Specimens – LE 01122987

LE 01122987

Peliosanthes longiracemosa K.S.Nguyen, N.Tanaka & Aver.⁣ det. Noriyuki Tanaka, Khang Sinh Nguyen at 27.10.2021

Additional identifications: Peliosanthes sp.⁣ det. Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich at 20.10.2021
Collectors: Averyanov, Leonid Vladimirovich; Maisak, Tatiana Viktorovna Field collecting number: CPC7440 TM 1140. Collection date: 20.10.2021.
Administrative regions: VN - Tinh Ha Giang; VN - Tinh Tuyen Quang.
Groups of specimens: L. V. Averyanov specimens; L. V. Averyanov photos; Соглашение Минобрнауки №075-15-2021-1056
Original label text:
Peliosanthes sp. (“gigantifolia”)

Border area between Phieng Luong municipality (Ha Giang Prov., Bac Me Distr.) and Sinh Long municipalitiy (Tuen Quang Prov., Na Hang Distr.). Primary broad-leaved humid evergreen and mixed forest on very steep slopes and along rocky ridge composed with solid crystalline highly eroded limestone at elevation 1100-1170 m a.s.l. around point 22°38’24.3’’N 105°20’21.3’’E. Terrestrial in shady place on shady alluvial bottom of limestone mountain. Fruits glossy green. Common.

14 November 2014 CPC 7440
Coll.: L.Averyanov, N.T.Hiep, N.S.Khang, T.Maisak, L.Osinovetz

Fl. and coll. on 26 10 2021, L. Averyanov, CPC 7440 TM 1140
Coordinates (geographic position): 22° 38′ 24.3″ N, 105° 20′ 21.3″ E ±1000 m
All photos © - L. Averyanov
Record creation: 2021-11-12, Leonid Averyanov, PhotoScan D2. Processing status: work_status_1
Citation: Specimen LE 01122987 // Virtual herbarium of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS — http://re.herbariumle.ru/01122987