecting number: 181. Collection date: 30.06.1894.
Administrative regions: CN - China. Place of collection: Северные склоны хр. Гумбольдта, альпийский луг 10–13000'..
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии; Типовые образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia nanschanica Krasch.
Type specimen category: syntype
Original paper: 1922, Not. Syst. (Petrop.), 3, 5–7 : 19
Collectors: V. Roborowski
Record number: 181
Collection date: 30.06.1894
Country: China
State/Province: Qinghai
Record creation: 2020-08-03, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01017260 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01017261

LE 01017261

Syntype of Artemisia obscura Pamp.⁣

Field collecting number: 224. Collection date: 07.1885.
Administrative regions: CN - China. Place of collection: Mongolia occidentalis, Keria.
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии; Типовые образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia obscura Pamp.
Type specimen category: syntype
Original paper: 1930, Nuov. Giorn. Bot. Ital. n. s. 36 : 417
Collectors: N.M. Przewalski
Record number: 224
Collection date: 07.1885
Country: China
State/Province: Xinjiang
Record creation: 2020-08-03, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01017261 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01017262

LE 01017262

Syntype of Artemisia obscura Pamp.⁣

Field collecting number: 298. Collection date: 13.07.1909.
Administrative regions: MN - Mongolia. Place of collection: Горы Дунду Сайхан, по руслу на песчано-перегнойной почве..
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии; Типовые образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia obscura Pamp.
Type specimen category: syntype
Original paper: 1930, Nuov. Giorn. Bot. Ital. n. s. 36 : 417
Collectors: S.S. Chetyrkin
Record number: 298
Collection date: 13.07.1909
Country: Mongolia
Record creation: 2020-08-03, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01017262 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01017263

LE 01017263

Syntype of Artemisia obscura Pamp.⁣

Field collecting number: [sine num.]. Collection date: 01.06.1893.
Administrative regions: CN - China. Place of collection: Тянь-Шань.
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии; Типовые образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia obscura Pamp.
Type specimen category: syntype
Original paper: 1930, Nuov. Giorn. Bot. Ital. n. s. 36 : 417
Collectors: V. Roborowski
Record number: [sine num.]
Collection date: 01.06.1893
Country: China
State/Province: Xinjiang
Record creation: 2020-08-03, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01017263 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01017264

LE 01017264

Syntype of Artemisia obscura Pamp.⁣

Collectors: Potanin, Grigorii Nikolajevic Field collecting number: [sine num.]. Collection date: 13.08.1879.
Administrative regions: MN - Mongolia. Place of collection: р. Чон-Хариха.
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии; Типовые образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia obscura Pamp.
Type specimen category: syntype
Original paper: 1930, Nuov. Giorn. Bot. Ital. n. s. 36 : 417
Collectors: G.N. Potanin
Record number: [sine num.]
Collection date: 13.08.1879
Country: Mongolia
Record creation: 2020-08-03, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01017264 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01017268

LE 01017268

Lectotype of Artemisia obscura Pamp.⁣

Field collecting number: 734. Collection date: 26.07.1880.
Administrative regions: CN - China. Place of collection: Тетунский [Тетунгский] хребет, 7500'.
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии; Типовые образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia obscura Pamp.
Type specimen category: lectotype
Original paper: 1930, Nuov. Giorn. Bot. Ital. n. s. 36 : 417
Collectors: N.M. Przewalski
Record number: 734
Collection date: 26.07.1880
Country: China
State/Province: Qinghai
Record creation: 2020-08-03, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01017268 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01017271

LE 01017271

Holotype of Artemisia ordosica Krasch.⁣

Field collecting number: 375. Collection date: 24.08.1871.
Administrative regions: CN - China. Place of collection: Terra Ordos, in valle fl. Hoang-ho.
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии; Типовые образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia ordosica Krasch.
Type specimen category: holotype
Original paper: 1946, Not. Syst. (Leningrad), 9, 4–12 : 173
Collectors: N.M. Przewalski
Record number: 375
Collection date: 24.08.1871
Country: China
State/Province: Inner Mongolia
Record creation: 2020-08-03, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01017271 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01017272

LE 01017272

Isotype of Artemisia ordosica Krasch.⁣

Field collecting number: 375. Collection date: 24.08.1871.
Administrative regions: CN - China. Place of collection: Terra Ordos, in valle fl. Hoang-ho.
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии; Типовые образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia ordosica Krasch.
Type specimen category: isotype
Original paper: 1946, Not. Syst. (Leningrad), 9, 4–12 : 173
Collectors: N.M. Przewalski
Record number: 375
Collection date: 24.08.1871
Country: China
State/Province: Inner Mongolia
Record creation: 2020-08-03, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01017272 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01017273

LE 01017273

Isotype of Artemisia ordosica Krasch.⁣

Field collecting number: 375. Collection date: 24.08.1871.
Administrative regions: CN - China. Place of collection: Terra Ordos, in valle fl. Hoang-ho.
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии; Типовые образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia ordosica Krasch.
Type specimen category: isotype
Original paper: 1946, Not. Syst. (Leningrad), 9, 4–12 : 173
Collectors: N.M. Przewalski
Record number: 375
Collection date: 24.08.1871
Country: China
State/Province: Inner Mongolia
Record creation: 2020-08-03, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01017273 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01017275

LE 01017275

Holotype of Artemisia pewzowii C. Winkl.⁣

Field collecting number: [sine num.]. Collection date: 11.07.1890.
Administrative regions: CN - China. Place of collection: Kuen-Lun: хр. Русский, отв. склон р. Бостан-тограк, 8000–9000' а. в. На лёссовых склонах речной балки.
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии; Типовые образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia pewzowii C. Winkl.
Type specimen category: holotype
Original paper: 1893, Acta Horti Petrop. 13, 1 : 3
Collectors: W.I. Roborowsky
Record number: [sine num.]
Collection date: 11.07.1890
Country: China
State/Province: Xinjiang
Record creation: 2020-08-03, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01017275 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01017277

LE 01017277

Holotype of Artemisia przewalskii Krasch.⁣

Field collecting number: 420. Collection date: 13.08.1901.
Administrative regions: CN - China. Place of collection: Вост. Цайдам, западная окраина Дабасун-гоби, на глинистой почве, 9400' а. в. 1.
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии; Типовые образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia przewalskii Krasch.
Type specimen category: holotype
Original paper: 1921, Not. Syst. (Petrop.), 2, 26 –28 : 191
Collectors: V.F. Ladygin
Record number: 420
Collection date: 13.08.1901
Country: China
State/Province: Qinghai
Record creation: 2020-08-03, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01017277 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01017288

LE 01017288

Paratype of Artemisia sphaerocephala Krasch.⁣

Collectors: Potanin, Grigorii Nikolajevic Field collecting number: [sine num.]. Collection date: 10.08.1886.
Administrative regions: MN - Mongolia. Place of collection: Gobi regio media, Tsache-Schari-chulussun (уроч. Цзахе-Шари-Хулусун).
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии; Типовые образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia sphaerocephala Krasch.
Type specimen category: paratype
Original paper: 1936, Acta Inst. Bot. Acad. Sci. URSS, sér. 1, 3 : 348
Collectors: G.N. Potanin
Record number: [sine num.]
Collection date: 10.08.1886
Country: Mongolia
Record creation: 2020-08-03, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01017288 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01017289

LE 01017289

Holotype of Artemisia sphaerocephala Krasch.⁣

Field collecting number: 890. Collection date: 04.09.1880.
Administrative regions: CN - China. Place of collection: mont. Alaschan.
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии; Типовые образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia sphaerocephala Krasch.
Type specimen category: holotype
Original paper: 1936, Acta Inst. Bot. Acad. Sci. URSS, sér. 1, 3 : 348
Collectors: N.M. Przewalski
Record number: 890
Collection date: 04.09.1880
Country: China
State/Province: Inner Mongolia
Record creation: 2020-08-03, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01017289 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01017290

LE 01017290

Paratype of Artemisia sphaerocephala Krasch.⁣

Collectors: Potanin, Grigorii Nikolajevic Field collecting number: [sine num.]. Collection date: 31.08.1884.
Administrative regions: CN - China. Place of collection: Ордос, уроч. Шар-бурдю.
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии; Типовые образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia sphaerocephala Krasch.
Type specimen category: paratype
Original paper: 1936, Acta Inst. Bot. Acad. Sci. URSS, sér. 1, 3 : 348
Collectors: G.N. Potanin
Record number: [sine num.]
Collection date: 31.08.1884
Country: China
State/Province: Inner Mongolia
Record creation: 2020-08-03, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01017290 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01017291

LE 01017291

Paratype of Artemisia sphaerocephala Krasch.⁣

Field collecting number: [sine num.]. Collection date: 08.1877.
Administrative regions: CN - China. Place of collection: Ordos australis, inter Porobalgalsun et Wansjan.
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии; Типовые образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia sphaerocephala Krasch.
Type specimen category: paratype
Original paper: 1936, Acta Inst. Bot. Acad. Sci. URSS, sér. 1, 3 : 348
Collectors: Verlinden
Record number: [sine num.]
Collection date: 08.1877
Country: China
State/Province: Inner Mongolia
Record creation: 2020-08-03, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01017291 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01017292

LE 01017292

Lectotype of Artemisia tangutica Pamp.⁣

Field collecting number: 677. Collection date: 24.07.1880.
Administrative regions: CN - China. Place of collection: Regio Tangut (prov. Kansu): jugum S a fl. Tetung, 8500' s. m. in glareosis secus rivulos frequens.
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии; Типовые образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia tangutica Pamp.
Type specimen category: lectotype
Original paper: 1930, Nuov. Giorn. Bot. Ital. n. s. 36 : 426
Collectors: N.M. Przewalski
Record number: 677
Collection date: 24.07.1880
Country: China
State/Province: Qinghai
Record creation: 2020-08-03, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01017292 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01017293

LE 01017293

Syntype of Artemisia tangutica Pamp.⁣

Field collecting number: [sine num.]. Collection date: 16.09.1887.
Administrative regions: CN - China. Place of collection: Kansu (Przew.).
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии; Типовые образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia tangutica Pamp.
Type specimen category: syntype
Original paper: 1930, Nuov. Giorn. Bot. Ital. n. s. 36 : 426
Collectors: Maxim. [C.I. Maximowicz]
Record number: [sine num.]
Collection date: 16.09.1887
Country: China
State/Province: Qinghai
Record creation: 2020-08-03, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01017293 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01017294

LE 01017294

Syntype of Artemisia tangutica Pamp.⁣

Field collecting number: [sine num.]. Collection date: 09.07.1887.
Administrative regions: CN - China. Place of collection: Kansu (Przew.).
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии; Типовые образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia tangutica Pamp.
Type specimen category: syntype
Original paper: 1930, Nuov. Giorn. Bot. Ital. n. s. 36 : 426
Collectors: Maxim. [C.I. Maximowicz]
Record number: [sine num.]
Collection date: 9.07.1887
Country: China
State/Province: Qinghai
Record creation: 2020-08-03, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01017294 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01017295

LE 01017295

Syntype of Artemisia tangutica Pamp.⁣

Field collecting number: [sine num.]. Collection date: 02.07.1887.
Administrative regions: CN - China. Place of collection: Kansu (Przew.).
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии; Типовые образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia tangutica Pamp.
Type specimen category: syntype
Original paper: 1930, Nuov. Giorn. Bot. Ital. n. s. 36 : 426
Collectors: Maxim. [C.I. Maximowicz]
Record number: [sine num.]
Collection date: 2.07.1887
Country: China
State/Province: Qinghai
Record creation: 2020-08-03, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01017295 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01017296

LE 01017296

Syntype of Artemisia tangutica Pamp.⁣

Field collecting number: 548. Collection date: 08.09.1901.
Administrative regions: CN - China. Place of collection: Ганьсу: кумирня Чортэн-тан, высота 7–7500 фут. а. в., по склонам гор и по дну ущелий (глина, перегной и глин.-каменис.).
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии; Типовые образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia tangutica Pamp.
Type specimen category: syntype
Original paper: 1930, Nuov. Giorn. Bot. Ital. n. s. 36 : 426
Collectors: V.F. Ladygin
Record number: 548
Collection date: 08.09.1901
Country: China
State/Province: Qinghai
Record creation: 2020-08-03, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01017296 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01018045

LE 01018045

Lectotype of Artemisia centiflora Maxim.⁣

Field collecting number: 389. Collection date: 05.09.1871.
Administrative regions: CN - China. Place of collection: Mont. Alaschan, in arenosis subsalsis rarissima.
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии; Типовые образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia centiflora Maxim.
Type specimen category: lectotype
Original paper: 1880, Bull. Acad. Sci. Pétersb. 26 : 493
Collectors: N.M. Przewalski
Record number: 389
Collection date: 05.09.1871
Country: China
State/Province: Inner Mongolia
Record creation: 2020-08-03, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01018045 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —
LE 01018047

LE 01018047

Isolectotype of Artemisia centiflora Maxim.⁣

Field collecting number: 389. Collection date: 05.09.1871.
Administrative regions: CN - China. Place of collection: Mont. Alaschan, in arenosis subsalsis rarissima.
Groups of specimens: Образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии; Типовые образцы сектора Центральной и Восточной Азии
[Imported description]
Taxon: Artemisia centiflora Maxim.
Type specimen category: isolectotype
Original paper: 1880, Bull. Acad. Sci. Pétersb. 26 : 493
Collectors: N.M. Przewalski
Record number: 389
Collection date: 05.09.1871
Country: China
State/Province: Inner Mongolia
Record creation: 2020-08-03, Ivan Tatanov, from old scans
Citation: Specimen LE 01018047 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS —