Type of Nepeta italica subsp. rigidula A.L. Budantzev
Field collecting number: 2412. Collection date: 07.1908. Place of collection: Plantae Syriae borealis, hab.: monts Amanus, region de Dülül.Groups of specimens:Образцы общего сектора; Типовые образцы Общего сектораComment:
[Imported description] Family: Lamiaceae Taxon: Nepeta italica subsp. rigidula A.L. Budantzev Type specimen category: Type Collectors: M. Haradjian Record number: 2412 Collection date: 07.1908 Country: Syria Locality: Plantae Syriae borealis, hab.: monts Amanus, region de Dülül Altitude: 5-7000'
Record creation: 2021-01-24, Vladimir Dorofeev, Mellon Plants Initiative grantCitation: Specimen LE 00016683 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/00016683